Time to Teach Core Belief #5 - Classroom ecology can have a huge impact on student success:
- The design, layout, seating arrangement, and décor all affect student learning
- Lighting, music, scents, and colors can go a long way toward setting the tone, “feel,” and atmosphere of a classroom
Do you want a classroom where everyone feels like they belong? Do you want to minimize a classroom ecology that creates an artificial hierarchy?
Contact me to discuss the one-day workshop, or visit www.mrdunegan.com for more details.
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Mr. D Delivers… Practical Proven Strategies Maximize your teaching time!… Eliminate Repeated Warnings Maximize Achievement Motivate Your Students Improve Your Scores More Time To Teach Contact Us A Note From Mr. D… I will…Teach. Motivate. Inspire. Mr. D is a veteran educator with 20 years of...
Time to Teach Core Belief #4 - Problem behavior can be changed.
- Problem behavior is captivating in nature
- Color systems, clothespins, 3 strikes (i.e. multiple warning systems) fail to permanently change behavior
Let me show you how the Time to Teach REFOCUS™ system can help eliminate up to 90% of the low-level misbehaviors and disruptions that sap your energy and joy of teaching.
Contact me today to schedule a workshop or visit www.mrdunegan.com for more details.
Home - Teach With Mr. D
Mr. D Delivers… Practical Proven Strategies Maximize your teaching time!… Eliminate Repeated Warnings Maximize Achievement Motivate Your Students Improve Your Scores More Time To Teach Contact Us A Note From Mr. D… I will…Teach. Motivate. Inspire. Mr. D is a veteran educator with 20 years of...
Time to Teach Core Belief #3: Behavior is learned. Therefore, good behavior must be systematically taught.
How many times have you said, "You're in (X)th grade, you should know how to do this by now." If you're having to say it, sometimes repeatedly, apparently they don't, or they don't know how to do it to meet your expectations.
Instead of assuming and expecting, teach them using Time to Teach Teach-To’s™. Teach-To’s™ are ready-to-go lesson plans for both elementary and secondary classrooms that cover nearly all aspects of classroom community from how to raise your hand, to how to sit at your desk, and many others.
Ready to learn more about Time to Teach Teach-To’s™? Contact me today to discuss my one-day workshop? You can also learn about the workshop at www.mrdunegan.com .
Home - Teach With Mr. D
Mr. D Delivers… Practical Proven Strategies Maximize your teaching time!… Eliminate Repeated Warnings Maximize Achievement Motivate Your Students Improve Your Scores More Time To Teach Contact Us A Note From Mr. D… I will…Teach. Motivate. Inspire. Mr. D is a veteran educator with 20 years of...
Time to Teach Core Belief #2: Conflict is inevitable...combat is optional
It's been said many times, you don't have to attend every argument you're invited to. Yet, this is something that happens too often in the classroom. Instead of jumping into the ring, here are four things you can say instead:
For example, student says, "This is the most boring class ever!"
Teacher response options (diffusers):
1. I understand
2. Nevertheless
3. Probably so
4. I'm sorry
If you want more time to teach, contact me today. For workshop information, www.mrdunegan.com
Time to Teach Core Belief #1 - Caring is Key
"Students don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." ~ Madeline Hunter
"Students don't learn from teachers they don't like." ~ Rita Pearson
Our students are real human beings, not just names in our grade books. They will thrive if they are treated as humans. Care about them, truly, and they will work with you and for you.
Teach With Mr. D
Home - Teach With Mr. D
Mr. D Delivers… Practical Proven Strategies Maximize your teaching time!… Eliminate Repeated Warnings Maximize Achievement Motivate Your Students Improve Your Scores More Time To Teach Contact Us A Note From Mr. D… I will…Teach. Motivate. Inspire. Mr. D is a veteran educator with 20 years of...
I am John Dunegan. I am a national trainer with Time to Teach and a veteran educator with 20+ years of experience. With teachers leaving in droves, it's time to look at how we can do things differently to the benefit of teachers AND students. Two of the big things driving teachers out of the classroom:
1 - Pay
2 - student behaviors
I can't fix number one, but if give me a chance, I can show you how you can make #2 a thing of the past, especially those low-level behaviors that peck away at your days.
To find more Time to Teach, visit www.mrdunegan.com, and send an email to [email protected].
Home - Teach With Mr. D
Mr. D Delivers… Practical Proven Strategies Maximize your teaching time!… Eliminate Repeated Warnings Maximize Achievement Motivate Your Students Improve Your Scores More Time To Teach Contact Us A Note From Mr. D… I will…Teach. Motivate. Inspire. Mr. D is a veteran educator with 20 years of...