If you’ve ever travelled by air, then you’ve heard of these safety instructions from that cute inflight attendant;
“When the air pressure goes down, oxygen masks will automatically drop from the overhead containers. Ensure you put a mask around yourself first, and then proceed to help out your children or any elderly around you.”
Have you wondered why they ask parents to take care of themselves first before looking to help their own kids?
I think the answer’s quite simple. What if you try to help your child first, but in the process end up fainting because of oxygen deprivation? Neither will you be safe in that situation, nor your child.
Alternatively, if you had put the mask over yourself first, then with the steady flow of oxygen you can easily help those around you who might need.
Only when you’re in a position where your basics are taken care of, will you be in a position comfortable enough to help those around you, without self sabotaging yourself. Ensure you have all the resources needed to preseve your own skin, before you start on the journey of helping others.
That’s what F-uck Anxiety is all about.
I make it my mission to do all that’s necessary to uplift myself to the best position possible. I make it my vision to see capable individuals reach the same level, collaborate with them and then faciliate a better lifestyle for those around us.
It’s a process of self empowerment, followed by a dedication to community empowerment.
I invite you to come experience this magic for yourself.