CSET Professor Featured in Stanford News
Trellis is a 6-year, research-based, practice-focused preparation & development program growing exce
Trellis is a model for secondary (grades 6-12) STEM teacher education and professional learning in California that:
- Will be the "gold standard" for how STEM teachers are recruited, prepared, and supported as developing professional educators and that, over time, will be known for producing the most prepared, effective and committed educators in California;
- Will be based on best practices and
CSET Professor Featured in Stanford News
Retweeted White House Af-Am Ed ():
Choosing a School for My Daughter in a Segregated City https://t.co/EfRriQLtPn https://t.co/TU7SlJFaom
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Retweeted Brian Marks ():
Most U.S. high schools don’t teach calculus https://t.co/LaHGZODLHr
Most U.S. High Schools Don’t Teach Calculus Students of color are less likely to have access to advanced courses.
Retweeted WeAreTeachers ():
Love this. Start thinking about the best that could happen! https://t.co/gSaA3Ip3Gm
WeAreTeachers (@WeAreTeachers) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from WeAreTeachers
Retweeted John Rampton ():
What’s the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable. ~Anonymous
Retweeted Education Pioneers ():
35% of Black children, 7-12th grade, have been suspended or expelled
HUGE cost of dropout problem https://t.co/S49RXBQXcp via
Cost of suspensions is high for students who drop out after discipline, report finds Researchers put the cost at $755,000 for each student who drops out.
Retweeted AAUW ():
"I was told by many that a woman could not be an astronomer. I'm glad I ignored them" -Dr. Roman, one 's first female execs
Chevron STEM Leadership Forum student demos: robots, calcium, and lasers, oh my! https://t.co/vQAeSxS8SD
Trellis Education (@TrellisEdu) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from Trellis Education
Phil Gonsalvez: "Teaching is hard. I encourage everyone in this room to go teach for a week"
Phil Gonsalvez: "we need to proceed with urgency"
Phil Gonsalvez: drop off of AA female interest in STEM careers over time is "criminal and unacceptable"
Teachers are critical - how can companies like , ensure ALL students have exceptional STEM teachers?
Quinn Woodard: exposure to STEM role models isn't there: Kids know the next sports star, how can they know next astronaut?
Balaji Venkataraman: "diverse groups consistently outperform non-diverse groups" Chevron STEM Leadership Forum
Balaji Venkataraman: "our factories are not your grandfathers' factories...we need people who can think"
Phil Gonsalvez: "our kids are natural engineers"
Phil Gonsalvez: "we teach kids math, then we beat them into submission...or intervention"
Quinn Woodard to Sts: "you have to utilize the resources around you so you can be successful" Chevron STEM Leadership Forum
Phil Gonsalvez: "we should call STEM MSTE...math should come first" :) Chevron STEM Leadership Forum
Phil Gonsalves on common student reason for not choosing STEM majors: "I heard it's hard" Chevron STEM Leadership Forum
Irving McPhail on preparing next gen of STEM: "By 2050 there will no longer be majority race" Chevron STEM Leadership Forum
Irving McPhail: "CA has 1M STEM jobs and 13% of all STEM jobs in US" Chevron STEM Leadership Forum
Joseph Geagea: "everyone here has a vital stake in STEM education" Chevron STEM Leadership Forum
Retweeted White House Af-Am Ed ():
We are bearing witness to a profound moment in black culture, Aperture shows https://t.co/3fhHj0pkdE https://t.co/y8rHl0pAhB
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Retweeted Notre Dame STEM ED ():
Thinking of all of our as they complete the school year! Can't wait to have both Cohorts on campus in July!
Retweeted Jon Deane ():
Framing a faculty design challenge at Design Tech HS https://t.co/sItuh1xiHK
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Retweeted Level Playing Field ():
The numbers don't lie --- this is the case in Silicon Valley. We can do better https://t.co/1G1xTIkIFt
Level Playing Field (@LPFI) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from Level Playing Field
Retweeted Level Playing Field ():
We can do better in California & across the nation https://t.co/Jk25qqjnAn
Level Playing Field (@LPFI) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from Level Playing Field
Prototyping! https://t.co/9T8FwT4BZf
Trellis Education (@TrellisEdu) posted a photo on Twitter Get the whole picture - and other photos from Trellis Education