Get Motivated!
Lynda Field Life Coach
Life Coaching and Confidence Boosting at at www.lyndafield.com
A clinical part of Uplifting Towers Nursery and Primary School.A place where leaders are made from all aspect of education.
Get Motivated!
Lynda Field Life Coach
Life Coaching and Confidence Boosting at at www.lyndafield.com
Eniola ojo's letter.first of its kind.
Do you know where the honey stomach is inside a honey bee? Did you even know there _was_ a honey stomach? Learn about it and more in our weekly free newsletter. You're entered to WIN A BOOK GIVEAWAY just by signing up! http://bit.ly/1tIbDM0
Simple kwame
Word of wisdom
is 10 steps away.
Pray,that all u need to conquer November into joyous December.
The 48 Laws of Power Adapted from the book "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene. For a free report on strategies Robert Greene used to create his books and insights, visit his b…
Model with vitiligo takes on fashion world The beautiful Chantelle Brown-Young is a model living with the rare skin condition, vitiligo, best known for turning Michael Jackson's skin white
The other day I was asked to interview Anthony Robbins on his new book Money: Master The Game.
Tony's work has helped a ton of people. And so I agreed.
There were a few of us on the call which lasted 90 minutes and covered topics ranging from how money masters do it to the latest thinking on longevity (take care of yourself now because in 20 years technological advances will likely add 50 more years to your life) to success moves smart entrepreneurs can leverage to win.
It's a seriously hard-hitting interview full of beautiful information (otherwise I wouldn't send it over to you)...
Everything was recorded and I trust it'll really serve you well.
My gift to you...
Here's the link: http://bit.ly/1q8PNfs
More good news for you...
In just a few days, I'll be sending you the first video in my new 4-part video training series that I've spent the past many weeks crafting with great care, devotion and love...
..Video #1 takes you on an epic journey with me from a vineyard in South Africa to The Spanish Steps in Rome...and...
..along the way I'll share some pretty awesome insights on amping up your productivity and getting to virtuoso-levels of achievement...
..zero charge for all this new video training I'll be giving you.
I just hope you'll use all of the great ideas and tactics I share.
Please check your inbox early next week for video #1 so you don't miss it. I promise you that you'll absolutely love it.
Very best,
P.S. Here's the link to the interview I did with Tony Robbins http://bit.ly/1q8PNfs
If I must fixture in the features I want for the future,then I must be able to feature in the daily fixtures life has for me even inspire of down time or recession.I must always stand tall to these fixtures only to feature in this future.
Today was crazy but never will it be crazier on Monday sweet November .
Which are you?
Fresh you won't believe it from our archive
New words list September 2014 - Oxford English Dictionary List of new word entries In addition to revised versions of Second Edition entries, these ranges contain the following new entries: New words New sub
You want to blaze the trail,follow your instinct.follow your heart but chase your dreams.
Rome wasn't built in the day.that is true,which means it was built in the night.lolzz.the basic is,work hard nnd dare to live all your dreams.
Salt is the only produce never planted.honey is the only produce that can never get spoilt.
Future is not in the yet to come,it is what lies within us.we can't see the future from the present but we can prospect and anticipate the better for the best.think future,think you.
There is a difference between read and read,thought and taught,refuse and rescues,resume and resume.it is in your thinking you get to know.
There is no English word as Unforgiveness,or Insultive.puzzle?scrabble it out and checkmate.
This is what we stand for-do it yourself attitude.
We believe in the test trial of life,going all the way down to discover so as to recover.