"IT SUPPORT", une équipe dédiée à l’organisation des formations à distance, des séminaires e

Operating as usual

Photos from I.T SUPPORT's post 11/10/2022

Team Work Make the Dream Work !!

ICTIST'22 Conference is organized with the objective of bringing together innovative scientists, professors, research scholars, students and industrial experts in the field of Computing, Communication and Engineering to a common forum.

International Conference on Trends and Innovations in Smart Technologies (ICTIST) organized Virtually from 07 to 08 October. Thanks to the great engagement of our partners, The African Center for IT and Cybersecurity Research (ARCIC), IT Support and Ibn Zohr University from Morocco, Bright Star University from Libya, Zamzam University from Somalian SCIREP Institute from South Korea.

In this edition, we are honored to announce that the abstract of accepted papers will be published as proceeding report by Computer Sciences and Mathematics Forum MDPI.
Selected best papers will be invited to submit an extended full paper to many Reputed and Indexed Journals.

Our deepest thanks to all the speakers, participants, session chairs, technical committee members, and organizing members for making this event successful.

And finally we would like to thank all speakers for their inspiring speech at the ICTIST'22 Conference.

See You in the Next Edition :: ICTIST'23 !!

Photos from I.T SUPPORT's post 22/08/2022

Nous avons le plaisir de partager avec vous les meilleurs moments de webinaire intitulé "S'inspirer de votre Sujet de Thèse pour Créer votre Propre Startup" organisé aujourd’hui par I.T SUPPORT Group.
Le webinaire a reçu d'excellents retours de la part du public.
Nos plus sincères remerciements à notre intervenante et à toute personne ayant participé à cet atelier.
D'autres ateliers et événements seront programmés très prochainement.
Restez à l'écoute !


Le Group IT Support organise le 22 Aout un Webinaire intitulé "S'inspirer de votre Sujet de Thèse pour Créer votre Propre Startup"

-Venez découvrir comment Lancer votre startup à partir de votre sujet de thèse !!
-Comment avoir le statut Doctorant/ Docteur Entrepreneur !!
-Découvrir les programmes d'incubation au Maroc etc..

Veuillez s'inscrire sur le lien suivant afin de recevoir le lien Google Meet du Webinaire.

--> Date: Lundi 22 Aout 2022
--> Heure : A partir de 17h
--> 100% en ligne via Google Meet
--> Participation: Gratuite
--> Attestation de Participation

1. Les places sont limitées. Premier arrivé, premier servi ! Une fois arrivés au nombre de participants prévu, nous serons contraints de clore les inscriptions.
2. Pour obtenir l'attestation de participation, un lien de formulaire de présence sera diffusé le même jour vers la fin du séminaire.


سنة هجرية مباركة وكل عام وانتم بخير.


Dear All,
It's our pleasure to announce that IT Support is one of patrons of the International Conference on Trends and Innovations in Smart Technologies (ICTIST), that will be held from 07 to 08 October 2022 Virtually from London, UK. Our conference is organized with the objective of bringing together innovative scientists, professors, research scholars, students and industrial experts in the field of Computing, Communication and Engineering to a common forum.

Paper Submission:
Authors are invited to submit papers in various domains (and not limited to) such as: Communication Networks, Data science, Data Analytics, Intelligent Systems, Information Security, Engineering through easychair portal using the following link:

Abstracts of all accepted papers will be published as Proceeding Report by Computer Sciences & Mathematics Forum MDPI.
Selected papers will be published in Reputed and Indexed Journals:
-- EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things: https://lnkd.in/eVa42Efw
-- EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities: https://lnkd.in/e7WteXkM
-- International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems: https://lnkd.in/dhnymkNx
-- MDPI Information: https://lnkd.in/dtAYUczs
-- International Journal of Computer Engineering and Data Science (IJCEDS): https://lnkd.in/eNdmrKr2
-- Libyan Journal of Engineering Science and Technology: http://ljest.bsu.edu.ly/

We would like to introduce and express our sincere gratitude to our Keynote Speakers for the International Conference on Trends and Innovations in Smart Technologies (ICTIST),

Important Dates:
Submission deadline: 30 August,2022 (Extended Date)
Notification deadline: 10 September,2022
Camera-ready deadline (Free of Charge): 20 September,2022
Conference date: October 07-08, 2022

📌For more details about conference, keynotes and topics kindly visit the link of the website:

No Registration Fee!!


IT SUPPORT vous souhaite Aid Adha Moubarak.


Dear All,
It's our pleasure to announce that IT Support is one of patrons of the International Conference on Trends and Innovations in Smart Technologies (ICTIST), that will be held from 07 to 08 October 2022 Virtually from London, UK. The conference is organized with the objective of bringing together innovative scientists, professors, research scholars, students and industrial experts in the field of Computing, Communication and Engineering to a common forum.

Paper Submission:
Authors are invited to submit papers in various domains (and not limited to) such as: Communication Networks, Data science, Data Analytics, Intelligent Systems, Information Security, Engineering through easychair portal using the following link:

We would like to introduce and express our sincere gratitude to our Keynote Speakers for the International Conference on Trends and Innovations in Smart Technologies (ICTIST),

Important Dates:
Submission deadline: 31 July,2022
Notification deadline: 10 September,2022
Camera-ready deadline (Free of Charge): 20 September,2022
Conference date: October 07-08, 2022

📌For more details about conference, keynotes and topics kindly visit the link of the website:

No Registration Fee!


IT Support vous souhaite Aid Mobarak Said.

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

Qui sommes-sous?

"IT SUPPORT", une équipe dédiée à l’organisation des formations à distance, des séminaires en ligne et des conférences dans le but d’améliorer vos connaissances dans les différents domaines de technologie de l'information et de sciences de l'ingénieur.
