The Young Economist Students’ Meet (YESM) is an initiative pioneered by the students of the Department of Economics, Jadavpur University.
The basic objective of the meet is to bring together on a common platform the students and scholars of Economics, thereby offering opportunities to young minds to know and grow through interaction with each other and with the stalwarts of the field. The first edition of the YESM was held in January 2008, with subsequent editions being held in 2008, 2009, and 2010 respectively. This year, the stude
nts of the Department of Economics are organizing the 5th inter-institutional YESM on the 22nd and 23rd of December, 2011 with the primary objective of enabling interactive exchange of ideas among the student fraternity of Economics.Students of all other departments are warmly invited to attend the event if they wish to, although constraints of time and scale force us to restrict participation to students of Economics only. The full details about the themes and sub-themes of YESM 2012 as well as the "Rules and Regulations" of participation will be put up shortly. We look forward to the whole-hearted participation of students and we hope to turn YESM 2012 into an even bigger success than the previous editions.