Please LIKE and SHARE. This conference takes place HERE at MSU, the call date ends on 1/22/19 and what is needed to submit is minimal.
Emerging Learning Design 2019 – Emerging Learning Design (ELD)
Emerging Learning Design 2019Generation EmergingMontclair NJ, US May 30-31, 2019 Call for ProposalsOpen Perhaps more than ever in human history, students today are aware of how they are positioned in the world. With a wide range of technology readily available, being part of a global conversation is...
has a Space for Everyone!
Invest in your courses, research, and projects by connecting with professionals in a variety of fields.
Connect with Others and Transform your Courses, Research, or Projects! #ELDc18 has a Space for Everyone – Emerging Learning Design (ELD)
Find a place to collaborate with others from different fields of study.Register for and share ideas and experiences. When you register for the 2018 Emerging Learning Design Conference ( ), you are investing in your courses, research, and projects by connecting with professionals in a v...
The ELDc18 Conference Program is Out Now and ELDj Finds a New Home!
Our Conference program is available now! This year we will have over 30 speakers in our 2-day conference
We have also published an article on the Emerging Learning Design Journal (ELDj)’s new home! Find more information on how ELDj is part of Digital Commons, the Montclair State University institutional repository
Our ELDc18 Conference Program is Out Now and ELDj Finds a New Home! – Emerging Learning Design (ELD)
Check out the amazing program andRegister for the 2018 Emerging Learning Design Conference today! Our Conference program is available now! This year we will have over 30 speakers in our 2-day conference, presenting a wide range of sessions with topics such as: Learner Experience (LX), Instructional....
Become a Member+ today and get 60% of your membership back immediately!
Register for the 2018 Emerging Learning Design Conference as a Member+ and enjoy a 20% discount on the conference registration right off the top!
When you sign up for our Member+ option, you will not only save $30 dollars on registrations (which means your membership only cost $19!), you can also take advantage of a 10% discount on on-campus housing for , all the benefits of our Free membership, and additional benefits exclusive to the Member+ option.
For more information about our memberships visit http://eld.montclair.edu/membership/ or register today.
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, and Twitter!
has a place for you to stay
Don’t let travel and budget restrictions get in the way of amazing opportunities!
is now accepting on-campus housing requests!
What could be more convenient that only having to walk 10 minutes to the conference? No car, no shuttle, and a rate 40% cheaper than the closest hotels is a win/win for all!
We are offering a single-occupancy dorm-style room with private bathroom in Montclair State University’s newest residence hall. Go to http://eld.montclair.edu/venue-logistics/ for more information about the room and facility. Member+, remember to get and use your promo code to waive the Eventbrite fee.
For more information, visit our TRAVEL AND VENUE page at http://eld.montclair.edu/venue-logistics/
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, and Twitter!
Look What’s in Store for You - Register Today for our Annual Conference
As we finalize our schedule for the 2018 Emerging Learning Design Conference ( ), check out some of our Concurrent sessions, including:
-Learning Experience Design: From Idea to Implementation
-Ten Critical Differences Between UX and LX Design
-User Experience in Higher Ed: Developing Fully Online Immersive Experiences
Additionally, we have sessions focused on New Media, Trends vs. Fads, and Media Literacy.
Register today for our annual conference and attend these, and many other dynamic and productive sessions.
For an updated list on our Concurrent sessions and details on each session, please visit http://eld.montclair.edu/timetable/event/concurrent-session-tbd-4/
Visit our website and register for our conference today at http://eld.montclair.edu/register/
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, and Twitter!
Join in the discussions!
2018 Emerging Learning Design Conference ( )
and our Virtual Communities through your ELD membership
Join us at , May 31 and June 1, 2018, and engage with a community interested in learning design, learner experience, technology in higher ed, and more.
Engage with the ELD virtual community anytime! Become a member and get exclusive access to our private LinkedIn group. If you are coming to ELDc18, sign up for a membership when you register for the event, or save on the conference fee and sign up for our Member+ membership.
Already an ELD member? Select ‘Conference registration plus FREE ELD membership’ whether you are a free or Member+ membership and you will skip the service fee. You can also take this opportunity to upgrade to a Member+ membership and save on the registration and the membership.
Find more information at http://eld.montclair.edu/
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
[Reminder] Call for Nominations: ELD Executive Board
The Emerging Learning Design Executive Board is still accepting nominations for individuals to join the board.
The right candidate should expect to attend regular Executive Board meetings (1-2 times monthly, set schedule) and lead at least one ELD committee and participate actively in a second.
Nominations are confidential. Self-nominations are encouraged, however, you are also welcome to nominate someone else. The ELD Elections & Guidelines Committee will contact all nominees to confirm interest and nomination materials (CV, statement of interest).
The nomination form can be found at https://richmond.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4Tq4UK60LNdG4qp
For more information on the roles of Executive Members, please visit http://eld.montclair.edu/emerging-learning-design-executive-board/.
For information about ELD’s mission Statement, visit http://eld.montclair.edu/about/.
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
The Center for the Digital Humanities at Montclair State University is pleased to announce a one-day workshop called GIS in the Humanities.
Join us on
Friday March 16th, 2018 from 8:30am to 4:30pm
Registration is open to ALL
The full cost is $225.00, but there are substantial discount codes for CHSS, Montclair State, New Jersey Digital Humanities Consortium, Emerging Learning Design, and other members of education or non-profit organizations. See the Eventbrite Registration (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gis-in-the-humanities-registration-39304218977) site for details.
The full-day event will include:
A 90-minute plenary on Use and Application followed by three 60-minute concurrent sessions (Mapping GIS Applications: A Primer, ArcGIS Online: The Basics, and Licensed and Open Source Software: Pros & Cons
A 75-minute plenary on Research Design and Methodology followed by three 60-minute concurrent sessions (A Project: Using OpenStreetMap, A Project: Using ArcGIS Online, Text>Data: Wrangling Research in a Spreadsheet)
A 30-minute wrap-up following by an Open Lab, where attendees can wonder from station to station (think: Poster Session) and ask questions of those at each station.
Breakfast and Lunch will both be provided, as well as parking for those not from Montclair State.
Visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gis-in-the-humanities-registration-39304218977 for details and to register
Feel free to write to [email protected] if you have any questions.
Membership – Emerging Learning Design (ELD)
Emerging Learning Design Membership Until now, Emerging Learning Design (ELD) has been "subscription"-based, those interested subscribed to our listserve or site and received information as we shared it. Over the last year of so, ELD has outgrown some of our older models of operation, as interest in...
Create Effective and Meaningful Experiences for the Learner - “From Learner Centered to Learner Experience (LX)
From Learner Centered to Learner Experience (LX), the conference theme for the 2018 Emerging Learning Design conference ( ) will host a place to discuss design of learning experiences, where the learner voice is integrated more purposefully by sharing the experience development and iteration process with those for whom it is designed.
Visit our website and register for our conference today at http://eld.montclair.edu/register/
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
Emerging Learning Design Executive Board is seeking committed individuals to assist in the continued growth of Emerging Learning Design.
The ELD Executive Board is accepting nominations for individuals to join the board. Executive Board members are active in the organization and implementation of ELD activities, events, and projects. Additionally, they help in the development of the ELD Virtual Community, Annual Conference, and Journal.
Responsibilities of an Executive Board member include:
- Regular Executive Board meetings (1-2 times monthly, set schedule)
- Lead at least one ELD committee and participate actively in a second
Nominations are confidential. Self-nominations are encouraged, however, you are also welcome to nominate someone else. The ELD Elections & Guidelines Committee will contact all nominees to confirm interest and nomination materials (CV, statement of interest).
The nomination form can be found at https://richmond.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4Tq4UK60LNdG4qp
For more information on the roles of Executive Members, please visit http://eld.montclair.edu/emerging-learning-design-executive-board/
For information about ELD’s mission Statement, visit http://eld.montclair.edu/about/
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
Share Your Ideas with the ELD Community! Sign up For our Membership Program and Save When You Register for
We would like to invite you to join us at !
You can join our community as a member when registering for the conference,
or, if you are not able to join us at ELDc18 this year,
you can sign up for our FREE or Member+ memberships.
When you become a member, you will be able to:
- be part of a community where you can bring your unique input.
- participate in open-minded virtual and physical spaces, which promotes a wide range of intellectual discourse within our community.
- network with people from different backgrounds and fields of study, with potential for collaborations in future projects and long lasting connections.
Register for at http://eld.montclair.edu/register/ or Sign Up for an ELD Membership today at http://eld.montclair.edu/membership/
We would also like to remind everyone that our reopened Call for Submissions is closing on February 28. The call was reopened in order to add three new keywords: New Media, Trends v. Fads, and Media Literacy. Submit something in these, or any of our other keyword categories - but get your submission in before the 28th.
Visit the ELDc18 Conference Website for details and the proposal submissions form. We can’t wait to welcome you into our community and hopefully at ELDc18 as well!
For more information about our and registration, please visit eld.montclair.edu
To find more information about our memberships, visit eld.montclair.edu/membership
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
We want to invite you to join us at the 2018 Emerging Learning Design Conference
on May 31st and June 1st, 2018 ( )
Join the ELD Community as a Member for FREE when you register OR
save 20% instantly on your registration by becoming a Member+!
When you register, select Registration plus FREE Membership, and ELD will pay the processing fee*! With this membership, you will get:
- exclusive early access to ELD announcements,
- the chance to participate in the conference or journal submission review process, and
- access to the ELD Exclusive LinkedIn community
SAVE EVEN MORE! When registering, sign up for our Member+ option and, in addition to all the Member benefits, you get:
- a 20% DISCOUNT applied to the registration right away
- eligibility to serve on or attend select ELD committees
- an invitation to a Member+ Only function
- and more!
Register today! Visit http://eld.montclair.edu/register/ to sign up for .
For more information on our membership program, visit http://eld.montclair.edu/membership/
* If you do not select Registration plus FREE membership or plus Member+ Membership, there will be a processing fee added to your registration. This fee is only for non-members, so be sure to check FREE membership or Member+ when you register.
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
In light of recent events, Emerging Learning Design (ELD) is announcing a new call for proposals for the 2018 conference, “From Learner Centered to Learner Experience (LX)” with three new keywords added to the program:
- New Media
- Trends vs. Fads
- Media Literacy
Deadline for submissions is February 28, 2018.
Please visit the ELDc18 Conference Website for the proposals submissions form, session types & keywords, and FAQs
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
Register for Today!
Registration for the 8th Annual Emerging Learning Design Conference is officially open! This year’s theme will be “From Learner Centered to Learner Experience (LX)” and will be held from May 31st. To June 1st. We will be exploring how education has changed in the last 25 years from the norm of teacher-focused, sage-on-the-stage to placing the learner at the core of the learning experience. Driven by the wide adoption of design thinking and user experience processes, LX pushes to make sure the learner voice is integrated more purposefully by sharing the experience development and iteration process with those for whom it is designed.
seeks to bring together diverse voices and innovative approaches to designing with the learner in mind.
Visit http://eld.montclair.edu/ to find more information on the conference’s theme.
Space is limited. Reserve your spot today at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-emerging-learning-design-conference-tickets-41894895761
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
We will be announcing important information about tomorrow morning. Stay tuned!
Effective communication allows the community to keep growing -- Follow this link for a quick update on our social media posting policy: http://eld.montclair.edu/about/eldcsmpostingpolicy/
ELD Communications and Social Media Posting Policy – Emerging Learning Design (ELD)
ELD Social Media and Communication Policy Overview: ELD wants to ensure the ability to communicate in an efficient manner to its member, potential members, and observers. The main objective of this policy is to ensure users are able to locate and receive the necessary information that reflects the p...
Media Contact
Sergio Uzeta
AJ Kelton
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 973-655-5077
Emerging Learning Design Journal Announces the Proceedings Issue from OLC Collaborate with Emerging Learning Design
The mission of the Emerging Learning Design Conference is to provide a space to showcase innovation as well as to engage in a vibrant and dynamic discourse regarding pedagogy and how technology can better enhance or transform it.
MONTCLAIR, NJ - January 19, 2018 – The Emerging Learning Design Journal (ELDj), continuing in its efforts to encourage academic communication in the emerging learning design field, announces the release of its latest issue for 2017.
ELDj’s Vol. 5, Issue 2 features Elliot King’s article on educational technology and the outcomes of online education compared to traditional teaching, and Junior Tidal’s article on hyperlink management with YOURLS, an open source, short link manager.
This issue’s brief section presents Deborah Keyek-Franssen’s article on the importance of massive open online courses (MOOCs) for big data analysis. In addition, ELDj’s trend section introduces Erin Scully and Kinta D. Montilus’ article on design thinking, its definition, and a model that can be adopted by people looking to improve their learning design and practices.
ELDj, under co-Editors-in-Chief Jerry Alan Fails and AJ Kelton, will continue to provide a virtual space for scholars to share, integrate, and showcase emerging learning design.
For access to the articles, visit us at http://eldj.montclair.edu or connect with ELD on LinkedIn, Google+ or Twitter
About Emerging Learning Design Journal (ELDj)
The Journal of Emerging Learning Design (ELDJ) is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal that provides a platform for academics and practitioners to explore emerging learning design theories, concepts, and issues and their implications at national and international levels.
An outgrowth of the annual Emerging Learning Design Conference (ELDc), which makes its home at Montclair State University (MSU), the ELDj invites scholarly communication in the emerging learning design field and consists of articles, trends, and briefs, that present, or review engaging and dynamic approaches to new and current practices that incorporate technology in learning environments and processes
# # #
The Emerging Learning Design Journal — ELDJ - ISSN 2474-8218 (effective 11/17/16 - formerly 2328-6938)
ELDJ - ISSN 2474-8218 (effective 11/17/16 - formerly 2328-6938)
Changes Coming in 2018: Apply for Your Membership Today!
ELD wants to invite you to join our new membership community. What does this mean to you? Membership for individuals get:
- Exclusive early access to ELD announcements
- The chance to participate in the conference or journal submission review process
- Access to the ELD Exclusive LinkedIn community
And that’s just the Free membership - Member+ offers much more.
We also introduce our three new membership options for educational institutions, organizations, and commercial partners.
For more information, visit http://eld.montclair.edu/membership/
We hope you had a wonderful winter break and we wish you all the best in 2018!
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn
New Year, New Members!
We are pleased to announce our two new Executive Board members C.L. Eddins and Dr. Jeff Bergin!
C.L. Eddins has a B.A. in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance and a minor in History. He has a M.Ed. in Instructional Design. He has been an instructional designer for over 8 years. C.L. Eddins is a huge advocate and believer in distance learning, particularly online learning. He has over 10 years of experience as a college professor. He enjoys collecting art and sports.
Dr. Jeff Bergin has led curriculum, instructional, experience, and environment design for various educational technology companies for the past 20 years. Currently, Dr. Bergin is the Vice President of Learning Research & Design at Macmillan Learning, where he leads a team of learning researchers and experience designers. Previously, he was the Vice President of Learning & Experience Design for Pearson’s Global Product Organization, and his team designed more than a dozen product models that included personalized and adaptive systems, online courseware, e-books, lab-based interventions, and handheld products. Dr. Bergin has also participated in learner environment and learning services design for Upward Bound, Rogers Memorial Hospital, the Wisconsin Health Education Center, Viacom, Tesseract Charter Schools, Sunrise Preschools, Maricopa Community Colleges, and Pearson Schools Group. Dr. Bergin holds a Ph.D. from Arizona State University and has presented and published on topics including learning design, online learning, and technology-augmented instruction.
Lastly, from all of us at ELD, well wishes for the holiday break and all the best for the new year ahead!
Registration for ELDc18 will open in January 2018.
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn
Introducing June Ahn, Ph.D.
ELDc18 Keynote
We are pleased to announce that June Ahn, Associate Professor of Learning Sciences/Educational Technology at NYU, will be giving the keynote address at ELDc18. Dr. Ahn is known for his work on the interplay between technology, information, teaching, and learning. His research interests include design and understanding users within broader societal contexts. Current projects Dr. Ahn is working on are “Data Viz for Education,” “famLAB” in partnership with the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, and “Digital Learning Challenge - Partnerships and Community Development for Information Learning Opportunities.”
You can read more about his work on his website: http://ahnjune.com/
Registration for ELDc18 will open in January 2018.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to hear June Ahn, Ph.D. talk about design, learning, and technology!
It’s not too late! Call for Proposals due December 1, 2017
If you still want to submit a proposal for the Emerging Learning Design Conference 2018 do not worry, there is still time!
The 8th Annual Emerging Learning Design Conference ( )
May 31st - June 1st, 2018 at Montclair State University.
Click the following link to submit the Proposal Form:http://eld.montclair.edu/submit-proposal/
The theme for this year’s conference is
From Learner Centered to Learner Experience (LX)
Visit the ELDc18 Conference Website at http://eld.montclair.edu/ for
Proposal Submission Form: http://eld.montclair.edu/submit-proposal/
Session Types & Keywords
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
To Our Amazing Community - Thank You!
We all have so much to be thankful for.
At ELD we want to send our warmest regards to you
and everyone in the extended ELD community.
Click this link :http://eld.montclair.edu/submit-proposal/ to submit your conference proposal or http://eldj.montclair.edu/2017/10/03/call-for-submissions/ for journal submissions today!!
Visit http://eld.montclair.edu for details on ELDc18 and http://eldj.montclair.edu for details on ELDj.
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
It's not too late!
DEADLINE EXTENDED - Call for Proposals Due Dec, 1
8th Annual Emerging Learning Design Conference - Call for Proposals
Click the following link for the Proposals Submission Form: http://eld.montclair.edu/submit-proposal/
8th Annual Emerging Learning Design Conference ( )
May 31st - June 1st, 2018 at Montclair State University.
The theme for this year’s conference is
From Learner Centered to Learner Experience (LX)
Education has changed more in the last 25 years than the 250 before that. Whereas once the norm was teacher-focused, sage-on-the-stage, a shift is still going on that places the learner at the core of the learning experience. Driven by the wide adoption of design thinking and user experience processes, LX pushes to make sure the learner voice is integrated more purposefully by sharing the experience development and iteration process with those for whom it is designed.
From an emphasis on scaffolding and creating software with Learner Centered Design to the wide adoption of design thinking and user experience processes with Learning Experience (LX) Design the goal continues to be to create effective and meaningful experiences for the learner. ELDc18 seeks to bring together diverse voices and innovative approaches to designing with the learner in mind.
The following topics are examples, but are in no way exhaustive or limited:
How might learners be involved in the design and evaluation of learning experiences?
What are examples of personalized learning and what can we learn from these experiments?
How can we use learning analytics to better understand aspects of learning experiences?
What are some organizational approaches to incorporating user experience research and iteration into the learning design process?
Submission are encouraged that tie to the theme, our mission, or, any of our ELDc18 Keywords
ELDc18 Submission Information
Proposal Deadline: December 1, 2017
Visit the ELDc18 Conference Website, http://eld.montclair.edu/ for
Proposals Submission Form: http://eld.montclair.edu/submit-proposal/
Session Types & Keywords
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
ELD conferences provide physical space for the ongoing discussion of how pedagogy, research, and scholarship can be be enhanced and transformed by technology. The ELD Annual Conference is a space designed to showcase innovation as well as to engage in a vibrant and dynamic discourse. The ELD Annual Conference makes its home at Montclair State University (MSU.)
Please contact [email protected] for more information.
[Reminder] Call for Submissions - Due Soon!
The Journal of Emerging Learning Design (ELDj) is pleased to announce the
Call for Submissions for the
Special Issue: Learner Experience (LX)
Click the following link to submit:
Theme: About This Year’s Special Issue
Driven by the wide adoption of design thinking and user experience processes, LX pushes to make sure the learner voice is integrated more purposefully by sharing the experience development and iteration process with those for whom it is designed. From an emphasis on scaffolding and creating software with Learner Centered Design to the wide adoption of design thinking and user experience processes with Learning Experience (LX) Design the goal continues to be to create effective and meaningful experiences for the learner.
To submit, visit our online submission form through the following link:
Jerry Alan Fails (Boise State University) & AJ Kelton (Montclair State University)
Deadline for Submission: November 27, 2017
Notification of Acceptance: March 23, 2018
Final PROOF approval: May 21, 2018
Publication: June 1, 2018
Submission Details:
A description of each type of submission and guidelines can be found at http://eldj.montclair.edu/submission-guidelines/
Click the following link for the submission form:
Note: ELDj uses a double-blind, peer-review process. Submissions should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors should review the above linked guidelines for important and relevant information.
Questions and information requests may be sent to the Editors at [email protected]
About the ELDj
The Journal of Emerging Learning Design is an open access, peer-reviewed, online journal that provides a platform for academics and practitioners to explore emerging learning design theories, concepts, and issues and their implications at national and international levels.
An outgrowth of the annual Emerging Learning Design Conference, which makes its home at Montclair State University (MSU), the ELDj invites scholarly communication in the emerging learning design field.
It presents best practices in design and implementation by offering articles that present, propose, or review engaging and dynamic approaches to pedagogy and how technology can better enhance it.
For More details follow this link: http://eldj.montclair.edu/about/
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn!
Don’t be frightened!!
There’s still time to Register for
ELD & NMC present: NMC Beyond the Horizon > Digital
Humanities Today Webinar
But the clock is ticking...
Click this link to Register Now:
The Emerging Learning Design and NMC will be holding an online panel discussion as a way of culminating both organizations spring and summer conversations surrounding Digital Humanities. It will be a jumping off point for a collaborative and ongoing effort designed to inform and advance the pursuit of pedagogy and research in the Digital Humanities.
The field of Digital Humanities (DH), which refers to the suite of digital and computational tools currently being used to advance scholarship in the humanities, is changing the way educators work. For example, DH enables the analysis of data in ways that were not possible without new technologies, including visualizing or manipulating texts to reveal patterns, the display of complex histories through interactive maps, the creation of 3D models to aid in the recreation of historical sites and artifacts, and much more.
Click the link to register and join the discussion as we examine Digital Humanities in today’s higher education environment.
Date: November 8, 2017
Time: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST
AJ Kelton- Director, CHSS Center for the Digital Humanities at Montclair State University
Adam Rzepka (Montclair State University)
Ethan Watrall (Michigan State University)
Dene Grigar (Electronic Literature Organization)
This event is free to all!
For more information visit the website:
Join our digital community Google Group at bit.ly/eldcommunity
Join us on Facebook for ELDc and ELDj, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn