What song would the students pick for you?
High School Network for Association for Positive Behavior Support
This page is for high schools that are implementing PBIS.
This community of implementers is here to help support the successful implementation of PBIS strategies centered on the unique needs of the High School setting.
Some great ideas for how to rephrase self-talk. Sometimes our students need direct instruction on how to do this, it is a skill that needs to be developed.
It's Mental Health Awareness Month! Be kind to yourself. PBIS IS a mental health initiative.
~a message from the Center on PBIS
🏫 Schools are vital in addressing students' mental health needs, but systematically identifying funding opportunities to sustain comprehensive programs is a challenge.
Learn how to secure resources with this online training series by American Institutes for Research (AIR): https://ow.ly/R7FJ50RCUgV
Registration for your 2024 National PBIS Leadership Forum opens today ;) Our annual conference in Chicago is a celebrated gathering to explore many elements of PBIS. The deadline to register is Oct. 6.
Click here to register: https://loom.ly/zOjd9Oo
For those who reside in WV, check out this PD opportunity.
Hey there! Just a friendly reminder that we're only two weeks away from the 2024 TA Center Conference "Uncovering the Why: Digging Deeper in Establishing Systems, Enhancing Skills, and Empowering Individuals." If you couldn't make it this year, we're looking forward to hopefully seeing you on June 10-11, 2025!
Teach By Design always has some great, practical article.
PBISApps | Teach By Design—Anatomy of a Framework Part 9: Annual Evaluation An end-of-year evaluation is a data story you tell to students, families, and staff about the work you’ve accomplished and how they helped achieve these outcomes alongside your team. Here's how to tell your story this year.
If you are looking for a PD opportunity, here is one for Coaching Positive Behavior Classroom Supports. Here is more information: https://mailchi.mp/pbiscaltac.org/islavirtualpbisleadershipacademy2024-356114
If the Principal has a good sense of humor this is a fun prank.
Congratulations to these three high schools in West Virginia for earning model schools recognition for their Tier 1 PBIS implementation.
Fourteen! A total of FOURTEEN Tier 1 Model Schools from across the state, with each programmatic level represented!
Congratulations! We are so proud of the work that you do!
In a little over an hour at 12:30 EST and 11: 30 CST we will have out last High School Think Tank for the 23-24 SY. Here is the registration link:
Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: High School Think Tank 2023-2024 11:30-12:30 Central Time. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. APBS HS Think Tank i12:30 Eastern, 11:30 Central, 10:30 Mountain, 9:30 Pacific Time(s)
High school implementation will be discussed in the webinar.
What a powerful statement.
Some great phrases you can use and you can teach your students to use.
Imagine how different our world would be if we all had the ability to genuinely answer the question "how are you?".
What a great idea to celebrate students making progress.
How are you celebrating graduation from Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions with your students? As students meet their goals and fade from the intervention, what's your plan to recognize their achievement (and celebrate the staff who supported the progress!)?
Students and staff worked hard together to achieve Tier 2 or 3 goals--make sure you recognize and acknowledge their dedication to positive change.
NF23 Posters Photos by: Maureen Stair 2023 National PBIS Leadership Forum Poster & Networking Session
Great job Marathon for meeting your attendance goal: https://fb.watch/rHKlFpSNYm/
It’s ! Volunteering is a great way to become more involved in the - and, as a sign of our appreciation, we'll waive your registration fee! Find the Volunteer application and all information on our website: https://www.pbisforum.org/volunteering. Complete the online volunteer application by May 10th! Center on PBIS
The Home and Community Positive Behavior Support Network is pleased to announce an upcoming webinar by Lauren Moskowitz, Ph.D. This session focuses on integrating cognitive behavioral strategies within a PBS framework to assist autistic youth manage anxiety and fear. The webinar is free, open to all, and BCBA credits are available.
For more information and registration go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_AFEkI0LTS7KYHZ765ZthoQ #/registration
Hope to see you there!
Are you looking for some additional engagement strategies? Check out these ideas from Edutopia:
28 Ways to Quickly Check for Understanding From sketching comics to drafting tweets, these fun—and fast—ways to check for understanding are creative and flexible.
One of the core features of PBIS is to establish partnerships with families, students and the community. For today's , check out this presentation from the Center on PBIS for tips on enhancing collaboration across those partnerships!
Find it here: https://bit.ly/3IpybgK
If your school is in California and wants to be recognized for their PBIS implementation efforts check this out.
Time is running out! Don't forget to submit those Recognition applications before May 10. ⏰
Find everything you need for success here: https://bit.ly/49FJey1
Here is the most recent PBISApps Teach By Design article.
PBISApps | Teach By Design—Anatomy of a Framework Part 8: Discipline Data & Decision Making Answering just three questions will set you and your team on a data-driven path toward improving equitable outcomes in your schoolwide implementation.
Just a reminder about the Think Tank today at 12:30 EST. If you have not registered, here is the link:
Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: High School Think Tank 2023-2024 11:30-12:30 Central Time. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. APBS HS Think Tank i12:30 Eastern, 11:30 Central, 10:30 Mountain, 9:30 Pacific Time(s)
Check out Nina’s story and her feedback in Check and Connect.
Yesterday in the State Senate, Minneapolis Public Schools Roosevelt High School student Nona gave powerful and important testimony about her struggles with school engagement and attendance and the role of her AmeriCorps Promise Fellow Abby (who serves in partnership with the Check & Connect Student Engagement Intervention program)
"Madam Chair and committee members. Good morning. My name is Nona Champion. I am a ninth grader at Roosevelt High School. I've been a student at Minneapolis Public Schools for my whole life, and I first experienced Check and Connect in eighth grade. Before I met someone in Check and Connect, I had a hard time focusing on work.
I also did not go to class, and I was always late to school. Now when I go to Check and Connect, I have two people at Roosevelt High School, Abby and Jesse, who support me, help me with work, keep me motivated even when I don't feel like doing it, stay after school with me, even texts me when I don't come to school.
If I didn't have someone from Check and Connect, I probably would have terrible grades. Abby has helped me in big ways with school. Check and Connect is a safe space for me at school, and if there wasn't a Check and Connect at school, I don't know where I would go for a safe space or to get support. I think other students should get to experience Check and Connect because it has helped in so many ways and I know it has helped me.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to me today."
If you are in Illinois and the school you work at wants to be recognized for their PBIS implementation efforts, check this out.
Illinois Schools - are you self-assessing your implementation with the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)? That is one criteria for Recognition. It's due this month, by April 26th. Find all information about Illinois Recognition here: https://www.midwestpbis2.org/recognition
For those of you who live in Missouri.
Have you registered for Summer Institute yet? Register by May 1, 2024 to take advantage of the $225 Early Bird registration! (After May 1, the registration fee will increase to $275). Secure our special room rate of $141.11 through May 3rd, or while rooms are still available.
You can find links to register and reserve your room on our website https://pbismissouri.org/summer-training-institute/
Here is another winner from the APBS Film Festival. Congratulations to Grant Community High School.