Kapaa High School Class of 1995

Kapaa High School Class of 1995


Kapaa High Class of 1995 ~ 20th Year Reunion Summer 2015


Class of 95! Please send this text to at least 5 of your classmates to get the word out about the reunion. All money for the reunion dinner MUST be received by June 30. That's in 2 DAYS!! You can drop a check off at Shelsie Caberto's house in Lihue at 4322 Kauila St. REUNION is on July 17, at Ho'okipa Cafe at the Puakea Golf Course. 6pm, $25 per person or $50 per couple. Send to 5 people please!! Mahalo!

Mobile uploads 28/06/2015

Reunion Update:

Okay C/O 95 the count down has officially started....20 more days until our class reunion. Let's make it a night to remember. If you haven't paid yet mail your money in today. See flyer. You can also get your money to Al Calumbag , Shelsie Aguano , Cathy Gummerus , or John Q ... please comment if you plan on coming and haven't paid yet. We want to get the most accurate count possible.

Mobile uploads 25/06/2015

UPDATE: Class meeting date changed to Saturday, June 27th, 2015 @ 2:00 pm Rob's Good Time Grill. This will be our last meeting before our Reunion. Payments can be dropped off if you haven't paid yet.

Mobile uploads 24/06/2015

FINAL class meeting this Sunday @ 11 am Rob's Good Time Grill.

See payment info on flyer....


Ok 95, we're almost there...we'll be having one more class meeting on the 27th or 28th of June to finalize everything. Our participation for Saturday’s event is kind of lacking so if we don't get enough people to come well have to cancel Day 2. Day 1 is still on. Please send your payments in ASAP.


Aloha Class of 95,

Can anyone meet for meeting this weekend sometime? I'm thinking Saturday afternoon sometime. Please reply if you can make it.

Photos from Kapaa High School Class of 1995's post 28/05/2015

The dates are approaching!!!! Remember to RSVP by June 18th....

Photos from Kapaa High School Class of 1995's post 19/05/2015

It's that time.....please share with all classmates...


Aloha Class of 95,

A reminder that our next meeting is scheduled as follows:

When: Sunday, April 12, 2015
Where: Pua Kea Hookipa Cafe
Time: 1:00 pm

Hope to see some participation. :)


Aloha Class of ’95,

First, I want to say thank you to all those who participated in our class meeting (Lori, Cathy, Shelsie, Anthony, Stacy, Jeremy, and Dale) on Friday, 2/20/15.

Some of the updates that we are working on:

1) Shelsie and I met with the staff of PuaKea on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 to put together a menu and confirmed the location for Friday, 7/17/15. The cost per person for this event will be $25.00 which includes tax, and tip.

2) Thank you to Dacia for getting a quote for luau style food for Saturday’s, 7/18/15 event at Lydgate beach park.

The cost per person is $12.50 for adults and $6.00 per child. Since the class has some funds available, the cost per person will decrease based on the number of participants.
Dacia will also be checking with a family member on the cost to rent table and chairs. Our class as some funds available to offset the cost of food for this event.

3) Lori will be getting a quote for a shuttle bus service that will pick up and drop off classmates who don’t want to drive and who want to go “bar hopping” after our night ends at PuaKea.

4) Lori also put together a list of all classmate from all 4 years of High school who we would like to make sure is contacted and knows about our upcoming class reunion. There are approximately 300 classmates that need to be contacted.

5) Once we get a definite cost for the 2 events we will be posting a deadline date along with where to send the deposit to. We have a class account at Central Pacific Bank which we hope the money can be sent directly into.

6) We will need volunteers to help with Saturday’s event such as putting up tents etc.

7) SAVE THE DATE: Our next class meeting is scheduled for Friday, March 13, 2015 at 6:30 pm Kintro’s Restaurant. Hopefully more can make it.


Aloha Class of 95',

Save the Date: Next Class Meeting-Friday, February 20th, 2015 Brick Oven Pizza Kapaa at 6:00 pm.

Here are some of the updates and topics that will be discussed at our next meeting.

At our previous class meeting we discussed dates, location, budget and came up with the following based on availability, input from classmates, and of course budget: Please keep in mind that we wanted to make this an affordable event for everyone.

Class Reunion Date Set for: July 17-18,2015
Date/Time: July 17, 2015,6pm-closing: Classmates Night Out

Tentative Location: Pua Kea Golf Course-Main Dining Room

We looked at several options such as the Private Dining Room at b's Broiler, PuaKea Golf Course, and the Old Riches Night Club.

In the end, we felt the best option based on availability and cost was the PuaKea Golf Course main dining room. The location is private, it will be free to rent the room, and we are looking at no more than $20.00 per person for food only. Alcohol purchases will be on our own. I will bring the menu to our meeting to share with everyone.

There is a mini mum of 25 people required.

Date/Time: July 18'", 201512 Noon until pau: Family Day

Tentative Location: Lydgate Beach Park Next to Baby pool enclosure

As for the Family Day, all county parks were booked on July 18th, despite this we would still like to have this event at Lydgate Beach Park. However, in order to rnake this a success we will need volunteers to help us witht he logistics such as volunteering of tents (20×20) and set up/breakdown. We do have some funds available to defray the cost to purchase food and for various kid's activities. For this event there will be a possible cost of $10.00 per person depending on how much commitment we get.

Again, we look forward to seeing everyone again and participating in our 20th class reunion celebration.


I'm trying to get a head count for tomorrow nights meeting at brick oven. Pleas let me know ASAP. If we don't enough people I'd like to reschedule. Please respond if you can make it.

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?
