Say NO to Comfort Zone
Those little signs we take for granted, those buttons we see and refuse to press, can destroy or make the future of the next generation.
Say NO to Comfort Zone
Parents be your children's keepers
Be their best friends not dictators
Be flexible
Be approachable
Be gossip partners
Make room for unwanted conversations i.e s*x
Share valuable time and information with them
Ask them questions
Let them know you are their Superheroes.
-To be rich, give.
-To succeed, serve.
-To laugh, make someone laugh.
-To prosper, be honest.
-To excel, be faithful.
-To go far, get up early.
-To change someone, change yourself.
-To be great, be disciplined,
-To be strong, pray often.
-To do a lot, speak little.
-To be fruitful, praise God.
-To live well, forgive.
-To talk well, bind anger.
-To sleep well, work hard.
-To be loved, love.
-To be a good husband, listen to her.
-To be a woman, submit yourself.
-To be respected, be polite.
-To grow in Christ, study the Bible.
-To bind satan, sanctify yourself.
-To grow in faith, meditate.
When you are young, you look like your parents but when you are old you look like your decisions.
Michael Colours on Twitter “When you are young, you look like your parents but when you are old you look like your decisions. ”
Failure is not an English word for Successful people.
We don't fail rather we learn to improve.
1. Intelligence leads to arguments.
Wisdom leads to settlements.
2. Intelligence is power of will.
Wisdom is power OVER will.
3. Intelligence is heat, it burns.
Wisdom is warmth, it comforts.
4. Intelligence is pursuit of knowledge, it tires the seeker.
Wisdom is pursuit of truth, it inspires the seeker.
5. Intelligence is holding on.
Wisdom is letting go.
6. Intelligence leads you.
Wisdom guides you.
7. An intelligent man thinks he knows everything.
A wise man knows that there is still something to learn.
8. An intelligent man always tries to prove his point.
A wise man knows there really is no point.
9. An intelligent man freely gives unsolicited advice.
A wise man keeps his counsel until all options are considered.
10. An intelligent man understands what is being said.
A wise man understands what is left unsaid.
11. An intelligent man speaks when he has to say something.
A wise man speaks when he has something to say.
12. An intelligent man sees everything as relative.
A wise man sees everything as related.
13. An intelligent man tries to control the mass flow.
A wise man navigates the mass flow.
14. An intelligent man preaches.
A wise man reaches.
Intelligence is good
but wisdom achieves better results. May we continue to grow in wisdom. Amen...
Your problem is not the problem. The problem of your problem is your mentality. Letting a problem get you anxious is the only problem of your problem. Once you are solution minded, your problems transform from problems to opportunities
The simplest way to grow is to challenge yourself. Leave your comfort zone, no matter how difficult it may be. Try something new. Make a fresh start. Don't stay stuck in old ways. Embrace positive change by taking small steps towards a greater version of yourself.”
NOBODY needs to know your next move. Absolutely NOBODY. Keep them guessing. Keep your move to yourself. Even Jesus said ONLY His Father knows the day this world will end. Not even Him or angels know. Learn from God. Keep your last card to yourself.
Teachers are the ladders you climbed on your rise to success. Now you are successful, remember the architects of your success. Even if it is phone credit, get it for them. You benefited from them on earth, why should their reward only be in heaven?
Little things we take for granted,
Little thanksgiving we save for later,
Little moments we fail to attend,
Collectively make-up life
Be present in life and in contentment enjoy the little things. ..
Dear Parents,
Your clothes, cars and houses are your property. But your children are NOT. They are your successors. Bestow value on them by handling them with tender loving care. Your duty is to make sure they succeed because success without a successor is FAILURE
Be ready to pay the price of your dreams.
Free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap.”
There are only some categories of problems that you should fear:
* Problems in front of you but not noticed.
* Problems noticed but not reported.
* Problems reported but ignored.
* Problems acknowledged but accepted.
* Problems accepted and embraced.
Misery loves company. Don’t find five depressed friends and sit around and talk about how bad life is. Find some friends that are happy, energetic, positive. You need to be around people that are fun, people that laugh, people that brighten your day.”
7 Ways to become more disciplined:
1. Know your why
2. Track your progress
3. Do something you love
4. Create a daily schedule
5. Commit to someone else
6. Create a morning routine
7. Have a designated place to work
Discipline is the very core of progress.”
M - Make the most of every moment.
O - Only focus on empowering ideas.
N - Never stop believing in yourself.
D - Do the best you can at all times.
A - Avoid any distractions/negativity.
Y - Yield better results from the above.
Appreciate what you have now.
Keep in touch with your good friends.
Always take care of your parents. Always.
Tell your kids that you love them.
Appreciate supportive truth tellers. Then reciprocate.
Choose being kind over being clever.
Be optimistic —you will end up doing more.”
S - See your goal
U - Understand the obstacles
C - Create a positive mental picture
C - Clear your mind of self-doubt
E - Embrace all challenges
S - Sacrifice free time
S - Show the world you can do it
F - Feed your focus
U - Utilize all opportunities
L - Learn from all failures
Murderers of Success :-
1. Complacency
2. Distraction
3. Shyness
4. Conforming
5. Fear of Embarrassment
6. Hyper Conservatism
7. Overthinking
8. Too much Patience
9. Lack of Self Faith
10. Being Stuck in the Past
• Smile.
• Eat well.
• Set goals
• Be patient.
• Love yourself.
• Spread kindness.
• Believe in yourself.
• Change bad habits.
• Focus on the positive.
• Quit comparing yourself.
• Take action on your dreams.
When it comes to Education this should never happen. Moreover they are children 😠😠😠
Would "SORRY" have made any difference? Does it ever? It's just a word. One word against a thousand actions.. Learn to say SORRY.
You can't say 2019 is going to be the best year when you have Zero plans for 2019. Just as a new born babe needs breastfeeding, 2019 needs breastfeeding too.
Work Smart,
Pray hard,
Explore More,
And take charge of the next 365 days.
21. Do not always be on the receiving end of a relationship. Try to also give, no matter how small.
22. When you have someone older than you who is friendly and makes himself free with you, speak to them with respect.
23. Don't feel too big to be corrected or reject good advice because you feel it's your life... Life is a ring; the next blow can come anytime.
24. When you receive messages on social media, try and reply. Don't feel too proud, maybe because you are a celebrity. Remember, no one knows tomorrow.
25. Do not send someone a 'call me back' or 'pay forward' when you are the one in need of their assistance, or worse still, want to borrow from them. Show some courtesy and fund that message.
26.When someone sends you money on your phone be sure to notify the sender once you receive the money and remember to say thank you.It costs nothing.
DON'T STOP LEARNING. We are never too wise to learn.
11. Don't let your arguments escalate in public. Find some place else to continue arguing where others won't feel uncomfortable or interested.
12. If you ask your friends for help with some house work, feed them as payment.
13. When someone buys you food or coffee, try to return the favour within a week (if you can).
14. When you borrow someone's car, fill up the tank when you return it. If you've had it for a prolonged period of time, service it as a way of saying 'thank you.'
15. Whatever you borrow, return it in its best condition as a sign of gratitude.
16. Don’t pick up a call while you are engaged in conversation without excusing yourself.
17. Make sure you don't forget to return that book you borrowed.
18. Do not take up a house pet and neglect to feed and care for it.
19. When someone gives you a gift, no matter how small it is or the way it was presented, even if it isn't up to your expectation, just say 'Thank You.'
20. 'I'm sorry', 'forgive me', 'thank you', 'pardon', 'excuse me', 'I understand', ... are all courtesy phrase that should forever be in ones vocabulary. They display manners and manners breed favour.
DON'T STOP LEARNING. We are never too wise to learn.
6. When using someone else's phone or computer, don't go through their stuff without permission.
7. Always leave the last piece of meat for the person who bought it unless they insist they won't eat it.
8. Don't use loudspeaker of the phone to have a two person conversation unless you are unable to hold the phone.
9. When someone else cooks for you, offer to help clean the kitchen.
10. If you stay the night at someone's house, make the bed or fold the blankets before you leave.
DON'T STOP LEARNING. We are never too wise to learn.
Courtesy costs nothing but is very valuable.It should be taught in all schools and the message pinned in every public place.
1. In case you miss a call, drop a message as soon as possible if you're unable to call back.
2. Pay back borrowed money as soon as possible no matter how little the amount is. Do not opt to clear your personal needs first at the cost of your lender's personal needs. IT'S BAD MANNERS!
Don't assume that they don't need it, and never make them ask you for it.
3. Do not ask for a lift and make the person wait for you. Instead, position yourself at a convenient place so that they do not have to divert from their route.
4. Turn the volume down when you're watching video, playing music or playing a game on your phone in a public place or, better
yet, use headphones.
5. Don't press your phone or use headphones when someone is having a conversation with you.
Unplug the headsets from your ears even if nothing is playing and give them your undivided attention.
DON'T STOP LEARNING. We are never too wise to learn.
May this day and others to follow bring light into your life and take away all the darkness. May you enjoy each moment of your life. Have a great boxing day. Enjoy the holiday.
Christmas gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us. Thanking God for everything HE did, the ones HE didn't do and the ones HE will do. Merry Christmas.