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The IEEE DIY Project 20/12/2014

The IEEE DIY Project At IEEE, we want to promote the great projects engineers from our community are making themselves. That's what the IEEE DIY Project is all about.

Timeline photos 18/12/2014

Over the past two years, University of Pittsburgh and DARPA researchers have been making exceptional improvements to the development of a mind-controlled, robotic arm. The method behind these improvements involved the mapping of brain patterns wherein users watched clips of hand movements and visualized themselves performing these actions. These patterns were then programmed into the robotic arm to create a desired movement. http://engt.co/13zD7tQ

Timeline photos 18/12/2014

On this day in 1903, the Wright Brothers successfully made the first controlled, powered and sustained heavier-than-air human flight after many attempts at Kill Devil Hills.

Timeline photos 09/12/2014

The first commercially available internet modem, the Bell 103 by AT&T released in 1962, had a speed of 300 bits per second. Now, just over fifty years later, the fastest available internet speed is 35 million times faster AND is wireless!

Timeline photos 12/11/2014

Raspberry Pi announced their newest model, the A+. At 65mm in length and 23g, it is the smallest microcomputer on the market. http://bit.ly/1xpKvkV

What do you think would be the most useful purpose for a microcomputer this size?

Timeline photos 27/10/2014

Post of the Day:
Robots can help in gaining knowledge of trustworthy behaviour

A group of scientists of MIT and North Eastern University has come up with Nexi robot to help scientists determine whether or not someone is trustworthy.

The robot has been used in previous experiments to help scientists understand social interactions, but this latest experiment focuses more on picking up on subtle hints of sketchy behavior

Post Courtesy: redorbit.com

Some suggest it's time to rethink which direction we point our solar panels 12/10/2014

Some suggest it's time to rethink which direction we point our solar panels Recently, the New York Times newspaper ran an article questioning the logic of tacking solar panels onto rooftops facing south (instead of say, north, east or west). The thinking has gone, they report, that doing so will allow for collecting the most energy over a whole day—for panels that don't mov…

Spacesuits of the future may resemble a streamlined second skin 19/09/2014

Spacesuits of the future may resemble a streamlined second skin For future astronauts, the process of suiting up may go something like this: Instead of climbing into a conventional, bulky, gas-pressurized suit, an astronaut may don a lightweight, stretchy garment, lined with tiny, musclelike coils. She would then plug in to a spacecraft's power supply, triggerin…

Timeline photos 19/09/2014

Piklab: An IDE for PIC micro controller
Hello friends, anybody Interested in an Open Source Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for PIC Microcontroller?
is currently working on a story on Piklab to make the Engineers aware about its existence, benefits and challenges.
Your reviews might be exciting enough to be featured in the story along with your photograph. So post your comments here in below link : http://forum.electronicsforu.com/forum/technologies-work/the-brain-microcontrollers-microprocessors/pic/20787-piklab-an-ide-for-pic-microcontroller
Help her to find out :
1. Best three features.
2. Advantages over other IDEs.
3. Challenges faced using Piklab.

Timeline photos 16/09/2014

MIT's robotic cheetah can now run and jump on its own. Full story and video: http://mitne.ws/1s2M0pT

Photo: Jose-Luis Olivares/MIT

Another New Crater! | Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera 16/09/2014

Another New Crater! | Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Another New Crater! A new crater on the Moon! The bright flash of formation for this ~34 meter diameter crater was captured by an Earth based telescope on 11 September 2013. LROC M1151993656L, image is 1000 m wide [NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University]. On 11 September 2013 the "Moon Impacts Detectio…

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