Everyday Education

Everyday Education

Sharing stories of educators and students around the world. Tag #everydayeducation to join the narrative!

Timeline photos 22/07/2019

“We tell people to follow their dreams, but you can only dream of what you can imagine, and, depending on where you come from, your imagination can be quite limited.” - Trevor Noah.

Location: South Africa
Photo and words:

Timeline photos 08/07/2016

Students from Bikita Minerals Primary in Zimbabwe, line up for their term's text books.

Timeline photos 17/06/2016

is the talented . These are his words and image from Kyoto.
It is subtle and delicate, the interaction. A second; a mere moment in passing that is so telling of a culture, and the people who live these interactions every day. It is elegant and refined, like a leaf falling from the highest canopy. Then it is over. 📚

Tag your images to share stories of students and educators all over the globe.

Timeline photos 13/06/2016

Dressed in her school uniform, a girl shelters herself from the rain with a banana leaf at Mangula train station in Tanzania.


Timeline photos 04/06/2016

A student from Sasimba Primary School proudly shows his papier mâché airplane that he was playing with at break time.


Timeline photos 31/05/2016

Dressed in his school uniform, a student from Gokarna, India smiles back at me after his fellow classmates giggle and tease him.


Timeline photos 29/05/2016

You all helped us make it to 1K. Thank you!

A student from Malecela Primary School in Tanzania works on his biology homework.


Timeline photos 27/05/2016

Every Friday we are going to feature a photographer who has captured the essence of . From China to Australia, Africa to the US we want to share learning done all across the globe. Make sure to tag your moments.
Congratulations to .photo! Emmanuel's ability to capture life-giving portraits has the team in constant awe. Be sure to check out his account!

Emmanuel sheds light on his photograph taken in Haiti, " Students of in their uniform. Education is a priority for the organization. Education [in Haiti] is a luxury because some kids can't afford school. Education leads to a brighter future."

Keep tagging , we are noticing and we are looking for new contributors. Tag your friends who may be interested 🙌🏼


Timeline photos 24/05/2016

Basir, a mischievous student from Sunni Madressa in Zanzibar is forced to sit at the front of the class under the watchful
eye of his teacher Mrs Asha.


Timeline photos 23/05/2016

A student from Jambiani Secondary school in Zanzibar looks up from her work.

If you enjoy my education based photographs, be sure to check out .

Timeline photos 21/05/2016

Clad in a pink khimar, a student from Sirajatil Munira Nursery School in Jambiani, smiles through her classroom window.


Tap for Sound! 🎙

"There's nothing I can do, I have to drink." Says Jonathan vice principal from Domboshawa Primary School in Zimbabwe.

"So that's your spring then?"

"Yes it's the spring, but look..."

"It's not protected" I add.

"These are the footprints of the animals they've also been drinking. The headmaster has been drinking from the same water source as the animals. It's is only God who is having our lives....things are not okay. All the kids, all the community, they get their water from here" reflects Jonathan.

Domboshawa Primary school is over 100 years old and is perched on a granite hill in Zimbabwe. With no immediate access to water children have to walk every morning to fetch water from this unprotected source. "If a waterborne disease were to infect this spring, 3/4 of the school could get sick".

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Children from Bikita Minerals Primary walk to class for their first day of school in Zimbabwe. Everyday Africa


"What are you learning today?"

"We're adding decimals to get bigger numbers"

Students at Zeal Covenant Primary School practice their decimal addition under the leadership of Teacher Edward. A teaching fellow , Edward attended PD during the April holidays and is back at school implementing all that he learned on differentiation and student grouping!


Timeline photos 03/05/2016

Zachary, a student from Jambiani Secondary School stands in front of his arabic classes black board in Zanzibar.

Image by:

Timeline photos 21/04/2016

Students at Jambiani Secondary School share a moment in Kiswahili class.

Timeline photos 17/04/2016

Johannesburg folks, mark your calendars for Friday, the 13th of May! It's the opening of the exhibition in Maboneng. There will also be tours with me, .vox and on Sunday the 15th.

We're excited to share curated images and stories from the thousands of students, parents and teachers we met on the road.

Here, primary school students enjoy the Nomadic exhibition in .


Timeline photos 16/04/2016

When I was a child I thought that it rained for two reasons:
1) God was crying in Heaven and the sadder he got the harder it rained.⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀or ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀2) God was taking a bath and he accidentally left it to run for too long. After getting into the full bath, water would spill over the sides and onto the earth below.

This was one of those moments, .vox, and I got on our bicycles and wanted to take some shots of the sugarcane workers cycling through the fields in Tanzania. As we arrived at Sam's favourite spot, the heavens opened up as "God got into his full bath". The thud of thick rain drops on the Tanzanian soil started to sounds like the galloping of hoves in a stampede. Whilst Sam and I took shelter under a tree with a local, Rebecca proceeded to make friends with a group of school girls walking together in the rain. After some giggling and portrait taking amongst the sugar cane fields, I stole one of the girls away and got this shot as a result. I admittedly don't have her name because I lost all of my notes on my iPhone, so I have named her ' The Bicycle Girl'.

Image by: .

Timeline photos 06/04/2016

M***a and Kindo have been working at Sunni Madressa Secondary School in Zanzibar for 15 and 7 years respectively. M***a adds, "We've been a part of each other's lives almost 38 years. I studied in Kenya and after finishing form 4, decided to join the Teachers Training college in Mtoni starting 1975. Three years later I started my job as a lab technician and have been one ever since. My dream is to help my students pass their exams to secure their future. Education is very important and students need to study hard to achieve their goals. When I was growing up under colonial rule, there were very few schools and education was expensive. After the one day revolution on the 12th of January 1964, schooling became free and the new government started building schools. I'll never forget that day. I was in standard 8 at the time, at home and afraid of the gun shots I could hear on the streets. I found out from the radio that the government had been overthrown."


Timeline photos 06/04/2016

High school girls from Cape Town enjoy some banter on the steps of the colorful homes of Bo-Kaap.


Timeline photos 06/04/2016

In public schools the whole community, including the students take care of the school. Students are expected to sweep out the classrooms and look after the grounds after class. They are trained to grow their own crops and harvest them when ready. ⠀
Meet Safina, she's in grade 6 at Sisimba Primary school. I took this portrait of her after classes, she was about to go sweep her classroom. I wish I had more time with her, she was the sweetest and most humble. Safina says she wants to be a nurse just like her elder sister.
Image by .vox ⠀

Timeline photos 06/04/2016

Unapenda picha gani?
Translation: What photograph do you like? ⠀
A boy stares at one of the photographs from our Nomadic Exhibition at Umoja Primary School.
Image by .vox ⠀

Timeline photos 25/03/2016

On our trip from Johannesburg to Zanzibar on public transport , .vox and I visited schools that produce top national results and others that have no access to water and electricity pictured above.
Dombashawa primary school is over 100 years old, and is a small school perched on a large granite hill in Morozva. With no immediate access to water, students like Irene have to walk to the nearest natural spring to collect water. " The real problem is that the spring is unprotected. The cattle drink here and the people do their washing here. If a waterborne disease were to infect this water source, it could wipe out 3/4 of the school." Jonathan - Vice principal.

Welcome to ! Here, we share and celebrate education and students, parents, teachers and leaders around the globe. Tag your shots to add your voice to the narrative of global education.

Timeline photos 24/03/2016

Pictured below is Victory Andrews who is in grade 11 at Cape Maclear secondary. I asked him why he was 20 years old in grade 11.

"I am late because my parents are poor, so they couldn't pay the school fees. Right now it's 10 000 kwacha ( $15 ) per term. I didn't go to school for two years. I didn't have a job, I just did nothing. Now I pay my own fees by fishing. I fish on the weekend or sometimes after class. I catch usipa using a boat that I rent from a local fisherman and sell my catch on the shore".

Timeline photos 17/03/2016

"If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking."
Haruki Murakami.

This shot was taken in St Joseph's primary in Malawi, one of many schools that are in dire need of basic school resources in Africa.

Chintsanzo, Malawi needs more permanent structures than its current bamboo and thatch classrooms, others like Domboshawa in Zimbabwe need access to clean water, electricity and a lightning conductor to stop the classrooms from being struck. Some like St Joseph's (above) need basic classroom resources such as books and chalk.

It's never been more apparent that every school has its own set of unique needs, there is no blanket solution

Welcome to ! Here, we share and celebrate education and students, parents, teachers and leaders around the globe. Tag your shots to add your voice to the narrative of global education.

Timeline photos 16/03/2016

Pictured above is Ramoan in grade three at Tombo Primary school in Nyanga, Zimbabwe. I was particularly impressed by the schools innovative means of creating supplementary learning resources that make for a stimulating learning environment.

Welcome to ! Here, we share and celebrate education and students, parents, teachers and leaders around the globe. Tag your shots to add your voice to the narrative of global education.

Timeline photos 15/03/2016

I took this shot in Jambiani Secondary School in Zanzibar, Tanzania. The pure concentration of the student in focus, despite all of the distractions surrounding him, made me think of this quote from Albert Einstein

" I never teach my pupils, I only provide them with conditions in which they can learn"

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Tag your shots to add your voice to the narrative of global education.

Timeline photos 15/03/2016

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Videos (show all)

Tap for Sound! 🎙"There's nothing I can do, I have to drink." Says Jonathan vice principal from Domboshawa Primary School...
Everyday Education Moments.
"What are you learning today?" "We're adding decimals to get bigger numbers"Students at Zeal Covenant Primary School pra...