Coptic Reading Group

Coptic Reading Group

Koptisk lesegruppe ledes av Kristine T. Rosland. Vi samles på mandager kl. 14.15-15.00 på E1-019 (Universitetet i Agder).

The Coptic Old Testament Newsletter - Blog - CoptOT Public 26/02/2020

The Coptic Old Testament Newsletter - Blog - CoptOT Public From Fragments to Books We're happy to annouce the first issue of From Fragments to Books, the official newsletter of the Coptic Old Testament Project. Published bi-annually in PDF format, the newsletter will offer reports and background information on the project and the edition of the Coptic-Sahid...


My two cents.




Papyrological Resources A resources page containing links to various papyrological collections, journals, books, professional associations, etc.

Timeline photos 07/06/2016

Professor Karl Olav Sannes melder om at hans kollega Victor Ghica kommer til å tilby et kurs i sahidisk på Det teologiske Menighetsfakultet (MF) til høsten. Her ved UiA gleder vi oss over dette påskuddet til å spise kake i dag.


"... the survival of early Coptic manuscripts was dictated more by climate than by theological orthodoxy ..." :)
Bentley Layton, Coptic in 20 Lessons, 2

John's Gospel 02/12/2014

John's Gospel This monograph explores the history of the Coptic tradition of John’s gospel, considering when these ancient Egyptian witnesses are profitable for determining the earliest readings of their Greek source text. The standard critical edition of the Greek New Testament cites the Coptic versions no fewer…

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