VALERIANO C. YANCHA MEMORIAL AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL formerly Basey National Agricultural School (BNAS, established in 1970) . Yancha. The school is located at Brgy.
After 17 years, in 1987 the school was renamed as VCYMAS by virtue of RA 6740 in memory of late Congressman Valeriano C. Dolongan,Basey Samar which is seven (7) kilometers away from the Municipality of Basey Samar and twenty (20) kilometers North-East of the City of Tacloban passing through San Juanico Bridge . The school offers secondary education program specializing agricultural programs in Hor
ticulture, Agri-Crops Production, Animal Production and Food Technology. To date, the school has 798 students and 42 teaching and non-teaching personnel. Mrs. Vilma Gabiana Vda. de Inciso is the first lady vocational school administrator whose services started in March 1998 up to the present .Before her term, the following male administrators are as follows: Dr. Jaime V. Mabilangan, Ph. D, VSA II (1991-1998);Mr. Pedro E. Escobarte, Principal I (1985-1986) ;Mr. Leoncio C. Macatimpag VSA I (1977-1985 and 1986-1991) and Mr. Gualberto Mordido, Principal (1970-1977) . The road connecting the national highway to the school is now concreted with the special projects made through the efforts of the former congressman, Justice Antonio B. Nachura. It was finished by Hon. Sharee Ann Tan, 2nd District Samar Representative in 2009 through the initiative of the present administrator, Mrs. Vilma G. Inciso.