DIS-Abilities - Erasmus+ project

DIS-Abilities - Erasmus+ project


DIS Abilities “Different Inclusive Social Abilities” is an Erasmus+ project.

DIS-Abilities, through cooperation between health and social care organisations and youth organisations, aims to facilitate the access to Erasmus+ to youngsters with disabilities

Operating as usual


First activities completed! 🎉

Partners have already carried out focus groups in each participating country.

👉🏽 These focus groups aimed to create a space where professionals from the medico-social and youth sector could exchange ideas, opinions and experiences regarding working with people with disabilities and the Erasmus+ programme.

The conclusions drawn from these workshops will soon be available as part of the first result of the project, a Guide of Good Practices 🔜

Sciara Progetti Action Synergy Defoin Les PEP 69/ML


The consortium is currently working on the first result of the project, an Accessible guide of Good Practices and examples of inspiring Erasmus+ youth projects ✍🏼️🇪🇺

🔍 For this purpose we have carried out a research of national and international good practices and contacted people involved in them.

🖥👉🏽 Also, 4 focus groups have been implemented, one in each participating country, in which professionals from the medico-social and youth sectors have been brought together to discuss about the accessibility of Erasmus+ programmes and the needs that both types of professionals have to carry them out by including people with disabilities in their activities.

Want to know more? Follow us and don't miss anything! 🔜

Action Synergy Sciara Progetti Defoin Les PEP 69/ML


From the DIS-Abilities Project, through which we seek to promote a more inclusive Europe for people with disabilities, we remind you that from today until the 9th of June we are celebrating the European Elections! 🇪🇺🎉 These elections will have a great impact on the future of Europe and all its citizens in the coming years.

Use your vote! 🗳

Still don't know when and how to participate in your country? 👉🏽 Find all the information on the following link: https://elections.europa.eu/en/

Action Synergy Sciara Progetti Les PEP 69/ML Defoin


🖥👉🏽 Today the project partners met online to discuss the next steps and activities of DIS-Abilities:
✅ Continuation of the work on the first project result
✅ Start of work on the second project result
✅ Planning of the next activities: C1 in Greece, national activities and C2 in Spain.

Don't miss what's to come! 🔜

Action Synergy Defoin Sciara Progetti Les PEP 69/ML

Photos from DIS-Abilities - Erasmus+ project's post 24/05/2024

🇮🇹In January 15-17 the partners met in Fiorenzuola d'Arda, Italy, to kick-off our project. We worked in the offices of Sciara Progetti, and we discussed all the aspects related to the next two-years of project.
It was a good moment to get to know each others better, presenting some interesting and inclusive methodologies, and spending amazing time together! 🤩


🤩Yes, we know what you think: how many amazing things are happening in DIS Abilities project, right? But we are not done yet!

Since we want to contribute to a real change we will also prepare instances recommendations to be presented to main stakeholders and policy makers!📄


🤓What's better than a social hackathon to engage our target? So be ready because we will also organise it!

Stay tuned ... 😎


🌍During our project we will be implementing also transnational mobilities! The first will be a training course in Greece for youth workers and health and social sector operators. The second will be a mobility of young people in Spain.
If you are interested in knowing more, stay tuned, we will share all the details of the experiences! 😎


🚀 To reach our objectives we planned to produce specific results and implement activities.
1️⃣ Our first result will be a Good practices report
📝 We have already started working on it, so if you think you have a good practice to share with us and want to be included in the research, do not hesitate to contact us! 🗣


🎯 We have already presented you our main aim, but are you curious to discover our objectives?
● to failitate the access to Erasmus+ programs for youngsters facing disabilities and with special needs
● to train youth workers from health and social sector in managing Erasmus+ projects
● to train youth workers from youth sector in creating erasmus+ projects more inclusive and accessible
● to accompany the youngster’s families in discovering programs
● to submit ka1 projects answering the youngster’s needs and wishes
● to acculturate both organisations and heardboards in cooperating transnationally
● to allow an increase of the quality and accessibility of Erasmus+ projects
● to arouse engagement amongst youngsters in Erasmus+ youth projects
● to bring lawmakers and european stakeholders in improving Erasmus+ accessibility

Are you curious now? Follow us! 🤩


👥 Who are the people we want to involve in our project or impact through our results and activities?
- Youngsters between 13 to 30 years old facing disabilities and having special needs. Those youngsters are mainly accompanied by health and social organisations and have low autonomy, making it hard for them to be involved in Erasmus+ youth projects by themselves.
- Youngsters families
- Youth workers, and especially youth workers in health and social sector
- Youth workers from youth organisations
- Headboards and stakeholders in both youth and health and social sectors
- Lawmakers and stakeholders in local, national and European politics
- National agencies, SALTO and european agencies working with European Union.

If you identify with one of these targets comment under this post and we will get back to you! 🗣


Who are the organisations partner of this amazing project? 🤩
🇫🇷 LesPep is our coordinator from France, LesPep is a no profit organisation specialised in working with people with disabilities.
🇮🇹 Sciara Progetti is an organisation from Italy, with extensive experience in youth work and theater practices to work on inclusion and with different targets.
🇬🇷 Action, from Greece, is competent in Non Formal Education, youth work and cooperating in different projects on the inclusion of youngsters and people with disabilities.
🇪🇸 Defoin, from Spain, is a training provider organisation, ready to share their expertise in all the aspects and topics related to the project!
Do you want to learn more about our partners? Follow their pages and discover their activities!


🎯DIS Abilities aims to use cooperation between health and social care organisations and youth organisations in order to facilitate the access to Erasmus+ programs to youngsters with disabilities by :
- training professionals in project management skills🤓
- acculturating the H&S sector in transnational cooperation🌍
- accompanying youth sector in being more inclusive🫂
- improving the quality and access to the Erasmus+ programs 🇪🇺
🤩Excited to know more? Follow us!

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