4: God furious. Moshe: Aaron, take incense into crowd, because plague started. Aaron runs. Stops plague. 14,000 died.
Daily Torah Tweets
Jewish educational initiative aiming to create broad familiarity with basic Jewish texts, ideas & concepts by transmission of daily “tweets”.
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7:5 If husband gave wife Gett on condition that she pays him, she's divorced when she accepts Gett & she has to pay.
8: All punishments come to the world due to ignoramuses. (Kaiser that levied taxes on city, ignoramuses left, pardoned).
11:2 Sold field for 60 years, not returned on Yovel. Only returned on Yovel if sold w/o qualification or in perpetuity.
OC 651:5 Bless Al Netilat Lulav, Shehechiyanu, b4 take Lulav; go from blessing to act; or hold Etrog upside down until bless.
27Sivan: God's life-force undergoes numerous & powerful contractions in order to bring finite, limited beings into existence.
463: Modesty, Emuna & desire 1 entity. Knowing limitation leads to modesty, modesty to Emuna, Emuna invokes desire for God.
3: Earth swallows up Korach's people, their families & belongings. 250 incense-men burned by God. Censers used on Altar.
7:3 Says to wife: This is your Gett if I die - not valid. Says: This Gett takes effect from this day, if I die - valid.
7: Lived in city 12 months, status of resident to pay for city projects. Bought house, considered resident immediately.
10:16 The Jubilee year (Yovel) releases land at its beginning, while Shmita does not release debts until its conclusion.
OC 651:2 Species bundle (Lulav, Hadas & Arava) are held together upwards in right hand w/ stems downward; Etrog in left hand.
26Sivan: God's Thoughts & Knowledge encompass all created beings & is life-force that brings it into existence from nothingness.
462: When realize futility vs all world's forces, become modest. Important prerequisite for Emuna. Know can't navigate w/o God.
2: Datan/Aviram: You didn't bring us to land of milk & honey. Korach group of 250 bring censers w/ incense to Mishkan.
7:1 If a man is ill with hypoglycemia, and instructs people to write a Gett for his wife, they do not listen to him.
6: Facing houses: each owner needs to build at least half a length of wall on roof to prevent the other from looking in.
9:1 Positive Mitzva to nullify debts on Shmita. If demands payment of debt after Shmita passed, violates prohibition.
OC 650:1 Minimum length of Hadas & Arava is 3 Tfahim each, Lulav 4 Tfahim, so Lulav spine will extend 1 Tefah above Hadas.
25Sivan: "There is no place devoid of God, in upper or lower worlds." "God grasps all, none can grasp God."
461: Why is getting to know God so difficult? Seems like losing battle. But constant struggle is what drives person to seek God.
1: Korach & co. challenge Moshe/Aaron authority. Moshe: bring incense tomorrow & God will decide. Datan/Aviram nasty.
6:7 Man tells 3 men to give man's wife Gett; they may make others write the Gett because they are considered a tribunal.
5: Resh Lakish: We don't believe people who say they paid their debt earlier than they had to, without proof.
8:20 Permitted to borrow Shmita produce from the poor. They should be repaid with produce in the 8th year.
OC 649:6 In time of distress, if can't find any Kosher Lulav components, can use invalid ones, but don't say Bracha over them.
24Sivan: Error to think Tzimtzum doctrine means God removed self from world & only guides from above w/ individual Providence.
460: Biggest concealment: no clarity what God wants from us. Rabbis disagree. Many who follow Torah life don't seem close to God.
7: Blasphemy gets divine Karet punishment. Man found gathering wood on Shabat, God orders stone him to death. Tzitzit.
6:5 Man who is to be executed, or before a dangerous journey, or deathly ill, may say "divorce my wife" and it counts.