HB 429 has passed the House floor today. Thank you, Representative Marcus Bryant and for to Senator Fred Mills asking him to take this on.
It now goes to the Senate.
Keeping commercial fishers informed about the industry and legislation.
HB 429 has passed the House floor today. Thank you, Representative Marcus Bryant and for to Senator Fred Mills asking him to take this on.
It now goes to the Senate.
The first part of the plan has been completed.
Today, Terrebonne Parish President Jason Bergeron , CAO Noah Lirette, Council Chairman John Amedee, and Councilwoman Kim Chauvin, presented representatives from SeaGrant with a proclamation supporting the local seafood industry.
The local seafood industry is vital to our Parish, and domestically produced seafood offers the best option for the health and safety of consumers in Terrebonne Parish.
The Terrebonne Parish Council, on behalf of TPCG, recognizes the importance of purchasing domestic seafood and commends the men and women who provide the Parish with fresh, locally caught seafood for their continued dedication to our seafood industry.
TPCG encourages all restaurant owners, residents, and tourists to purchase and consume locally caught seafood from our estuaries and Gulf of Mexico coastal waters.
The opposition of HB469 to have only domestic seafood in schools due to the health risks came from Mike Faulk who is the Executive Director of the Louisiana Association of School Superintendents.
Hmmmm...I'm guessing these people don't care about the health of our kids.
It couldn't have come at a better time than during our legislative session in Louisiana. Because we all know that the United States doesn't really know where all of this product has landed. That's pretty much what I learned sitting on the Senate Seafood Safety Task Force.
Louisiana Association of School Superintendents For Mac OS users, there is a system setting that may not allow you to tab onto several types of elements in a web page. To change this setting:
It’s another day of working on legislation with seafood in them. Going to Baton Rouge to testify on the mandating of our schools using domestic seafood because it is a health risk for our kids to eat imported seafood. HB429
Look up the House Education Committee this morning and send them an email telling them that you’re in support of HB429 as it is written. While you’re at it send Representative Marcus Bryant a thank you for caring and bringing this bill to the forefront.
Were you aware that our school systems buy inferior imported seafood that can cause antibiotic resistance and many other things and are feeding this to our children?
Make sure to listen! Representative Domangue talking about the Seafood Bill.
Lawmakers support new fees on Louisiana seafood dealers who import foreign catch • Louisiana Illuminator Lawmakers advanced legislation Tuesday that would require seafood dealers to pay higher fees for importing foreign catch into the state.
All you have to do is email EACH of the House Representatives in Louisiana and our state Senators and/or make a call to be IN SUPPORT of helping our industry! Even if you don't live Louisiana, you can get involved too. You visit here and eat here? You can have your say too! Can we count on YOU??
We implore you to take the time to email and/or call them. This is one of the important bills. House of Representatives https://legis.la.gov/Legis/Bios.aspx?cid=H
Senators: https://legis.la.gov/Legis/Bios.aspx?cid=S
All those big importers will be doing their best to change this bill. It is their duty to pay the fees associated with testing imported seafood products. The $100 fee that the 58 importers pay at this time doesn't allow for the proper testing of the imported seafood with the millions upon millions of pounds entering this state.
Yesterday, I presented the first of a package of bills aimed at leveling the playing field for our domestic sh*****ng industry. I am proud to report it cleared the House Natural Resources & Environment Committee with a unanimous vote.
My HB748 bill alters the fee schedule that processors of imported shrimp and crawfish pay into the Imported Seafood Safety Fund. This will better fund the Department of Health to execute sampling, analysis, testing, and monitoring functions. The bill has the support of Wildlife & Fisheries and the Lt. Governor.
The next step is a vote on the floor of the House of Representatives, and then off to the Senate.
Fishermen, it's time to gear up! All you'll have to do is email and/or make a call to be IN SUPPORT of helping our industry! Are you on board? If so, send me your email address.
1. It should be disturbing that anyone would be threatened.
2. The way Zeringue tries to dress how the alleged threat was carried out should be criminal. As Billy comes back to answer how the following year he got it back shows that something is foul in what Zeringue is saying.
3. Staying silent is not an option for Lafourche nor Terrebonne since the true science shows annihilation of our seafood industry too among other things on the eastern side and within 5 years for Lafourche and Terrebonne. We should all be standing together on this one.
4. That this group was able to get an emergency waiver on the marine mammal act at the 11th hour should speak loudly.
5. At the end, listen to the guy speaking about what dredging has done in 4 years compared to what this catastrophe of a diversion is supposed to have in creating land in 50 years (although, they can’t guarantee it).
Heck, I mean there a lot more, but these 5 should speak volumes.
Take the time to email the Governor’s office and the CPRA to tell him that you’re against the freshwater diversion project and to put a stop to it.
Share this YouTube video.
All of you who go eat out at restaurants, please send me
Photos of menus that aren’t following the menu labeling law. I need the name of the restaurant and where they are located.
Please share with your family and friends.
We know what Selena Gomez was whispering to Taylor Swift at the Golden Globes... She was telling Swift that there's nothing like authentic !! Everyone can agree on that😆🦀🦐
TLCD> Boudreaux Canal, Bayou Terrebonne and Humble Canal gates will be closed this morning with other gates to follow as needed due to strong upper level low moving into the area tonight.
Louisiana shrimp season will close December 18 in portions of state waters: https://buff.ly/3GGAXga
This is a Louisiana based company that is selling out our culture and heritage using imported farm raised shrimp. This showed up as an ad on my page. So I gave them a piece of my mind.
Your first order ships free No thaw, prep, or mess.
And these are the folks that are going to go through our receipts for this disaster money with absolutely NO knowledge of our industry. Make it make sense! This has got to change!
Our last shrimp peeling plant in Terrebonne Parish is shutting its doors permanently. 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
2019 Disaster Funds Grant
Have you had issues trying to get your application submitted?
Have you given up?
Did you call into WL&F and got a voicemail?
Did anyone call you back to resolve your issues?
Did you call South Central Planning and get a voicemail?
Did they call you back and resolve your issues?
If you had issues, whether they were resolved or not, please message us your name, company name, address, email address and cell number plus how long you spent on the process, and if it crashed too. Send that through messenger or to our email at [email protected].
It would be shellfish of us to not celebrate the December Harvest of the Month with Louisiana Farm to School Program. This month we are celebrating Shrimp 🍤!
The December Louisiana MarketMaker Business Spotlight is David Chauvin's Seafood Company, LLC. You can learn more about David Chauvin's Seadfood by visiting their Louisiana MarketMaker profile:
Be on the lookout later this month as we to answer a few questions from students about the shrimp! If you have a child that would like to submit a question, please do so using this survey:
Take a look at Women’s Southern Fisheries Alliance that have been diligently working to get things accomplished for our industry. Get ready to be at the capitol this year to help us get these bills passed.
State Seafood Safety Task Force tackling import testing and mislabeling Members of the Louisiana Seafood Safety Task Force are searching for answers.
Before the Seafood Safety Task Force convened this morning in Baton Rouge, I had sent them a list of 13 different issues that would need to be done for the betterment of our industry, but also for food security and food safety.
Senator Mike Fesi now has the same list and one will be given to my newly elected State Representative Jessica Domangue.
All bills that we produce out of this task force will be presented as a package. At this time, I am working on creating alliances with others so that we can get more senators and representatives on board.
With many of these bills, we will be coming against LRA, the Retail Association (grocery stores) and the distributors such as Sysco, Rheinhart, Ben E Keith, Associated Grocers and more. Make no mistake that they will be fighting us at every turn.
We will need as many fishers and families to show up to support the bills at the capitol as this will be huge for us. It will be important to fill out the cards in the committee rooms so that the committee will see that we are making a united front.
If you like the prices of this past year, there’s no need to show up. If you don’t like them, make a way for you or those in your family to show up this legislative session. You won’t need to speak, just to fill out cards.
It will be imperative that we speak as one on each of the bills.
TLCD> Due to the low pressure system moving across the Gulf, starting tomorrow, Monday Nov 13, the following floodgates will be closed: Humble Canal, Bayou Terrebonne and Placid Canal. The others will be monitored for possible closure if needed.
🌊🦐 Making Waves for Safe Seafood 🦐🌟
Hey there, commercial fishermen friends! 🌊 The Women's Southern Fisheries Alliance is thrilled to share some exciting updates on our mission to ensure the safety of imported seafood. 🍤
As we dove headfirst into grassroots initiatives, rallying support from parish to parish and engaging with our state legislators, the message is clear: the health risks associated with imported shrimp cannot be ignored any longer. 🚫🦐 The lackadaisical approach to FDA testing, menu labeling in restaurants and the influx of imports has caught the attention of politicians, and they are now asking us how they can help! 🙌
We've been hard at work crafting a series of bills for the upcoming state legislature session that will address these critical issues. When the time comes to present them, rest assured, we will be prepared and well-informed. 💪 We'll have experts on hand to answer any questions that may arise during testimony, ensuring our voices are heard loud and clear.
Exciting times lie ahead as our dedicated task force members collaborate, brainstorm, and share ideas to not only ensure the safety of seafood but also to bolster our industry. 🦐🌟 The future looks promising, and together, we're cooking up something great! 🔥👩🍳
It's crucial that we stand together, united in our cause. 🤝 Let's avoid any last-minute scrambling or off-the-cuff responses. We're already feeling encouraged by the support pouring in from both within the state and its parishes, and we are eager to collaborate with all who want to make a difference. 🤗
Stay tuned for updates on our progress; we'll keep you in the loop as it unfolds. If you're passionate about our shrimp industry and want to join forces with us, don't hesitate to reach out. We can't wait to welcome new faces into our group, set our goals, and keep moving forward, stronger together! 🌟💪🦐
ASPA provides the attached fact sheet providing details about its new trade petitions and a list of every shrimp harvester who is on record supporting the case.
For background, see the fact sheet:https://americanshrimp.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Shrimp-Petitions-Factsheet.pdf
A list of harvesters supporting the petition:https://americanshrimp.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/List-of-Harvesters-Supporting-Petition.pdf