College to Career

College to Career


Navigating the transition from college to career can be tricky. This website is designed to help you think about next steps.

What Goes On When Your References Are Checked | SFU OLC 02/07/2015

What Goes On When Your References Are Checked | SFU OLC You did it. You successfully finished the interview, hopefully feeling satisfied. While this certainly means less stress on your end, keep the references you gave the employer in mind. Or better yet, as you read this article, keep these tips in mind when providing references to an employer. You may…

Selecting a College - Engagement Matters 30/06/2015

Check out this "selecting a college checklist" from the Gallup-Purdue Index.

Selecting a College - Engagement Matters Purdue University is offering a handy checklist of questions to aid in their search. While prospective students are checking out classrooms, housing and recreational spaces on their campus tours, they also should find out about student-faculty engagement, high-impact experiences and affordability.

11 Pet Peeves Recruiters Wish They Could Share with Job Candidates 08/05/2015

#9: "Getting emails from aliases that must have been created in middle school."

11 Pet Peeves Recruiters Wish They Could Share with Job Candidates Seeing resume after resume and performing interview after interview means recruiters get to know a lot of people and their job-seeking habits. And like anyone in their own particular industry bubble, some repeated job application mistakes can really start getting to you. These 11 recruiter pet peeve…

Timeline photos 08/04/2015

An additional tip: Dress for the part even if no one can see you. It will boost your confidence!

Timeline photos 06/04/2015

Monday Motivation!

10 Most Valuable Startup Launched By Students (Infographic) - UP Global 02/04/2015

Be your own boss. Start a startup!

10 Most Valuable Startup Launched By Students (Infographic) - UP Global The graphic below shows businesses that were launched by students. Did you know that such popular companies as Reddit, WordPress and Time Magazine were founded by students? WOW! Source: Need more infographics? Check out: La…

Timeline photos 20/03/2015

Seeing red.

Ignore This Common – and Awful – Career Advice - US News 05/01/2015

I'll be honest as a career advisor, I've given some of the advice in the article. I've told people to do #6, but, as someone who has hired people for positions, I have to agree with the article that follow-up can sometimes be viewed as annoying rather than persistent. It always depends on the job/industry.

Ignore This Common – and Awful – Career Advice - US News Seven tips that can derail your job search and damage your career.

seekUT - Home 19/11/2014

seekUT: A solid effort by Texas to connect college graduation data to employment data. Hopefully, more states will follow.

seekUT - Home App for Tablets: Explore seekUT on your tablet device with the SAS® Mobile BI app, a third-party app that allows you to connect to the UT System data. Available for iPad or Android tablet devices.

Timeline photos 17/11/2014

. By the end of the year, learn a new skill.

How? One idea: check out For $25 a month, you can access unlimited training videos.

Testimonial: I learned how to use Excel 2013 to analyze data by watching a series of short training videos. The training helped me take on new projects at work and made me marketable in my next job search. Plus, I now have a new love for pivot tables!

What is a new skill you've learned recently?

Essay on labor market returns for bachelor's degrees from community colleges @insidehighered 14/11/2014

A new trend in higher education, community colleges offering bachelor's degrees. What are your thoughts? This article shows that community college graduates are fairing well after graduation.

"In short, bachelor’s graduates from community colleges are doing as well as their peers with university degrees, at least in Florida. And community college graduates usually paid far less for their education."

Essay on labor market returns for bachelor's degrees from community colleges @insidehighered With college costs soaring and the job market for new grads sputtering, one trend is worth watching: more and more states are authorizing community colleges to grant bachelor’s degrees. Already, more than 20 states — now including California, which enrolls one out of every four of the nation's commu…

Timeline photos 12/11/2014

Great advice to consider. Just because the aid is available, doesn't mean you should take it.

You don't have to accept all financial aid that is offered to you. Start by accepting aid you don't have to pay back:

Can your college major guarantee a job? 06/11/2014

Can your college major guarantee a job? Probably not. Employers say they want industry experience. This article argues that you should pick a broad major and build relevant skills and experience. #.

Can your college major guarantee a job? College students regularly pile into majors where the job prospects are hot. Whether they will stay that way after graduation is another story.

Survey: Half of college grads in jobs that don’t require degree 05/11/2014

CareerBuilder survey "found that graduates who majored in healthcare, science, or technology were more likely to find work. Students who applied for a job well before graduation were also more successful, and internships also gave new grads a leg up in the job market."

Survey: Half of college grads in jobs that don’t require degree The job market is tough enough for those with experience, but as a study by shows - the jobs available don't require a college degree.

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?