Subjective wish: This is my last batch of pupils in Hong Kong. Thanks for reminding me my very first days of teaching. ♡
Explore Language Fun with Ms Kong
Teacher's qualifications: Registered teacher, BA(hons) Double Majors in Psychology and Philosophy(HK
Teaching pupils nouns. Asked them to look around the classroom and check out the nouns(things or people) in the classroom. One said, “Tree”. ”Tree?” cause I only focused on the pupil. Then he elaborated, “It’s outside the classroom!” I was amazed when I looked at the beautiful blossomed tree.
I said, “Wow! Wonderful! I’ve never noticed it! Thank you!” Although he wasn’t exactly correct, I wouldn’t say him wrong . “Tree” is a noun. The teaching objective is on nouns rather than the concept of inside or outside. Sometimes children see the things that adults don’t pay attention to. It’s always inspiring when talking to students.
我要平反一下🤓:每次同朋友講開,我宜家做補習,佢哋成日以為我好輕鬆、得閒!如果仲係停留喺大學生年代做嘅補習,睇吓功課、攞一本補充練習影啲俾學生做,就梗係輕鬆!問題係,如果家長搵得一個老師去補習,對小朋友嘅成績一定有期望,高分固然好,但有時都要看看小朋友是否吸收、出力,我就一定出力拉佢哋,最起碼都要進步、學到野,上堂唔明嘅搞返掂佢!間間學校、每個學生,程度都唔同,所以是要上堂前準備的,tailor-made  啲合適嘅notes或者練習給學生,唔係淨係單單補習時間工作,好忙㗎!不過見到小朋友成績有進步,好開心呢!佢哋真係喺補習學到嘢!
Took up a new project with this school. Teaching P1 pupils the abstract prepositions with fun grammar games this morning. Lots of laughter and learning. Thank you for brightening up my day! 😚
It’s long ago! My first self-made big book. I told this story in my teaching practice. What a precious memory! 🥰
Morning poem with student to end the last day of Tiger 🐯🎉
Extroverted vs introverted. I’m a Gemini. What about you?
Long time no see, my dear blackboard!
Face-to-face tutorials are resumed. Happy to see my students become fit (or fat)😂!Gonna be busy but excited today coz I’m going to a new school for a 3-day project.
Daily 日常 にちじょう
Feeling so comfy to read magnified words though I haven’t got presbyopia yet!
Successfully unlocked a skill of zoom which I had asked many of my teacher friends before but no one could answer me 😜. I’m so excited that I can open two windows at the same time from now on! 🤩
The whiteboard is a bit small for us!
Today is the last face-to-face lesson during this wave. Just want to make sure I’m not inflected and spread the virus to my students. Zoom lessons are commenced in March. Take care and stay safe everyone 🙏🏻
Gloomy days, unforeseeable future, but lovely students and nice parents made my day 🥰! So blissful to resume my teaching today! Both zoom and face-to-face tutorials are available. Wish you all well for the year of tiger 🐯