North Community High Class of 1992 20 Year Reunion
Order tickets today: https://sites.google.com/site/nhs20yr/
Questions please contact (612) 424-1648 As we all know our 20 year reunion is heading this way.
The 92 Executive board thought it would be a good idea to begin planning for this event. If you are interested in participating in the planning, Shawanna Gibson is acting as Chairperson for this event and we are looking for a few other committed class member to work on the planning committee. You can message Shawanna Gibson here on facebook. We are excited, to both reconnect with you all and beg

Minneapolis North High Class of 1992 & 1993 Combined 30 Year Reunion:
Save the Date: Friday, October 6th & Saturday, October 7th 2023.
Final details have not been finalized; however, Committee is considering a few options. Attending Homecoming Game on Friday, an event with music food and dancing on Friday night, and finally daytime Happy Hour on Saturday.
If you live outside of Minneapolis I’d recommend just to plan on being in Minneapolis that weekend if you want to participate.
Note: a few committee members are considering attending Wu Tang / Nas concert on Saturday Night (October 8, 2023).
Finally – please understand that there’s no bucket of money to fund these activities and that many venues require upfront deposits and or minimum spends. That being said, please be proactive in regards to any ticket/fee notification you may see in the near future. Please help us make this a success by respond (RSVP when available), and paying early (if required). It is a lot easier to plan and reserve space if you have commitments early in the process.
Anthony George (I’m just the messenger) --