College Career Success

College Career Success


Working to set you on the right path for your future career. Find the COLLEGE and MAJOR that fits YOU... and drastically CUT THE COST of college!!

Like our page to get the latest information about your college and career success opportunities. We are a community of college bound students, college admissions counselors, and career professionals all working to help students make the best action steps toward a productive career in college and beyond. You will be a part of an elite group that has the inside scoop on how to make the most of your time and money during college!


Thank you all for allowing us to join you and your family on YOUR COLLEGE JOURNEY! We look forward to your future!

College Career Success Working to set you on the right path for your future career. Find the COLLEGE and MAJOR that fits YO

Top Ways to Save A TON of Money on College Tuition! 07/06/2017

Our Latest Podcast Episode! Like, subscribe, share, and let us know what you would like to hear about in the future!

Top Ways to Save A TON of Money on College Tuition! In this episode of the College Career Success Podcast, we discuss ways to significantly offset the cost of your college tuition!  Join us today and subscribe to hear all of our future episodes!

7 College Must Do’s 10/05/2017

We've added our Podcast to go with our Blog... Check it out!

7 College Must Do’s Watch our Podcast for this post: Or subscribe to our Audio Podcast: This post is all about squeezing the most out of your college years.  Live it up, be productive, get great grades, make friends,…

7 College Must Do’s 10/05/2017

Watch our Podcast for this post: Or subscribe to our Audio Podcast: This post is all about squeezing the most out of your college years. Live it up, be productive, get great grades, make friends, share in new experiences, begin your career! Here at College Career Success we want you to enjoy college and be successful during and afterward. [ 854 more words ]

7 College Must Do’s Watch our Podcast for this post: Or subscribe to our Audio Podcast: This post is all about squeezing the most out of your college years.  Live it up, be productive, get great grades, make friends, …

What To Expect: 7 College Myths? 21/04/2017

What stereotypes of college run through your head? Here we will test out 7 common college myths.

What To Expect: 7 College Myths? What stereotypes of college run through your head?  Here we will test out 7 common college myths. 1. You Don’t Have To Go To Class Yes, you may be out from under your parents’ roof and …

PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT: University of Florida Materials Science and Engineering 18/04/2017

University of Florida UF Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering University of Florida Department of Materials Science & Engineering

PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT: University of Florida Materials Science and Engineering Today’s post is the first in a new series simply titled: PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT.  As you may have guessed this series will highlight different programs at colleges and universities to showcase the…

5 Reasons Applying To College Without Knowing Your Admissions Counselor Is A HUGE MISTAKE! (With Bonus PRO TIPS) 15/04/2017

Show of hands please... how many think that colleges do not have a personal connection with students during the admissions process? Well, you are mostly correct if you do not utilize this one resource available to every student at every college!

5 Reasons Applying To College Without Knowing Your Admissions Counselor Is A HUGE MISTAKE! (With Bonus PRO TIPS) Show of hands please… how many think that colleges do not have a personal connection with students during the admissions process? Well, you are mostly correct if you do not utilize this one r…

Check This Box if You’re a Good Person 13/04/2017

Stand out with your CHARACTER, not just your grades and test scores!

Check This Box if You’re a Good Person On college applications, every so often, the kindness of a student can’t help shining through.

How To Find A Mentor In College 11/04/2017

A while back, we discussed the benefits of having a mentor while you are working through college. Be sure to check out this post, 6 Reasons to Find a Mentor in College, if you haven't read it yet. Maybe you are now convinced that a mentor is a good thing for you, so how do you find a mentor? We will cover this very topic today. [ 438 more words ]

How To Find A Mentor In College A while back, we discussed the benefits of having a mentor while you are working through college.  Be sure to check out this post, 6 Reasons to Find a Mentor in College, if you haven’t read i…


Awesome! You are never too old to learn! You are never too old to

Charity Boman – College and Career Advice That Colleges Won’t Tell You! 08/04/2017

What are you thinking about when you enter college? ...if you are only thinking about tomorrow or the next month, you will be severely putting your future beyond college at a disadvantage!

Charity Boman – College and Career Advice That Colleges Won’t Tell You! “…It was a combination of all those things that made my career what it is today. If I had only attended college, I would probably still have a job, not a career.”

Ask Brianna: Should I accept money from my parents? 06/04/2017

Parents are amazing and want to help as much a possible... but working toward independence is a necessary thing for life and career success! Thank you College Moms

Ask Brianna: Should I accept money from my parents? Accepting help might not be the right financial move for either of you or your parents.


It really is a 'double whammy'.

The Absolute Best 6 College Extra-Curricular Activities 04/04/2017

College is a unique time in one's life and development. You are learning, living, and socializing all on your own for probably the first time in your life. Academics and classes are pretty much planned out for you once you've finalized your major, but there are many other choices to be made! One of those... What should you get involved with outside of the classroom? [ 586 more words ]

The Absolute Best 6 College Extra-Curricular Activities What should you get involved with outside of the classroom?

Sam Fisher – Wisdom From A Recent Graduate 01/04/2017

Thank you Sam Fisher for your priceless wisdom!

Our third edition of ‘Wisdom From a Recent College Graduate’ features one of the nicest guys you will meet, and he is pretty darn smart too! This, of course, is Mr. Sam Fisher. Sam gives an excellent perspective from a student turned professional entrepreneur with A LOT of learning experiences along the way. Sam is a Stanford grad and the Founder and CEO of Right Call Consulting! [ 819 more words ]

Sam Fisher – Wisdom From A Recent Graduate “Learn to code! It’s hard to find a single career these days where…”


Register Today for Our ***FREE*** Presentations in the next couple of months in Daytona Beach!

College Career Success Working to set you on the right path for your future career. Find the COLLEGE and MAJOR that fits YO

The Importance of Grades 30/03/2017

Our post today is from Dr. Jonathan Golding's blog 'Beginners Guide To College Success'. This article is an excellent point on why your grades in college matter! Let's hear from Dr. Golding! Golding College Success

The Importance of Grades Reblogged on

College Admissions - What Every Student Should Know Before Applying To College 29/03/2017

FREE PRESENTATION! - 'What Every Student Should Know Before Applying To College'

This free presentation provided by College Career Success will review the application process at most colleges and what you need to know to create a strong application. Topics include application and admission types, how colleges evaluate students, resources available, and keys for success. Limited seats are available, so register today!

Also, be sure to register for the ‘What Every Student Should Be Doing During The Summer To Prepare For College’ presentation in May!

College Admissions - What Every Student Should Know Before Applying To College

What To Expect Your Freshman Year In College – Part 2 With BONUS! 28/03/2017

Every student inevitably carries expectations and preconceived notions about college with them when they first arrive. Our perception of college is shaped by many things like older siblings, friends, popculture, or our parents. But, what should you really be expecting to experience on a daily basis during your freshman year? We’ve compiled some thoughts and (possibly more) realistic expectations to consider when you first arrive on campus. [ 1,165 more word ]

What To Expect Your Freshman Year In College – Part 2 With BONUS! … later you find yourself at the library, student center, and the athletic dorm?? …you get the picture.

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

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