If you find a penny, do you pick it up?
Spirit and Money Matters
Welcoming Wealth: Workshops (for groups of 5+); Workbooks; Mentorship (1:1 or couples. In person or by web video.) Spirit is thought. Money is form. Both
Spirit and Money Matters is grounded in universal spiritual principles, and practical systems for welcoming wealth. The Universe is no respecter of ignorance. How many people do you know who were taught to think of money in spiritual ways? When you understand that it's all energy, and the Universe only says, "Yes" you will be intentional with your money (and everything else.) It's not about valuin
Hi! Thanks for stopping by Spirit and Money Matters! Spirit is thought. Money is form. Both are important.

Suze Orman Shares 3 Simple Ways To Get Out Of Debt I’ve seen the damage and fear that debt can cause. Whether you have credit card debt, or student loan debt, or want to buy a home or a car that you will finance, you’re dealing with debt. Debt is the major stress point in every household that I’ve worked with. It weighs down your spirits, keeps your...

23 Reasons Why You’ll Always Be Broke ... even though you make good money.

10 Things You Should Know About Money by Age 20 Remember these rules and you'll be ahead of the game

10 Things You Should Know About Money by Age 30 Are you a financial 'adult'?

You can't have everything.
Where would you put it.
~ Steven Wright ~
Thanks for stopping by Spirit and Money Matters! Did you know the workbook "Welcoming Wealth" is now an ebook sold wherever ebooks are sold?

Welcoming Wealth - A Workbook for Committing to Your Dreams. It's now sold as an ebook anywhere ebooks are sold! What's your goal or dream you're saving for?

5 Simple Ways to Cut Your Grocery Bill Without Coupons Check out these five easy ways to change your grocery shopping habits for the better—without clipping coupons.


For First-Time Credit Card Users, Avoiding Financial Pitfalls Consumer finance educators say first-time credit card holders often know "just enough to get by."

Open Your Chakras - Sonia Choquette Hay House author and spiritual teacher Sonia Choquette teaches you how to open your chakras and unlock the power of your intuition

Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day y'all!
Credit to: Lily Photography. https://www.facebook.com/Lily-Photography-128700140804503/?ref=hl&hc_location=ufi

Wishing everyone a very happy & blessed Thanksgiving! Give thanks for your many blessings.

Coastal Roots Farm gives thanks! This month we give thanks. Special thanks to our volunteers who help us harvest for donation and keep the farm productive and looking beautiful...

How to Actually Start Living Within Your Means Step one: start slow

6 Surprising Reasons Why Gratitude is Great for Your Health There are millions of reasons to feel grateful. Acknowledge them all, big and small, on Thanksgiving day and every day, and you just may put yourself on the path to better health.

Around 9:00 PM tonight. - West coast may have to wait a bit longer than 6:00 PM, but it the sky is clear we've got a treat in store!
8 things you didn't know about the moon Just in time for the supermoon lunar eclipse, here are eight things you may not have known about the moon.

What a fun way to begin the morning! Halloween is on a Sat this year.
7 Creative Jack-o’-Lanterns You Don’t Need a Pumpkin For Some take a little carving, others are simply crafts inspired by the traditional jack-o’-lantern, but none of these festive ideas require an actual pumpkin.

3 Tips for Single Female Home Buyers Make sure you do your research and take your time

The third week in Sept is Deaf Awareness Week: http://nad.org
Ohio Community College Bars Experienced Hard of Hearing Nurse Fremont, OH – Licensed Practical Nurse Shirley Parrott-Copus filed a suit in federal court today alleging that Terra State Community College discrim...


Brain Drain on Amazon: amzn.to/1adJW5M
Do you think?

How I Saved $36,000 Use this simple trick

A Tribute Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Live Stream - FREE - In His Memory Watch live as Hay House gives a tribute to Wayne Dyer's life and legacy on Friday night of the I Can Do It! conference. http://www.drwaynedyer.com/tribute