Want to get a Master's degree in Deaf Education - come have a look!
A place for information about teaching mathematics to deaf and hard-of-hearing students. This origi
Operating as usual
Want to get a Master's degree in Deaf Education - come have a look!
Educators of deaf students (Middle School, High School, Post Secondary) - have a look at a free Math conference from DeafTEC! Nov. 4-6, 2019 in Austin, TX . To register go to https://ecampus.esc13.net/login.html, workshop FA1941153
Come on down!
Please spread the word - APPLY NOW if you are interested in joining a great team of Middle School staff! Any questions please message me -
Texas School for the Deaf - Middle School Teacher - Math TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT Contract employment 187 working days per academic year August to June Normal work hours 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM GENERAL DESCRIPTIONProvides classroom instruction to deaf students. Plans, develops, presents, modifies curricula and prepares lesson plans and other instructional materials....
Summer Fun!!
I Can! Code The I Can! Code program will be conducted in partnership with professionals from Apple, Inc. and the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) at Roch...
Looking for a great Mathematic teacher - please apply!
Texas School for the Deaf - Middle School Teacher - Math TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT Contract employment 187 working days per academic year August to June Normal work hours 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM GENERAL DESCRIPTIONProvides classroom instruction to deaf students. Plans, develops, presents, modifies curricula and prepares lesson plans and other instructional materials....
Nominations now open - Teachers, if you have deaf/hh students who would enjoy a cool coding retreat - nominate them now! https://texasdeafed.org/students/discovery-retreat-february-2019
Discovery Retreat February 2019 | Crossroads Students will learn how to design, build, and launch different programs using the Apple Swift programming language. Projects will include Swift programs on iPads to control robotic devices such as Spheros and Parrot Mambo Fly drones. No prior programming experience needed - students will learn every...
Look at our great group of presenters at the DeafTEC Math conference this week in Austin - wow!
Still room to register for the DeafTEC Math Ed/Deaf Ed conference - Come join us in Austin Texas this November 5-7!
Educators - come join us for a great conference combining Deaf Education and Mathematics Education! Registration information is on the flyer -
Great conference to attend - teachers of deaf/hh students have a look! November 2018 in Austin, TX
https://ecampus.esc13.net/login.html Workshop #: FA1839028
Top 16 students in the Math Competition for Students who are Deaf/HH 2018! This was a wonderful event this past weekend at RIT/NTID. Great job everyone!
Congratulations to our top 16 individuals who are now competing against each other live! Check it out online! [description- graphic of student names]
Watch the NTID Math Competition streaming at 2pm today! (4/14/18) http://www.rit.edu/ntid/mathcompetition/
Mathematics Preservice Teacher Scholarship Application | Texas Council of Teachers of Mathematics Any student attending a Texas college, university (public or private), or Texas approved alternative certification entity and who plans on student teaching during the 2018-19 school year in order to pursue teacher certification at the elementary, middle or secondary level with a specialization or te...
Teachers of Deaf/HH students in Texas - you can still nominate 9th-10th graders for the upcoming Discovery Retreat April 20-22, 2018. STEM Weather fun in a great environment! Have a look: https://texasdeafed.org/students/discovery-retreat-april-2018
Nomination form: https://form.jotform.com/73455846884170
Discovery Retreat April 2018 | Crossroads Calling all Freshmen and Sophomores!! Do you want to learn how clouds, fog, and lightning are made, or learn about dams and how they are built and the water forces that can destroy them, or maybe work with a weather balloon? You CAN at Discovery Retreat this April! Come explore the science b...
Summer STEM camp for 9-12 grade Deaf/HH students - https://texasdeafed.org/students/programs/stem-camp
STEM Camp | Crossroads This exciting program is hosted by the Educational Resource Center on Deafness at Texas School for the Deaf. It is for Texas deaf and hard of hearing 9th-12th grade students who show a passion and excellence in science and who may consider pursuing a STEM career. Camp activities will include gues.....
TSD 8th graders study the volume of 3-D shapes!
Everyone loves fractions.......!?!?!?!?!
Strategies for Comparing Fractions - Math Coach's Corner Students need multiple strategies for comparing fractions, based on reasoning and fraction sense
I just finally finished these plotting points snowflakes. bit.ly/snowflakePlot
El Paso ISD in Texas is looking for quality deaf education teachers- spread the word! - contact:
Jason Lilly, M.Ed.
Facilitator, RDSPD
[email protected]
Texas School for the Deaf in Austin, TX is looking for a great Middle School Mathematics Teacher - have a look - https://tsd.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=290
Texas School for the Deaf - Middle School Teacher - Math Do you know someone who should apply for this job? Send this job posting to him or her! We'll send an email and include the job details and a link to this posting.
March for Science in Boston - Alicia Wooten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzAErr31Ecs
March for Science - Boston : Alicia Wooten Deaf Speaker Alicia Wooten, a Deaf Ph.D student gives a speech to the crowd that the March for Science rally in Boston
Having a great time talking about Mathematics teaching with Deaf Educators from all over the US!
Great Math Sign Dictionary - have a look!
Math | DeafTEC Like all dictionaries, this is a work in progress. It is a start but is not exhaustive, and we invite you to e-mail suggestions for additional terms and other improvements to
High School Deaf/HH students - summer opportunity for STEM!! - have a look at this!
6th - 8th grade girls in the Dallas area (teachers let them know) - have a look: https://stemforgirls.wordpress.com/
Design Your World North Texas STEM Conference for Girls
One week summer camp for high school juniors and seniors - let's get our deaf/hh students INVOLVED this summer!!! http://engineering.tamu.edu/civil/academics/build
Camp BUILD | Academics | Civil Engineering | College of Engineering Civil engineers are society's problem solvers. Do you want to make a difference? Consider a career in civil engineering...
Teachers of Deaf/HH students - come to a Math Conference designed just for you! Information on this link:
Session Detail This conference is a collaboration between ESC-20 and Texas School for the Deaf's DeafTEC Program that will provide math teachers at the middle school, secondary and post-secondary levels with examples of best practices for math instruction.
Middle Schoolers and teachers - have a look at the upcoming Discovery Retreat in Feb. 2017 - STEM in Aggieland! https://texasdeafed.org/students/discovery-retreat-february-2017
Middle School Discovery Retreat February 2017 | Crossroads The Educational Resource Center on Deafness (ERCOD) is hosting this Middle School (MS) retreat to introduce 7th and 8th graders to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). This retreat will follow the same successful model as our High School Discovery Retreats have used for the past 10 years.
DeafTEC presentation in Charleston, West Virginia with teachers from around the state - thanks to everyone for your participation!