Thank you to our speakers, organising team, and student volunteers for making this event a huge success. In a few weeks time, the talks will be uploaded through TED official websites and YouTube channel. Please watch this space for any further updates. We will also post some pictures this week.
Please find attached the link to our livestream.
TEDx 2018 Live
Fresh Pisuttisarun
"Is everyone in the world either male or female? Or are we unnecessarily dividing people through meaningless labels?
In society today, gender plays an immense role in defining who we are and who we become. From the minute we are born, we assign everyone a label - strictly male or female - and through that, incarcerate each other within rigid yet hollow roles and expectations. For as long as humans have existed, we have lived under a gender binary of male and female which rounds everyone to either ends, leaving little room for any sense of individuality or freedom for anyone to pinpoint exactly who they are.
In my talk, I will be exploring what gender really means and how it impacts all of us on a personal level; I will also challenge the traditional male-female gender system in society and explain why gender today is purely an obsolete social construct we must leave behind. I will introduce the idea that there are more than two genders in the world and advocate for the rights of the variety of genders which society currently does not recognize."
Come and support Fresh (Palis) at the TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool on Thursday 8th of March in the Black Box. The event will start from 4:30-6:45.
Ms. Purnima Ghogar
‘Doing’ as well as ‘teaching’
“Teachers who can do, teach” is my inversion of the popular myth - “teachers don’t do, they teach”. Challenging this myth, I reveal the many facets of my identity with the question, “who am I?” - an English teacher at Bangkok Patana School, a published author of ten books, a professional artist/curator, an academic, a writer and an educational researcher. To most of you, this is something you never knew! School communities are often not fully aware of the hidden talents of their teachers who have a lot to offer - some pursue an interest professionally and others as an amateur.
Having taught in Australia and the UK for the past 5 years, I have experienced first-hand the realities that affect many talented teachers who struggle to manage their creative pursuits whilst teaching full-time. My talk concludes with solutions that aim to inspire chances about an issue that I am passionate and have been publishing for seven years.
Come and support Ms. Ghogar at the TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool on Thursday 8th of March in the Black Box. The event will start from 4:30-6:45.
Amanda Jayapurna
‘Stories are the way we understand and make sense of the world we find ourselves in.’
—Clare Patey, Director of the Empathy Museum.
"When someone tells us their own personal story, we catch a glimpse of a view of the world that may be slightly or radically different from our own. When we see the world as they see it, or walk in their shoes, the experience can inspire empathy within them.
Film & Animation have the ability to simplify or exaggerate, and abstract or clarify. It’s the perfect vehicle for storytelling and character development.
Film has the capacity to explore truly meaningful subject matter, and are definitely more than bright colors and catchy songs. These films resonate with children in their most impressionable years; presenting messages and values that they will carry for life.
As I enter my final few months at Patana before heading off to university to study animation, in this reflective time, I want to share how storytelling and film has not only affected my life, but the impact it has globally—even inspire a member of the audience to share their own story or experience, be it a big global issue or simply a small, insightful encounter."
Come and support Amanda at the TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool on Thursday 8th of March in the Black Box. The event will start from 4:30-6:45.
Mr. John Burrell
“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”
The story I have to share is of a journey through Prehistoric Thailand, of Dinosaurs and cave dwellers, of rock art and Theropod trackways.
In this whistle stop tour of Issan we will catch sight of the premier rock art sites, of Pha Taem and Phratu Pha. As we look on their work our minds will ask questions, who were these people, why did they paint so, what was the message.
There is more though, much more, and from a time beyond the imagination, a time before man, the time of the dinosaurs. With little time to ‘stand and stare’ we will take in the spectacular dinosaur trackways of Nam Nao and Phu Faek and then onto to what is arguably one of the Worlds finest Dinosaur collections at Phu Wiang.
Exploring Thailand by the less travelled by roads has opened up a deeper appreciation of this wonderful country. So the next time you reach the junction, Chiang Mai or Khon Kaen consider the road less travelled by, the change could make all the difference.
Come and support Mr. Burrell at the TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool on Thursday 8th of March in the Black Box. The event will start from 4:30-6:45.
Putt Punyagupta
"I believe linguistic prowess nourishes one's understanding of ethnographic differences. Immersing myself in the study of foreign languages has opened up innumerable avenues. What used to be unintelligible clusters of cursive have now morphed into agents of understanding.
The imperialism of dominant languages has thus resonated with me on personal levels. A tongue forms the basis of our cultural identity and gives us a sense of belonging in our respective speech communities. Thailand is a country experiencing underlying linguistic pluralism under the guise of state-sponsored homogeneity, with consequences such as more fragile democratic institutions and societal disunity; depriving a people linguistically can sever the bond between a people group and their heritage.
I am not advocating for any particular political agenda. From a practical perspective, I believe that linguistic rejuvenation is an effective way of ensuring long-term vitality of minorities and marginalized communities."
Come and support Putt at the TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool on Thursday 8th of March in the Black Box. The event will start from 4:30-6:45.
Mr. Olivo Miotto
"I’ve wanted to be a scientist for as long as I could remember. As a kid, I was interested in evolution, but I was not attracted to biology. I graduated in Physics at Imperial College London, and went on to designing and programming electronic equipment. After several years as an engineer, I decided to leverage on my experience and travel the world; I took a post as a lecturer at the National University of Singapore, where I taught Software Engineering.
When the first Human Genome was published, I suddenly realized that genomics and evolution was what I wanted to do. So, at a late age and with a young family, I turned my career around and started on a PhD at the School of Medicine. Today, I am an Associate Professor at the Nuffield Department of Medicine of the University of Oxford, and I study the evolution of malaria parasites, to find an effective way to combat and eliminate this killer disease."
Come and support Mr. Olivo at the TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool on Thursday 8th of March in the Black Box. The event will start from 4:30-6:45.
Jasmine Mahadumrongkul
"People age every day. However, as populations around the world continue to grow and healthcare becomes even more progressive, people are also living longer than ever before. By 2050, the number of people in the world 65 and older will have doubled from 10% to 20% -- even more surprising is that 70% of the world’s population is expected to be locating in urban areas. For one thing, we have an aging population that is going to need food, money, housing, healthcare -- the list goes on and on. By 2050, food production must increase by 70% to feed everyone on Earth! For another thing, an aging population puts a psychological strain on the society as people grow frail and lose mental acuity as they age. How can we, as the younger generation, approach this problem collectively but effectively to best support our baby boom cohorts?
I am a 17-year-old girl who is advocating for people doubled my age or older. In my talk, I will explore “The Truth of Aging Time Bomb,” one of the biggest challenge that the world is facing. Having visited and researched a numerous number of nursing homes all over Thailand, this is now a chance for me to speak about the problem that I genuinely care."
Come and support Jasmine at the TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool on Thursday 8th of March in the Black Box. The event will start from 4:30-6:45.
Mr. Aidan McDonagh
"What are the factors that influence how we retain knowledge? Is it simply a function of understanding – that is, the better our understanding of the topic, the more likely we are to retain knowledge of it - or is there more to it than that?
I am a teacher who has been wrestling with this question for the past five years since I began training to be a teacher in 2013 in England. I taught in London for four years and was involved in teaching mathematics, training teachers and raising standards of numeracy across the curriculum. All these experiences have taught me a lot about what effective teaching for retention looks like.
Now, in 2018, I am in the final year of my Masters study in Mathematics Education. In my final report I write up my findings on this topic of memory and retention. My studies have directed me to the areas of Cognitive Science, Pedagogical Theory and Classroom Research. I believe that the answers I have found from both theory and practice will have a far-reaching impact on education. I can’t wait to present to you."
Come and support Mr. McDonagh at the TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool on Thursday 8th of March in the Black Box. The event will start from 4:30-6:45.
Ishani Saran
"We all see the world differently. However, that doesn’t mean we don’t link in some way. Each piece we place in our lives brings us closer to seeing the bigger picture. That’s what we are best at; connecting themes together to create one simple idea. Here is an idea I want to talk to you about: How much do our choices affect our lives?
I’m Ishani, a Year 8 student who would like to share how each small choice can have a huge impact in our lives. I love reading and here is a quote from one of my favourite authors that describes this perfectly. “It is our choices that show who we truly are far more than our abilities”.
There is a catch though: we don’t see people in light of the choices they make, but by the outcomes of their choices. Every story has many crossroads that lead to the final destination. However, we only see one side of the story. Let me take you to the world of looking at the larger picture and together we can make sense of the jigsaw of choices."
Come and support Ishani at the TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool on Thursday 8th of March in the Black Box. The event will start from 4:30-6:45.
Mr. James Penstone
"We are experiencing a relatively new era of disposable plastic. While over-reliance on disposable plastic is a relatively recent economic and cultural change (just 60 years old), it has fundamentally changed the makeup of this planet. From a global scale (the impacts on ocean ecosystems) to an individual scale (plastic in our bloodstreams).
I will explore why it is difficult for us to change our collective habits. I will also touch on the notion that it is a matter of how we perceive disposable plastic and how it maintains cultural acceptance, as supported by its low cost and the high levels of convenience which it offers.
An educator at Bangkok Patana School and resident of Thailand for nearly 13 years, I have supported students to lead whole school environmental initiatives for the past five years. I am passionate about seeking solutions to the problem, and I am privileged to be able to share these issues with the audience."
Come and support Mr. Penstone at the TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool on Thursday 8th of March in the Black Box. The event will start from 4:30-6:45.
The TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool committee is proud to announce that a live stream of the TEDx event will be available. Please watch this space in the near future for further information
TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool Ticket Registration
The TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool event will be on Thursday the 8th March from 4:30-6:45 PM.
All tickets will be FREE OF CHARGE, with complimentary refreshments. However, please note that due to audience limits, we are only able to accommodate a maximum of 100 audience members. Thus, tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you wish to attend, please sign-up via this GoogleForm : https://goo.gl/forms/EjSgr3iqlciPngak2 . Tickets will be distributed later this month.
TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool - Audience Application Form
The TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool is on Thursday 9th March from 4:30-6:45 PM. All tickets will be FREE OF CHARGE. However, due to Rules and Regulations allocated by TEDx, the audience will be limited to 100 members. Thus, the tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you wish to atte...
The TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool committee is pleased to announce that ticket registration for the event will open on the 19th of February (tomorrow).
All tickets will be FREE OF CHARGE. However, please note that due to audience limits, we are only able to accommodate a maximum of 100 audience members. The tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis.
A short reminder of our application process. Make sure to submit your application by the 20th January!
Apply now via:
The theme for this year's TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool is on "Chances and Changes." We have brainstormed some possible ideas below, but please do not let this limit your creativity as the idea regarding our theme can be anything as long as you believe it is worth sharing!
Our application window will span until the 20th of January. Apply to be one of the speakers now via this google form below!
Dear Students, Teachers and Parents,
As Bangkok Patana will be hosting an official TEDx Event in March 2018, “TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool”, we cordially invite you to apply to become one of the speakers at this prestigious event. This is a great opportunity for you to speak up, on ideas which you believe are worth sharing. Furthermore, your talk will be filmed and published to the TEDx YouTube channel!
To apply, please complete the Google Form below:
Link to Google Form:
We are looking for a diverse range of passionate speakers with local ideas that foster learning, inspiration, and wonder – to provoke conversations that matter; in regard to our theme of “Chances and Changes”. Desirable qualities for applicants include: Confidence in public speaking; Organization; Flexibility; and willingness to comply with deadlines.
To reiterate the time frames of the application process, please see the list below:
22nd December 2017 – 20th January 2018: Speaker Application Window (via Google Form above)
22nd January 2018 – 26th January 2018: Interview Phase (only student applicants will be invited for a short interview)
31st January 2018: Confirmation of application status for all applicants.
We would like to sincerely thank all applicants in advance for their interest. If you do not wish to speak, you are always welcome to attend our event which will be on the 8th of March, 2018.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
Kind Regards,
The TEDxBangkokPatanaSchool committee