Inglés: Clases Particulares en Elda y Petrer

Inglés: Clases Particulares en Elda y Petrer


Clases Particulares de Inglés en Elda y Petrer. Preparación de Exámenes Oficiales, Speaking and Oral Classes, repaso y refuerzo para el cole e instituto


🇬🇧 This is one of the things we must do to

🇪🇸 Está una de las cosas que debemos hacer para parar el bullying


🇬🇧 The importance of friendship

🇪🇸 La importancia de la amistad


🇬🇧 This is the most British thing you'll see all week...

🇪🇸 Esta es la cosa más británica que verás en toda la semana...


🇬🇧Time is free but it's priceless.

🇪🇸 El tiempo es gratis, pero no tiene precio.


🇬🇧 The importance of learning new languages:

A guy called Jens Risgaard has told this joke:
"Speaking 2 languages : bilingual.
Speaking 3 languages: trilingual.
Speaking 1 language:

🇪🇸 La importancia de aprender nuevos idiomas:
Un chico llamado Jens Risgaard ha contado este chiste:
"Hablar 2 idiomas: bilingüe.
Hablar 3 idiomas: trilingüe.
Hablar 1 idioma:


Fun facts! 😜


The importance of pronunciation... 🙊😅


This artist's draws are awesome 😍 And her inspiration is wonderful

Tuesday Sketches 🌻


We should save our planet 🌎 🍃🐋


Eco friendly roads?



😎 ? 😄



11th July 2,018: and in 👌🏻👑

11 de julio de 2.018: Ian McKellen y King Liar en 👌🏻👑

King Lear again: for 100 performances at the Duke of York’s Theatre in London where I made my West End debut in 1964. It’s a small theatre but we shall make it even more intimate by removing half the stalls seats, so everyone is closer to the actors. There will be 100 tickets for each show under £30 each. If you are between 16-25 you can sit on the front or back rows for £5. First performance is 11th July. Get booking from noon today!


This could be a good way to stay abroad. Special housemates 👩🏻👴🏻👵🏼👱🏻

Esta puede ser una buena forma para la estancia en el extranjero.
Compañero/as de casa especiales 👩🏻👴🏻👵🏼👱🏻 30/01/2018

Some Phrasals! 😄 If you want to know how to use and pronounce them, contact us!!

Algunos Phrasals! 😁 Si quieres saber cómo usarlos y pronunciarlos, ¡¡contacta con nosotras!!


What if we treated teachers the same way we treat professional athletes?

‘Frankenstein’ turns 200: Mary Shelley’s horror story was published this month in 1818 14/01/2018

: XIX century novel ' '.

is important to learn a new language. Although you need a good English level to read the original version of 'Frankenstein', there are several versions to know the if you are starting with English language. Do you prefer the original or an adapted version of the novel?

: novela del siglo XIX 'Frankenstein'.

es importante para aprender una lengua nueva. Aunque necesitas un buen nivel de inglés para leer la versión original de 'Frankenstein', hay muchas versiones para conocer la si estás empezando con el inglés. ¿Prefieres la versión original o la adaptada de la novela?

‘Frankenstein’ turns 200: Mary Shelley’s horror story was published this month in 1818 The genesis of “Frankenstein” began in 1816 when young Mary Shelley and a group of illustrious writers sat around a fireplace telling ghost stories; Shelley’s eventual book, “Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus,” was released on New Year’s Day of 1818.


🎊 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉
We wish you all the best for the New Year 😃
Thank you for the pic, Mª José 😘
🎊 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉


Which are your New Year's Resolutions?

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

