WCHS class of 1971
This site is to keep all information on the class of 1971 Watseka, ILL
Yesterday was a great day so many showed up for the class reunion meeting, Everyone is working on a product when we all get done this should be one of the greatest reunion that the class of 1971 ever had.
11 years ago today we lost our dad, Oscar Kent, after a battle with cancer. Love and miss you Dad.
Sad news, Rod McGrew passed away today. There will be a memorial service in Watseka this Saturday at 2pm. Baier funeral home.
Asking for prayers for our classmate JR Kaufmann Saw the following announcing in the Methodist Church bulletin today: JR Kaufmann, Irene Lowe’s son from Watseka, was in a head-on crash this last Wednesday. He was banged up pretty good, but his worst injury seems to be a foot, which was broken in several places, and he has a crushed heel. On Wednesday at Carle in Urbana, he will be undergoing a very difficult and extensive surgery to fix his foot. JR’s truck was totaled but it could have been worse for him.
Asking for prayers for our WCHS Class of 71 classmate Rodney McGrew
Sorry to hear we lost another classmate
RIP Guy Wood