The UGLY truth about recreational hunters and the hunting industry.
Debating hunters and hunting industries lies, excuses and BS I will give 3 warnings then you are out. Comprende'??
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” Buddah
I have been to enough hunting forums where they will delete comments from those who appose hunting if there is too much truth, facts and show the REAL kinds of disgusting photos of murder gallery they love to share in their hunting forums or their sadistic killing on videos on youtube. Hunters like to claim youtube
is "not a place to get information" BUT that is a haven for psychopath "sportsman" to share their destruction so we are getting the RAW deal here and exposing them to the p***c and they hate that. Also state wildlife agencies such as DNR (Division of Natural Resource) NY State DEC, California Fish and Games, Colorado DOW and so on is nothing more then a hunting club with fancy names. The building, their brochures etc shows euphemistic photos of children laughing playing in the pile of leaves or doing their outdoors things (not killing) but never do they show the REAL sadistic evil side of children laughing and exclaiming "awesome" as the animals are badly shot. Is it bad enough adult hunters cannot shoot straight and there are so many hunting accidents including many dead child hunters.
(They had to shorten the list because they were just soo many this year) from bowhunting , muzzle -loader to shotgun). Many of us who appose recreational hunting is NOT a peta or HSUS we are here to end the killing of innocent animals for "sports" and trophy and what ever sick "thrills" you get out of it and to expose the corruption of the hunting industry (ok I repeated myself). All that conservation talk is only to "conserve" land to use as a killing field and to propagate tons of game animals to kill for human amusement as the DNR rakes in the blood money. The "fun" of killing deer is also costing human lives from Deer Vehicle Accidents so each time you see a psychopath sports hunters posing with their murdered victims know that an human lives were lost because of it. I and some of us here are not "anti's" because I am not against survival hunting but those who come here to post comments of their endless excuses are not struggling, they can pay for cable and computer. Some psychopath "sports hunters" claim they "eat" portion of the deer like the "back straps" or "deer jerky" which just is too laughable, as if that is a justification to murder an innocent life for the size of the rack or what ever your sick "thrill" you get out of killing.
I will ask before anyone comes here you do not have a profile photos of you hugging your dead corpses (I know it's hard for you to feel like a "somebody" without a dead body in your hand but please do try. It's an insult to us who love our beautiful animals for you to be using it as your profile picture, you can do it with you sick kind in your own forum but not here. Some interesting link
Realities of hunting as a population control: Why there are so many deer today
Although recreational hunters makes up only the mere 4% of the American public the reason why compassionate people lose no matter how hard we fight is because they have the support of the NRA and the powerful pro-kill Government. Obama is nothing more then a puppet and with the money NRA has even ours used to "enhance" hunting they are now getting media such as tv and magazine to write up euphemistic unreal image of hunting , of them "harvesting" for food etc. It's so laughable if you look up all the accessories hunters have today for hunting, it's like a fashion statement for cruelty, thousands upon dollars used to go out and kill defenseless animals as they do they smack down, "wack a doe" and all the fist pumping and high fives. Bowhunters are the worst monsters ever but remember that when bow season is over they get their shotgun and shoot aways for enjoymet. Lastly- if I feel you are not reading what we write but instead just continue to repeat yourself over and over again your ulgy animal killing a** will be booted right out of this room. No racism, Sexism and homophobia statement allowed here.