Should We Be Trying To Tilt Our Pelvis In Downward Dog?
Should We Be Trying To Tilt Our Pelvis In Downward Dog?
Trying to tilt our pelvis in a particular way in downward dog may not have any noticeable effect on either our hamstring tension or bandhas.
Yoga Advertising: Who Are Ads Targeting?
Yoga Advertising: Who Are Ads Targeting?
Yoga advertising should share the message that yoga is for everyone. Advertorials showing narrow subgroups of people don't convey that message.
Practicing Yoga With Hyperextended Elbows
Practicing Yoga With Hyperextended Elbows
Some shoulder pain could be related to practicing yoga with hyperextended elbows since the hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder are interrelated.
Anatomical Breakdown Of Baddha Konasana
Anatomical Breakdown Of Baddha Konasana
Baddha konasana lengthens the adductors and can help balance the tension between the tissues on the inside and outside of your thighs.
What Does Vinyāsa Mean In Yoga?
What Does Vinyāsa Mean In Yoga?
Vinyāsa yoga can refer to the connecting movements between postures which are synchronized with breath as well as a style of practice.
Why Is My Spine Popping After Deep Flexion In Yoga?
Why Is My Spine Popping After Deep Flexion In Yoga?
Your spine may be popping during flexion or twisting in yoga because the synovial fluid in the intervertebral joints is changing state.
Can Yoga Help Manage Heart Arrhythmia?
Can Yoga Help Manage Heart Arrhythmia?
Yoga positively improved some aspects of heart arrhythmia and some secondary effects, like decreased anxiety and depression.
I am officially running my second Advanced Teacher Training!
Click the link in my bio if you'd like to register for the Q&A webinar this Saturday, the 18th of February, to give you the course details and answer any questions you may have.
This is a live 50-hour online advanced teacher training. All videos will be recorded and accessible for one year!
We’ll be covering topics such as:
- Seeing your students’ anatomy in postures
- How to work with injuries
- Seeing relationships between postures
- Breaking down postures anatomically
You know me, it's going to be practical and applicable!
See you on Saturday!
Yoga Alignment: Does It Really Matter?
What’s Happening In the Shoulders In Prasarita Padottanasana C?
What’s Happening In the Shoulders In Prasarita Padottanasana C?
Flexibility of all muscles that surround the shoulder girdle can affect the mobility of the shoulders in prasarita padottanasana C.
What is primary series really about?
What is primary series really about?
David Keil explains why the Ashtanga yoga primary series is about more than just asana practice, discussing the issues of breath, bandhas and dristhi, and why you cannot have one without the others.
How Accurate Are Weekly Logs Of Home Yoga Practice?
How Accurate Are Weekly Logs Of Home Yoga Practice?
Practitioners recorded formal home yoga practice accurately on a weekly log when compared to a daily yoga practice log.
Why Is My Back Rounded In Forward Bends?
Why Is My Back Rounded In Forward Bends?
The likely reason that your back is rounded in forward bends is that your hamstrings are tight. Tight lateral gluteals could also restrict you
How To Do Janu Sirsasana A
How To Do Janu Sirsasana A
Janu sirsasana A is a great posture for increasing your external hip rotation with less pressure on your knees than poses like lotus.
What Are The Gluteal Muscles Doing In Yoga Poses?
What Are The Gluteal Muscles Doing In Yoga Poses?
The activation of the gluteal muscles in the lifted leg of half moon and warrior three yoga poses was high to very high.
How Do I Open My Hips And Hamstrings For Forward Bending?
How Do I Open My Hips And Hamstrings For Forward Bending?
Consistent, frequent yoga practice and scaling back on activities like running can help open tight hips and hamstrings for forward bends.
How Is Yoga Presented On Instagram?
How Is Yoga Presented On Instagram?
Few yoga posts on Instagram shared something about the contemplative or spiritual aspects of yoga. Most focused on physical appearance.
Myth: Everyone Should Do The Full Expression Of Poses Before Adding A New Pose
Myth: Everyone Should Do The Full Expression Of Poses Before Adding A New Pose
Whether you are doing full expression of poses is only one factor to consider before adding more postures to your Ashtanga practice.
How Can I Work With Scoliosis In My Yoga Practice?
How Can I Work With Scoliosis In My Yoga Practice?
When working with scoliosis in yoga practice, you may have to choose in poses like down dog, whether to balance the pelvis or align the hands.
Adjusting Baddha Konasana
Adjusting Baddha Konasana
Adjusting baddha konasana involves observing and responding to a student's external hip rotation and forward bending patterns.
Can Yoga Help Adolescents Manage Their Anger?
Can Yoga Help Adolescents Manage Their Anger?
Yoga may help adolescents manage anger by increasing the parasympathetic aspect of the autonomic nervous system.
Is It Okay To Adjust The Feet In Downward Dog?
Is It Okay To Adjust The Feet In Downward Dog?
What's more important than how you adjust your feet in downward dog is whether you start the move from up dog to down dog from your center.
Myth: Everyone Should Do Dropbacks Before Starting Second Series
Myth: Everyone Should Do Dropbacks Before Starting Second Series
Doing dropbacks before beginning second series in Ashtanga makes sense only if the student has a comfortable steady full wheel pose.
Can Yoga Help Manage Fibromyalgia Symptoms?
Can Yoga Help Manage Fibromyalgia Symptoms?
A personalized nine-month yoga treatment had a very positive impact on fibromyalgia symptoms in the single-patient case study summarized here.
Where Is This Knee Pain In Backbends Coming From?
Where Is This Knee Pain In Backbends Coming From?
Common sources of outer knee pain in backbends include tension in TFL and the IT band as well as letting knees go wide, but pointing feet in.
Does Yoga Experience Affect Heart Rate Variability?
Does Yoga Experience Affect Heart Rate Variability?
Yoga experience had a limited effect on heart rate variability, but it contributed generally to balancing the nervous system in this study.
What To Know About Spinal Disc Dysfunction And Yoga
What To Know About Spinal Disc Dysfunction And Yoga
When concerned about spinal disc dysfunction and yoga, pay extra attention to how you approach forward bends, twists, and deep backbends.
Two days left of early registration pricing!
If you're ready to get reinspired in your teaching and brush up on your anatomy. This is your moment.
I'm doing a live and online workshop over two weekends. Each workshop is 3 hours. Click on the link below to get all of the details.
Why Does My Leg Go Numb In Full Lotus?
Why Does My Leg Go Numb In Full Lotus?
If your leg goes numb in full lotus, due to compression or stretching of nerves or reduced blood flow, reduce this by opening the hips.
Hands-On Adjustment Sample
Hands-On Adjustment Sample
Hands-On Adjustments Intro