World Peace Game Project SG

World Peace Game Project SG


Be the most creative problem-solver
to shape a better world! In 2018, April, the first program will be launched! Don't miss it!



Photos from ワールドピースゲームジャパン's post 12/10/2022

Registration is open for the World Peace Game in Kyoto, from January 4th to 8th 2023! If you are planning a trip to Japan for the holiday (Japan is now fully open for international travelers), how about visiting Kyoto and having your child(ren) join us in the once-in-a-lifetime experience (literally!) ??
For details, please contact: [email protected]

国際問題を疑似体験 子どもたちがゲームを通じ解決へ ワールドピースゲーム|FNNプライムオンライン 12/08/2022

Children has successfully achieved peace in the World Peace Game in Hiroshima Japan, 1 - 5 August, 2022! The Game was featured in an evening news program locally and the footage is now available online.

All is in Japanese unfortunately, but you can still see the engagement and excitement of the children and the sparkles in their eyes!!

国際問題を疑似体験 子どもたちがゲームを通じ解決へ ワールドピースゲーム|FNNプライムオンライン SDGsの取り組みを紹介する「フューチャースマイルプロジェクト」です。今回はあるゲームを通して子供たちが平和への思いを深める様子を追いました。広島市内の高校に集まった26人の小中学生たち。子供たちは5...

Photos from Annesley Junior School's post 14/09/2019

Yay! World Peace achieved in Australia this time!!


Great news! Students from ワールドピースゲーム・プロジェクト (The World Peace Game Project in Japan) have realized world peace! This marks the 16th time that Japanese students have participated in the game 💙

Photos from 宮崎県立福島高等学校's post 24/06/2019

This time around, 31 high school students in Miyazaki, Japan, took up the challenge and saved the world in the World Peace Game! Congrats!

Photos from ワールドピースゲームジャパン's post 11/04/2019

The second World Peace Game in Japan this spring is now up and going this week!

Photos from ワールドピースゲームジャパン's post 30/03/2019

They have successfully achieved the World Peace!

Photos from ワールドピースゲームジャパン's post 27/03/2019

Negotiations have started...!!

Photos from ワールドピースゲームジャパン's post 25/03/2019

Another World Peace Game in Japan has just started today!
Let's keep the close watch for the next 5 days!
Root for our friends in Asia!! Go save the world!

Photos from World Peace Game Foundation's post 18/03/2019
Photos from World Peace Game Foundation's post 01/02/2019

Another World Peace Game is coming in Singapore, in March 18th to 22nd, 2019!!

World Peace Game in SG Spring camp 2019 21/01/2019

[The World Peace Game is coming back to Singapore!]
The World Peace Game is coming to Singapore at ISS International School in March, 2019.

Date: 18 March(Mon)~, 22 March (Fri)
Time: 9:00 am ~12:00
Place: ISS International School ( 25 Paterson Road, Singapore 238510)
Age Group: Grade 4- Grade 7
Price: $250
Application Deadline: March 10th (Sun)
*There is an early bird 10% discount for the application before Feb 28th.
*Please note that the World Peace Game is designed to be played with THE FIRST-TIMERS ONLY in order to be fair.
*All school students are welcome.

Register here:

Testimonials from the parents:
“He started talking about the economics and each politics interest when she started to have the negotiation. For example, when she was referring to a group of refugees, & why they were fighting for a river.” (a mum of G6 student, UWCSEA)
“She is more interested in finding about all these organisations and curious to understand what is happening around her.” (a mum of G4 student, GEMS)
“He already has awareness of its issues, but has talked about this game all week, and realizes how complex the issues are to be fixed. “ (A mum of G7 student, UWCSEA)
Facilitator: Rina Mochizuki
Organizer: iGNICA.PTE.LTD.

World Peace Game in SG Spring camp 2019 Registration page for the World Peace Game in SG Spring 2019. 18-22 March, 2019, International School


Calling all educators in the southeastern United States (and beyond)! Do you want to introduce a fun and authentic learning experience into your classroom AND refine your craft at the same time? If so, register for our March World Peace Game and Master Class at Miami Country Day School here:

WPGSG2018Winter 07/12/2018

4 more days for application deadline!

Only 4 more dates for the application of World Peace Game December Camp in December.

Peace, SDGs, United Nations, World Bank, Natural Resources, Legal Courts,…

If your child(ren) clicks on your mind from the above key words, , this is the camp for them!
Don’t miss this chance!
Register here:

WPGSG2018Winter The World Peace Game is a hands-on political simulation that gives players the opportunity to explore the connectedness of the global community through the lens of the economic, social, and environmental crises and the imminent threat of war. The goal of the game is to extricate each country from da...

WPGSG2018Winter 03/12/2018

ONLY 7 more dates for the application deadline!😁

If you haven’t registered your child for this unique simulation game which would explore peace, please register in a hurry!

The deadline is coming on December 10th.
Register here:

WPGSG2018Winter The World Peace Game is a hands-on political simulation that gives players the opportunity to explore the connectedness of the global community through the lens of the economic, social, and environmental crises and the imminent threat of war. The goal of the game is to extricate each country from da...



“Can my child join World Peace Game again”?
Luckily we have received the message from one of the parents whose their child join last time this April.

We are sorry… Registration is open to 1st time players to be fair for everybody.

Please spread the word of this game to your friends!!

WPGSG2018Winter 09/11/2018

[The World Peace Game is coming back to Singapore!]

The World Peace Game is coming to Singapore for the second time, at ISS International School.

What is world peace?
How can I contribute myself for shaping the better world?
Looking for holiday experience for G4-G7 students?

Date: 17 Dec(Mon)~, 21 Dec (Fri) 2018
Time: 9:00 am ~12:00
Place: ISS International School ( 25 Paterson Road, Singapore 238510)
Age Group: Grade 4- Grade 7
Price: $250
*Please note that the World Peace Game is designed to be played with THE FIRST-TIMERS ONLY in order to be fair.

Register here:

Testimonials from the parents:
“He started talking about the economics and each politics interest when she started to have the negotiation. For example, when she was referring to a group of refugees, & why they were fighting for a river.” (a mum of G6 student, UWCSEA)
“She is more interested in finding about all these organisations and curious to understand what is happening around her.” (a mum of G4 student, GEMS)
“He already has awareness of its issues, but has talked about this game all week, and realizes how complex the issues are to be fixed. “ (A mum of G7 student, UWCSEA)

Facilitator: Rina Mochizuki
Organizer: iGNICA.PTE.LTD.

WPGSG2018Winter The World Peace Game is a hands-on political simulation that gives players the opportunity to explore the connectedness of the global community through the lens of the economic, social, and environmental crises and the imminent threat of war. The goal of the game is to extricate each country from da...

World Peace may be Achieved at The Hudson School this Summer 10/07/2018

Now another game is going on in USA. Good luck!!

World Peace may be Achieved at The Hudson School this Summer Contact: Paul B. Perkinson, Head of School, 201-659-8335 or [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE World Peace may be achieved at The Hudson School this Summer Hoboken, NJ, June 21, 2018 - The Hudson School will host John Hunter, renowned educator, TED Talk speaker, and subject of the....

Trump-Kim summit: Fast-paced chronicle may yet have a happy ending 29/05/2018

Dear World Peace Game Singapore Alumni,

The historical summit is going to happen right here in Singapore....or NOT?!

These two country leaders are 'negotiating', even before they meet, and the situation is changing day by day, just like what has happened in our 5 day camp...

IF you were one of the leaders...
How would you negotiate??
Would you go ahead with the summit? or postpone??
How would you deal with the conflicting demands?
How would you find a way to reach agreements for peace in the world...???

Trump-Kim summit: Fast-paced chronicle may yet have a happy ending Should US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un indeed meet, realistically they can only set the foundation for further talks. . Read more at

Photos from World Peace Game Project SG's post 06/04/2018

DAY 5- World Peace Game is finally achieved, first time in Singapore! A huge Congratulations to World Peace Game players in Singapore who worked so hard five days to solve the multiple crises on the board. Their resilient, collaboration, and creative problem solutions solved all the Game crises and increased the prosperity of all countries!

Photos from World Peace Game Project SG's post 05/04/2018

DAY4- Negotiation has continued... still have many crises needed to be solved. One more day to go!

Photos from World Peace Game Project SG's post 04/04/2018

DAY3- Everyone came on time, No fines at all! Crisis report has finished to read. Finally negotiation began and continued.... till last day!

Photos from World Peace Game Project SG's post 03/04/2018

DAY2- Finished reading Dossier & half Crisis Report! Tomorrow finally we can start negotiation based on crisis situation!

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