Kia ora whānau
Ngā mihi o te tau hou, nau mai ki te tau 2025!
Kura starts for tamariki on MONDAY 3 FEBRUARY. We look forward to having everyone back ready for a great year of learning! Thursday 6 Feb is WAITANGI DAY and school is closed but open again on Friday 7 Feb.
Next week the office will be open on TUESDAY 28 from 1.00 - 4.00 and WEDNESDAY 29 from 9.00 - 3.00 to purchase uniforms and enrol new students. Staff have meetings outside of these times next week so won't be available.
If you need uniforms or want to enrol your child, please try and come on Tuesday or Wednesday so your child can be all sorted to start the year. The first couple of days of the term are usually crazy busy in the office so get in early and get sorted!
We're so looking forward to seeing everyone back, rested and ready to start the year.
Ngā mihi mahana
Linda Savage and Te Hapara Staff.
Te Hapara School
Te Hapara School, Gisborne, New Zealand Tena koutou katoa,
A warm welcome is extended to parents and their children.
The staff at Te Hapara School are committed to:
- an education in a supportive environment where the children have every opportunity to develop self esteem.
- developing an awareness of and respect for different cultures.
- programmes that will cater for individuals at their personal level. It is important that parents and teachers work together in developing a secure, caring environment and pare
Operating as usual
Morena apologies for the late posting of the final games tomorrow. The draw was not received till late last night.
A reminder if all Y6 Boys could return their uniforms on Monday please.
YR1&2 Manuiti Tahi v Central Thunder 9:00AM F1
YR1&2 Manuiti Rua v Awapuni Rams 9:00AM F2
YR3&4 Manutu Tahi v Awapuni Cowboys 10:30AM F9
YR5&6 Manu Kahu Tahi v Awapuni Panthers 9:00AM F10

Morena whānau apologies for the delay posting the draw.
A reminder that next Saturday 14th Dec is the last day of touch for the term.
I will be reminding the Yr5&6 boys team that they will need to return their uniforms after the game because they will not be returning to Te Hapara next year.
We still have a number of players who have not paid their touch fees these are now well overdue I will be issuing a reminder panui today.
Te Hapara Manuiti Tahi v Kaiti Maia 9:45AM F3
Te Hapara Manuiti Rua v Central Cougars 10:30AM F1
Te Hapara Manutu Tahi v Mangapapa Panthers 11:15AM F6
Te Hapara Manu Kahu v Awapuni Panthers 9:45AM F10
Ata Mārie whānau
We have a few scooters out the back which have been found around the school … if your child is missing theirs, please ask them to come to the office and describe their scooter - hopefully it’s one of the few we have and they can have it back before the holidays!
Ngā mihi

For those whānau who have tamariki needing to update immunisations 🙂

Kia ora whānau
Not long to go now before the holidays!
Lots coming up so please read the newsletter below and take note of the dates :)
Kia pai te mutunga wiki
Te Hapara Staff
Week 7 Term 4 2024 Panui a Te Kura o Te Ata Hāpara Website: FB Page: Panui a Te Kura o Te Ata Hāpara Term 4, Week 7, 2024. e-mail: [email protected] Ph: 06 867 4333 He tuhipoka na te tumuaki - A note from the Principal: Kia ora, malo o le....
Due to Tamararo, there is no touch this weekend.
Ngā mihi

Having fun at basketball today. Boys came 2nd in their pool so head into the semi finals. Girls continue with their round robin.
Good morning
Basketball is all go today.
Girls games are 9.40, 10.40, 11.20, 12pm
Boys games: 10, 10.40, 11.20
Then semis and finals
Congratulations to Harmony Kaur - she is the winner of our gift basket raffle!
Lucky number 48!!

Congratulations to Rachel!!
She correctly guessed the number of Jellybeans in the jar...353 🙂
Kia ora whānau
Unfortunately we have had some people in over the weekend who thought it was ok to help themselves to some of the equipment we have by our caretaker's shed. THEY HAVE STOLEN IT!
These items came off our old playground and we have plans to reuse them in the school. A slide and a turret (cover) have been taken and these are very recognisable as belonging to us. Those who stole these also moved the old netball hoops.
We have had graffiti scrawled on walls and in the playground, along with fruit smeared on windows. This is sad behaviour by people who use our school grounds.
A little while ago we had a fadge holder stolen from this area as well....
These things are very frustrating to cope with as a school as someone, (usually Jono our caretaker), has to work hard fixing them up. It takes time and money and takes him away from other important jobs for him.
If anyone knows who has taken these or knows where they have gone, please let me know. If they get returned we would be very appreciative.
We love having people use our school after hours - the playground and the basketball hoops are very popular and we are happy for whānau to use these after hours. What we expect is that YOU LOOK AFTER OUR KURA!
We don't want to have it as a place people can't come to because a few people think they can steal from us and trash the school.
Please whānau, keep an eye out for these things and come and have a chat if you have any information.
Ngā mihi
Linda Savage

Kia ora whānau
Our condolences go out to whānau and friends of Kiwi Campbell - a well respected and highly talented wahine who gave so much to Tairāwhiti, Aotearoa and the world.. her loss leaves a hole in the lives of so many - our thoughts and prayers are with you all # # #
A couple of things to note....
Tomorrow, Monday 25 Noema, we have our last Celebration assembly before the end of the school year (Prizegiving is on Monday 16 December but this is our last whole school assembly for the year). We will not only be celebrating fabulous tamariki, but also thanking the volunteers who have given so much to our kura this year. Assembly is at 1.45pm Monday. We look forward to seeing you there.
Speech Finals are in the First Block on Thursday - we have presentations from all Year groups - come along and support the fabulous tamariki who have worked so hard to get this far!
Ngā mihi nui
Te Hapara Staff

If you have tamariki keen to play basketball this is a great place to start.
Our Story
Kia ora koutou,
As a staff we’d like to extend a warm welcome to all children and their whanau. We cater for students in Years 1 to 6 and offer an amazing range of facilities and opportunities. We are proud of our open-door policy and all that we have on offer for the children and whanau who attend Te Hapara School. There’s something for everyone at Te Hapara!
Our vision is to have an EMPOWERED, ENGAGED LEARNING COMMUNITY SOARING FOR EXCELLENCE. We enact this through a focus on developing empowered engaged learners, empowered, engaged staff and empowered engaged partnerships.
We aim to engage our children by Learning through Discovery. This looks like Learning through Play in our juniors and Learning through Projects in the seniors.
We have six learning hubs which are collaborative, multi-level classes. Our classes are open, engaging and teachers welcome whanau in to support learners.
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Opening Hours
Monday | 08:30 - 15:00 |
Tuesday | 08:30 - 15:00 |
Wednesday | 08:30 - 15:00 |
Thursday | 08:30 - 15:00 |
Friday | 08:30 - 15:00 |