Surviving Special Ed

Surviving Special Ed


Guidance, resources, and legal updates for parents of special needs kids. I'm a special education, disability rights attorney, raising two special needs teens.

Operating as usual

A 5 Could Make Me Lose Control 03/11/2020

A 5 Could Make Me Lose Control This unique hands-on activity helps students who are highly anxious cope with their stress by systematizing social and emotional information. Using this self-contained product, the student literally sorts cards describing highly stressful situations into colorful pockets designating stress levels, r...

What Is Dyscalculia? Math Learning Disability Overview 02/11/2020

rarely identified or recognized by schools, but every bit as frustrating and dehabilitating as dyslexia.

What Is Dyscalculia? Math Learning Disability Overview Dyscalculia is a learning disability that makes math challenging to process and understand. Symptoms range from difficulty with counting and basic mental math to trouble with telling time and direction. Learn more about this math learning disability, including potential causes and treatments here.


New -Parent and Family Digital Learning Guide
This guide aims to help all parents and caregivers, including those who have limited experience with digital tools, those who are expert with these tools, and anywhere in between.

Self-Regulation Strategies for the Self-Regulator: Don’t Let Rock Brain Win! 01/11/2020

So many different conditions impact self-regulation.

Self-Regulation Strategies for the Self-Regulator: Don’t Let Rock Brain Win! It’s wonderful that so many interventionists are teaching self-regulation strategies and flexible thinking using Superflex and the cast of Unthinkables and Thinkables! But the way we use our words to call attention to a student’s behaviors can make the difference between supportive versus puniti...


From our free on Sharing an Imagination We tend to think imaginations are only for the young! Yet sharing an imagination is essential across the ages for having a conversation, working in a team, creating new things, reading comprehension, peer play, social networking and so much more. Sign up and you can watch the full webinar at your convenience!


My TLO Colleagues step up to help special needs students and families impacted by the school shutdowns

We just posted a great article on the Educational Rights that students with disabilities continue to have during the transition to remote learning. The article was written by TLO's very own Amanda O'Neal, Esq. and Joshua Cruz, Esq.

Give it a read at, and we encourage everyone to subscribe to Eastside Magazine at

Thanks For Making Me Cry, Ride a Wave 11/09/2020

Thanks For Making Me Cry, Ride a Wave Let me wipe off my still-foggy glasses and explain why that title may not mean what you think it means. This past weekend, Leo participate...

Photos from Meristem's post 18/12/2018
Timeline photos 18/12/2018

SJ police and corrections officers met with Morgan Autism Center directors for an in-depth two day training about students and clients on the autism spectrum. After spending some time in the classrooms, officers visited our clients who were more than happy to make a few new friends.

How Deep Breathing Opens Up the ADHD Brain 17/12/2018

How Deep Breathing Opens Up the ADHD Brain Studies suggest that rhythmic, deep breathing can balance the autonomic nervous system, which helps individuals with ADHD become more attentive and relaxed. Learn more about this free, highly porta…

Timeline photos 17/12/2018
Photos from Common Roots Farm's post 15/12/2018
Unlocking the Potential of Gifted Kids with ADHD 12/12/2018

Unlocking the Potential of Gifted Kids with ADHD ADHD and intelligence are uncorrelated. Yet so many of our kids score off the charts on IQ tests and are clearly smarter than their grades and conduct reports might suggest. Teaching and parenting …

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IEP Tips from TLO