with .repost
Whittier College is proud and excited to celebrate with its students, faculty, staff, and greater Poet community!
Whittier College is one of the most diverse liberal arts colleges in the nation, #17 to be precise. As a Hispanic Serving Institution, about 50% of Whittier’s students identify as Latinx, and students of color represent roughly 68% of the student body. Let's celebrate!
Happy Veteran’s Day to all who served!
A special shout out to El Jefe. Feliz cumpleaños, Martin Ortiz. You will always be remembered!
“We’re starting our celebration of with Miguel Santana ‘91, the first Latino chair of Whittier’s Board of Trustees in its 134-year history. Santana has had a major impact on Southern California, from top positions in L.A. City and County to leading the Pomona Fairplex. Now, he’s president and CEO of the influential Weingart Foundation.
Santana also engages in civic efforts to create a more equitable SoCal, including key involvement in an in-depth report, “No Going Back,” that recommends wide-ranging changes to public systems to improve racial equity in L.A. Santana led the committee that produced the headline-making report.
Santana has a B.A. in sociology and Latin American studies from Whittier College and a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard University.”
Saludos! We are excited to share that we are now on Instagram!
Please give us a follow and stay connected.
Si Se Puede!
Whittier College: Alianza De Los Amigos
We're kicking off Whittier's commencement season with the Latinx Graduation this Sunday! Join us for this virtual event and celebrate our Latinx grads.
🔗 https://www.whittier.edu/commencement/precommencementactivities
Alianza de Los Amigos is excited to host virtual Noche De Lotería (similar to Bingo) game night! 🎉
Join us on Zoom Thursday, April 22, 6:30p.m.
🔗 https://linktr.ee/WCAlianza for event registration.
📷Ángel de Jesus González '12
Whittier College Latinx Alumni Whittier College's Alianza make sure to join the Office Alianza de Los Amigo FB page to get info on upcoming events!
Happy heavenly birthday and veterans day to Martin Ortiz '48! And to all that have served and are serving our country -THANK YOU!
Look forward to virtually seeing everyone!
You are all invited! ✔️REGISTER TODAY💻 OCT. 17-- Join the Poet family for all the virtual festivities.🎉https://poethomecoming.eventbrite.com
*Science Lab
*WC Update
*Stay HOMEcoming Game:Madden 20
*Affinity Mixers:LGBTQ+, Alianza de Los Amigos, Black Alumni Association
*POET FEST:History of Tequila, Reunion Toast & Class "Parade", Music, Games, and MORE!!!!