Powder Pass Nordic Club

Powder Pass Nordic Club


Promoting non-motorized winter recreation on the southern Bighorn National Forest

For nordic trail and backcountry users to post conditions, trips, ideas, gear reviews, or anything related to skiing and snowshoeing in the Bighorns.

Operating as usual


Exciting news!!! Our groomers were finally able to pack Pole Creek today! Read on for their report:

The Pole Creek Nordic ski area was packed and groomed Sunday afternoon. Conditions have finally allowed the grooming crew the opportunity to maintain the trails and get the word out. The below zero nighttime temps will firm up the new groomed trails nicely. The area still has the need for more snow to adequately cover the larger obstacles, but trails look very good for the meager snow that has fallen in the area.

Classic tracks will be set when several more inches of snow falls.
Cheers. If you head out there, be safe and stay warm!


❄️Season's Greetings!❄️
Unfortunately, we're not here with a snow report, but we do have some updates for you:

1. We were awarded a grant from Johnson County Recreation District which allowed us to purchase a new Ginzu groomer for grooming trails at Pole Creek! This will allow us to keep our older Ginzu at the Buffalo Golf Course so that we can take full advantage of snow that falls in town. Thank you to those who donated towards this special campaign last season, it helped us demonstrate the community's desire for this project to JCRD.

2. We are working on a PPNC Merch sale this winter- stay tuned!

3. The Pole Creek Challenge will be Saturday, February 22. We will have the 5K, 10K, and 20K races again this year. The Total Distance Challenge will run from Feb. 1-28. Sign up is live at https://runsignup.com/Race/WY/Buffalo/PoleCreekChallenge

4. There is not enough snow to groom trails yet, but everything is reconditioned and ready to go once nature cooperates. Follow us on Facebook and join our email list for snow reports.

Thanks for all of your support, we are looking forward to a great season this year. Wishing you a happy and safe holiday! 🎄⛄️✨

2024 Sheridan Ski Swap - Save the Date for November 2! | Sheridan Ski Swap 25/10/2024

Happy Friday!
PPNC is getting up and rolling for the 2024-25 season, but we wanted to share this event announcement with you:

The Sheridan High School Nordic Ski Team is hosting a ski/winter gear swap as a fundraiser for their team, and a way to help folks find new/used gear. Check out the details at their website:

Help spread the word about this event!

We'll be back soon with more updates from PPNC.

2024 Sheridan Ski Swap - Save the Date for November 2! | Sheridan Ski Swap Sheridan Winter Gear Swap! Join us at the 2024 Sheridan Wyoming Ski Swap on November 2. Stay tuned for location details. Don't miss out on great deals for all your skiing and winter sport needs!

Powder Pass Nordic Club - Pole Creek Needs You! 12/07/2024



As you may recall from January 2023, the Bighorn National Forest has proposed the Pole Creek Vegetation Management Project, which has the potential to substantially impact the Pole Creek Nordic Area and Powder Pass 449 non-motorized area.

The project plan in the Final Environmental Assessment contains fewer clearcuts and aggressive thinning across Pole Creek Nordic Area, but PPNC still has concerns that the project would jeopardize the integrity of ski trails.

If you submitted comments during the initial scoping period last year, you have standing to object to the project. Objections are due on July 24, 2024. We urge you to learn more about the updated plan and consider submitting an objection to the Forest Service to ensure that impacts to your ski trails and other recreational and wildlife resources on the Bighorn National Forest are minimal.

Visit https://www.powderpassnordic.org/pole-creek-needs-you for more information on PPNC's current stance on the proposed project and how to object.

Powder Pass Nordic Club - Pole Creek Needs You! July 2024 Update OBJECTIONS DUE JULY 24, 2024! The Forest Service released its Final Environmental Analysis and Draft Decision in June 2024. While the updated project plan has made several positive changes for the Pole Creek Area, PPNC has remaining concerns with the project's effects at Pole Creek


Fun on the west side!


Meet at the pullout across from the Leigh Creek dump station on US 16. We will take people and their gear up to the ridge starting at 0900, and again at 1000 and 1100. Photo of conditions on 4/18.
DM if you plan to join us.


Update from our groomers:
All good things must come to an end. Or at least good skiing conditions at Pole Creek it seems. Recent warm temperatures have not improved the area despite the recent snow fall this past weekend.

All the trails were passed over and reconditioned with the grooming devices today (3/23/24), so for the hard core, early morning skiing at Pole Creek is still worth checking out.

**A word of caution, Bull Moose trail (the trail that parallels the highway) is becoming more ice rink than ski trail.**

The season is winding down. Get up there while you can!


Lucky you!
Our groomers were out last night and sent this report:

Saturday evening Pole Creek was packed and rolled over its entirety. No tracks were set. Recent snow fall has really helped to keep the trails on great condition in spite of the warm temperatures.

Choosing the right time of day to go skiing will greatly impact your fun factor this time of year. Early mornings will minimize the midday stickiness that will turn your kick and glide to step and stick.

The season is winding down, get it while you can!


We have the results of our Total Distance Challenge for February!

Congratulations to the winner, Roy Livingston, who won by a nose with a total of 44.64 miles!

Thanks to all who participated! It was a tough year to put on miles, but everyone did a great job!


Ski season isn’t over yet! We have a Pole Creek grooming report for you all!

Over the past couple of days nature has finally started to cooperate and new snow has been accumulating at Pole Creek. Sunday evening the trails at Pole Creek were packed, leveled and groomed. Classic tracks were set around the area as well. See attached photo.

Also check out these upcoming events in the area:
Black Mountain Nordic, are hosting a Chili Feed next Saturday, March 9 from 11-2 at Cutler Hill on Highway 14. See the attached poster, and check out https://blackmountainnordic.com/events/ for more info.

Tensleep Nowood Trailbreakers will again be hosting their Sweet 16 Snowfest March 16 and 17, featuring more chili at Willow Park, and a vertical challenge at Meadowlark. More info available here: https://bighornmountaincountry.com/sweet-16-snowfest/

Photos from Black Mountain Nordic Club's post 04/03/2024

Check out Black Mountain Nordic's chili feed planned for next weekend!

Pole Creek Challenge 29/02/2024

Happy Leap Day! It's the last day to register for and put on miles for the Total Distance Challenge! Enter your results by midnight on March 2nd here:

Pole Creek Challenge The Pole Creek Challenge is on Thursday February 1, 2024 to Thursday February 29, 2024. It includes the following events: 5K Classic Ski Race (Individual), 5K Skate Ski Race (Individual), 10K Classic Ski Race (Individual), 10K Skate Ski Race (Individual), Family Pricing (Up to 4 in One Family), Ski/...


Thanks to all who participated in the Pole Creek Challenge today! It was a great day to have a race, and we squeaked by with just enough snow to make it happen. The inaugural 20K was also a great success! Congratulations to the winners and all participants, thank you again for making this a great fundraising event for us.

Full results are posted on our website at http://www.powderpassnordic.org/events.

Thank you especially to the volunteers who groomed and monitored the course, and helped with registration, awards, etc. We would also like to thank the Johnson County Ambulance Service, Johnson County Recreation District, Johnson County Tourism Association, US Forest Service, WYDOT, and Silver Sage Jewelry & Gifts.

Grooming Report:
Pole Creek was put in as good of shape as possible for the race, so get out there and enjoy! The wind and warm temps are likely to take a toll over the next few days, so look out for rocks and icy spots.

Pole Creek Challenge 19/02/2024

Pole Creek was groomed on Friday evening (2/16/24), there are a few thin spots, but conditions are good overall!

The 2024 Pole Creek Challenge is still on as scheduled, with 5K, 10K, and 20K races coming up next weekend. We currently have 4 folks signed up for the 20K, we have a minimum of 5, so if you are on the fence, go for it!

Online registration is open until Wednesday, Feb. 21 here: https://www.skisignup.com/Race/WY/Buffalo/PoleCreekChallenge

Remember, 20K racers MUST register by Wednesday, there will not be onsite registration available. 5K and 10K registration will be available on race day at an increased cost. We are monitoring snow conditions this week and are hoping for a great event on Saturday!

Pole Creek Challenge The Pole Creek Challenge is on Thursday February 1, 2024 to Thursday February 29, 2024. It includes the following events: 5K Classic Ski Race (Individual), 5K Skate Ski Race (Individual), 10K Classic Ski Race (Individual), 10K Skate Ski Race (Individual), Family Pricing (Up to 4 in One Family), Ski/...

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