Russian Voice School. Russian Online Lessons with a Native Teacher Lydia

Russian Voice School. Russian Online Lessons with a Native Teacher Lydia


Learn Russian Online with a Professional Native Teacher! Enroll private Russian lessons via Skype or Zoom. Study with Awesome Russian books. Привет! Hi!

My name is Lydia. I’m a professional Russian coach, course designer and founder of the Russian Voice Online School. Russian Voice is an online learning project which aims to help passionate Russian learners to learn one of the most beautiful languages in the world. I invite you to learn Russian for Life, Work & Travel with me online. Learn how to express yourself effectively in Russian. Choose you

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Enroll Russian Course 23/01/2025

💁‍♀️Dear friends, welcome to the Russian Voice Online School. My name is Lydia. I am a professional Russian teacher and author of Awesome Russian books. I provide tailored Russian lessons for adults and teens from beginner to advanced level.

🚩Book FREE consultation here >>

💁‍♀️You're in the right place if

🔹you are looking for the fastest and the most effective way to learn the Russian language;
🔹you are going to visit a Russian-speaking country for travel or business purposes;
🔹you are interested in Russian culture, literature, history and lifestyle;
🔹you want to learn more about life and people in Russian-speaking countries.

💁‍♀️Why study Russian with me?

🔹60-minute language sessions via Skype or Zoom based on communicative approach.

🔹One-to-one or tandem Russian classes with a professional native Russian teacher.

🔹Real-life approach, which focuses on developing your communication skills and practicing useful language for everyday situations.

🔹All Russian programs follow CEFR and TORFL standards and can be adapted or modified to suit your language needs.

🚩Prices per 60-min lesson

🔹General Russian Courses – 50 EUR / 52 USD / 42 GBP
🔹Business Russian Courses - 50 EUR / 52 USD / 42 GBP

🚩Choose your best course and start learning Russian today! Enroll here >>

💁‍♀️About your teacher

I hold Master's degree in Russian Philology and English Studies. I have been teaching General and Business Russian to international students of various levels, ages and backgrounds for 20 years.

I improved my skills in teaching Russian language and culture in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg universities. In 2009 and 2014, I was a winner of the European and World Festivals of Russian Language in Saint Petersburg. In 2015, I became a Laureate of the Third International Competition "The Best Teacher of Russian Language and Literature Abroad" in Moscow.

My students are using their Russian skills for companies such as Microsoft, Philip Morris, Indesit, L’Oreal, Danone, Boeing, etc.

🚩Visit my website to find the best Russian course, which suits your goals and needs.

🚩Visit my bookstore to buy Awesome Russian books, picture dictionaries and other learning materials for Russian learners.

Enroll Russian Course Dear Friend, My name is Lydia. I'm a Russian language coach and the founder of Russian Voice Online School. I'm delighted that you're ready to learn Russian with me! Before we start your course, I’d like to learn more about you, your learning objectives, and give you a chance to see how my teachin...

Photos from Russian Voice School. Russian Online Lessons with a Native Teacher Lydia's post 13/01/2025

Hello, my dear friends! Are you going to learn Russian in 2025? You can do it effectively with my PDF 🌟“Awesome Russian Learner's Planner”🌟. With its help you will organize your Russian studies during the next year and learn Russian vocabulary on various topics.
🔥Special winter price $23🔥
👉See demo pages and buy the workbook here

💁The workbook includes:
🔹Beautiful 2025 Calendar with the illustrated Russian alphabet;
🔹200+ monthly and weekly planning pages, goal planners and vocabulary notes templates;
🔹Vocabulary and grammar learning tips;
🔹6 bonus templates (Yearly Planner; Important Dates; Language skills wheel; Russian resources; Movies to watch; Books to read; New Year’s resolutions);
🔹Russian online resources, movies & TV shows;
🔹6 bonus templates (Yearly Planner; Important Dates; Language skills wheel; Russian resources; Movies to watch; Books to read; New Year’s resolutions).

💁You will learn:
🚩Names and dates of popular Russian and international holidays;
🚩Russian basic vocabulary on various topics (Winter, spring, summer & autumn vocabulary; Love and Romance; My Things; Shopping; Café & Restaurant; My City & Street; My House & Room; Work & Jobs);
🚩Motivational quotes to inspire your learning;
🚩Well-wishes, congratulations and toasts;
🚩Days of the week, seasons, months and dates.


Привет, дорогие друзья!
Как учитель русского языка, я регулярно прохожу различные курсы, тренинги и мастер-классы, где обучаюсь новым методикам преподавания иностранных языков и общаюсь с коллегами из разных стран.

Сегодня я участвовала в открытии программы «Организация курсового обучения русскому языку как иностранному за рубежом». Она организована учебным центром «Мир русских учебников» при содействии издательства «Златоуст», которое издаёт наши любимые учебники по русскому языку для иностранцев, книги для адаптированного чтения, книги по грамматике, рабочие тетради и многое другое. На конференции присутствовало более 200 учителей русского языка из разных стран! Было очень интересно. Я искренне надеюсь, что эта программа позволит мне узнать много нового в сфере преподавания и обучения РКИ, а также познакомиться и обменяться опытом с коллегами.

Hello dear friends,
As a Russian language teacher, I regularly attend various courses, trainings, and workshops where I learn new methods of teaching foreign languages and interact with colleagues from different countries.

Today, I participated in the launch of the program "Organizing Russian Language Courses as a Foreign Language Abroad." It is organized by the "World of Russian Textbooks" educational center with the support of the "Zlatoust" publishing house, which publishes our favorite Russian language textbooks for foreigners, adapted reading books, grammar books, workbooks, and much more. Over 200 Russian language teachers from different countries attended the conference! It was very interesting. I sincerely hope that this program will allow me to learn a lot of new things in the field of teaching and learning Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL), as well as meet and exchange experiences with colleagues.

Photos from Russian Voice School. Russian Online Lessons with a Native Teacher Lydia's post 07/06/2024

Привет, друзья! Hi friends! I’m happy to present the series of my 🌟Awesome Russian Dictionaries in Pictures (A1+ level)🌟

🔥Special bundle price: $35 (PDF Picture Dictionary + PDF Workbook + Russian-English Audio Guide)

Follow the link below to see demo pages and buy the dictionary you like👇👇👇

Each dictionary cover the following topics and is accompanied with a workbook and Russian-English audio guide. With its help, you will study Russian vocabulary easily, improve your reading and writing skills, and turn learning Russian into a fun and fascinating process.

1) People. Things. My Life
2) Food. Shopping. Numbers
3) Traveling. Calendar. My House

💁Each dictionary and workbook include:
🔹21 essential vocabulary topics;
🔹Over 300 Russian words & verb phrases illustrated with beautiful pictures;
🔹Russian-English glossary;
🔹Russian words with stress marks;
🔹Handwriting guide;
🔹Checklist to track your progress;
🔹Tips for learning Russian vocabulary.

Photos from Russian Voice School. Russian Online Lessons with a Native Teacher Lydia's post 07/01/2024

Hello, my dear friends! Are you going to learn Russian in 2024? You can do it effectively with my PDF 🌟“Awesome Russian Learner's Planner”🌟. With its help you will organize your Russian studies during the next year and learn Russian vocabulary on various topics.
🔥New Year price $23🔥
👉See demo pages and buy the workbook here
💁The workbook includes:
🔹Beautiful 2024 Calendar with the illustrated Russian alphabet;
🔹200+ monthly and weekly planning pages, goal planners and vocabulary notes templates;
🔹Vocabulary and grammar learning tips;
🔹6 bonus templates (Yearly Planner; Important Dates; Language skills wheel; Russian resources; Movies to watch; Books to read; New Year’s resolutions);
🔹Russian online resources, movies & TV shows;
🔹6 bonus templates (Yearly Planner; Important Dates; Language skills wheel; Russian resources; Movies to watch; Books to read; New Year’s resolutions).
💁You will learn:
🚩Names and dates of popular Russian and international holidays;
🚩Russian basic vocabulary on various topics (Winter, spring, summer & autumn vocabulary; Love and Romance; My Things; Shopping; Café & Restaurant; My City & Street; My House & Room; Work & Jobs);
🚩Motivational quotes to inspire your learning;
🚩Well-wishes, congratulations and toasts;
🚩Days of the week, seasons, months and dates.

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

Private Russian language lessons online via Skype

Привет! Hi! My name is Lydia. I’m a professional Russian coach, course designer and founder of the Russian Voice. Russian Voice is an online learning project which aims to help passionate Russian learners to learn one of the most beautiful languages in the world. I invite you to learn Russian for Life, Work & Travel with me online. Learn how to express yourself effectively in Russian

Choose your course and start learning Russian ASAP!!!

1. Russian for Beginners
2. Russian for Travelers
3. Business Russian
4. Russian for Careers
5. Russian for Study (Academic Russian)
6. Preparation for Russian test (TORFL)
8. Russian Literature Course
9. Russian Cultural Awareness
10. Preparation for Travel to a Russian-speaking country
11. Russian Grammar & Pronunciation Courses
12. Russian for Families
13. Tailored Courses
14. Teacher Training workshops and individualized courses

Visit my website or contact me via email [email protected] for more information about online Skype classes.

See samples of learning materials which I create for my students here>>

Videos (show all)

Hello, my dear friends! Are you going to learn Russian in 2024? You can do it effectively with my PDF 🌟“Awesome Russian ...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
Thursday 09:00 - 20:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00