Poolsbrook Primary Academy: EYFS

Poolsbrook Primary Academy: EYFS


Fuelling young minds for a brighter future! #brightsparks

Proudly in partnership: Flying High Trust.

Operating as usual

Job | Flying High Partnership 10/06/2024

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Just a reminder that Poolsbrook Club is hosting the miners' strike exhibition from 7th to 9th June. The club hopes to set aside space for strike memorabilia specifically related to Staveley. Please contact me or the club if you have any cuttings, photos, old equipment etc that you'd be happy to loan the exhibition. I'm happy to collect.


We'll be hosting the Miners Strike Exhibition from Friday 7th June-Sunday 9th June, if you have any memorabilia you wouldn't mind being displayed please contact us and we can pass your details on to the relevant people so it can be included in the exhibition 😀

Photos from Poolsbrook Primary Academy: EYFS 's post 27/04/2024

In RE this week, the Reception children have been talking about how people have favourite places. This might be a church, a place at home or somewhere outdoors.
As part of this, they each picked their favourite area of our classroom.

Photos from Poolsbrook Primary Academy: EYFS 's post 26/04/2024

Just before the Easter holidays, we were lucky enough to be gifted some British tree saplings. Purple Frogs planted some Oak and Acer saplings in the grassy area next to the outdoor classroom. We hope these will grow in to strong mature trees and we can develop an amazing outdoor learning space.

The trees will take a long time to grow to maturity but what a lovely legacy the children will leave for future generations who attend Poolsbrook Primary Academy .

Photos from Flying High Partnership's post 28/03/2024
Photos from Poolsbrook Primary Academy 's post 28/03/2024

Tonight at the disco, the Easter Bunny paid us a visit! 😊


Are you looking for your next career opportunity in a brand-new school? 👀

Apply to join our school if you want the opportunity to lead and develop a brand-new school in one of the following roles:

🪁 Headteacher | Salary £66,628 - £76,430 Per Annum | Closing 16th April 2024
🪁 Deputy Headteacher | Salary £47,417 - £53,642 Per Annum | Closing 1st May 2024
🪁 Early Years Leader | Salary £30,000 - £46,525 Per Annum | Closing 2nd May 2024

All positions are permanent, full-time with access to a wide range of employee benefits and the support of the Flying High Partnership.

For an informal discussion about any of the positions, please contact [email protected].

Apply now at 📲 www.flyinghighpartnership.co.uk/careers

Photos from Poolsbrook Primary Academy: EYFS 's post 26/03/2024

Great news! We have 3 butterflies! 2 emerged from their chrysalis this morning and another 1 emerged at lunchtime.

We have two more cocoons waiting....


Off on a Patron of Reading day to The Flying High Academy Ladybrook to tell The Flying High Academy Ladybrook EYFS The Enormous Turnip, and to create stories with KS1 using these beauties...


In Literacy this week, the Nursery children have been looking at 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' text.

They used pictures of the foods the caterpillar ate and played a memory game. We spread out 6 of the foods and took turns to close our eyes while one person removed one of the food cards. We then had to open our eyes and see if we could work out/remember which one was missing! They were brilliant!

This is a great game to play at home to build good observation and memory skills. You can play it with any objects you have around the house, toys, food, sweets, teddies, clothes anything really!

Send a Dojo message if you do have a go and let us know how you got on. 😊

Photos from Poolsbrook Primary Academy: EYFS 's post 16/03/2024

In Maths this week, our Nursery children have been super busy looking at building with 3D shapes. We thought about which shapes would roll and which ones would stack.

We also learnt about positional language. The children were very good at using the correct vocabulary such as next to, under, on, in, above, in front and behind. Well done Nursery!

Photos from Poolsbrook Primary Academy: EYFS 's post 15/03/2024

A great Red Nose day Bake Sale today. A huge thank-you to all parents and carers for the donations.

As you can see, the cakes disappeared faster than I could get round with the camera! I think the children enjoyed them. 😉

Photos from Poolsbrook Primary Academy: EYFS 's post 15/03/2024

In one of our enquiry lessons this week, we talked about the life cycle of a plant. We planted a bean seed in a bag. We used cotton wool instead of soil and stuck the bags on the window so the seeds could get some light.

We used bags and cotton wool so that we can observe the changes as the seeds grow. We wouldn't be able to see anything happening if we used pots and compost.

It has only been a couple of days and we can already see some of our beans have started to grow. We will be keeping a close eye on them and watering them regularly.

We all named our bean seeds. Ask your child what they named their bean! 😊


Exciting development! Our caterpillars are starting to build their cocoon/chrysalis. It won't be long before they turn in to beautiful butterflies!



📣 We're searching for our next School Business Manager 📣

For Whipman Woods FHA, our new school in Worksop, opening September 2024. This is a key role because as the successful applicant, you will be responsible for leading and managing all aspects of the school business and administration function.

Take the plunge for a unique chance to shape the business and administration functions of a brand new school. Apply today 📲 https://bit.ly/49Tit98

Photos from Poolsbrook Primary Academy: EYFS 's post 12/03/2024

Our nursery children are invited to bring in a teddy bear or soft toy from home tomorrow.

We will be using it in our Maths to learn about positional language.

Reception children do not need to bring anything this time. 😊

Photos from Poolsbrook Primary Academy: EYFS 's post 12/03/2024

Our caterpillars are growing bigger by the day! It won't be long until they start building their chrysalis/cocoon.

We learnt that the webbing is a caterpillar's natural way of protecting itself out in the wild. They spin the silk to fasten themselves to the underside of leaves and protect themselves from predators.

As the caterpillars grow, they shed their exoskeleton and grow a new one. A bit like getting new clothes when you outgrow them!

Photos from Poolsbrook Primary Academy: EYFS 's post 10/03/2024

As you know, we had our Mother's Day Afternoon Tea event in school on Friday but did you know about the team behind the scenes?

We obviously have the wonderful members of the PTA to thank for all their hard work and organisational skills but there was another group of people hard at work behind the scenes......

The reception children made all the sandwiches under the watchful eye of two amazing boys from Blue Whales class. The reception children worked hard spreading butter and jam, adding ham and cheese to the sandwiches (obviously not all on the same sandwich ;-)). The boys were brilliant at supporting the younger children, encouraging them and showing them the best way to hold the knife to spread. They made sure the butter wasn't 2 inches thick ;-). They were especially good at organising the conveyor belt of production.

We also have a couple of girls from Blue Whales to thank for the delicious butter and jam on the scones. They were fantastic and worked independently the whole time.

Thank-you everyone, you are all superstars and your grown ups really enjoyed the food. Well done! We know who to come to when we need an event catering in the future! :-)

Definitely some future managers and caterers at Poolsbrook!

Photos from Poolsbrook Primary Academy: EYFS 's post 09/03/2024

As part of our enquiry this week, we have been on a mini beast hunt 🪰🐌🐝🪱around the school grounds. We wanted to see which creatures lived in our community.

We took clipboards and our chart so we could record the mini beasts we found. We saw a fly, a bee, worms, a snail, slugs, woodlice, a millipede and a spider! Some were a little camera shy so we didn't get a photo of them 😉.

The children really enjoyed it and thought carefully about where minibeasts might like to live.

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