Neil Creek - Photographer

Neil Creek - Photographer


Photos, tips and links to help you become a better photographer. Please feel free to join in. Lets l

Hi, I'm Neil Creek and I'm a professional photographer and photography educator. Here on my page you can follow my work with new photos every day. I also post lots of useful information to help you become a better photographer, whether you're a noob or an expert, shooting with a DSLR or a smartphone. I have published five ebooks and a video training course teaching photography at a beginn

Photos from Neil Creek - Photographer's post 23/09/2024

Hi all! I just wanted to remind you all that I digitise analogue media! You may have seen some of my earlier posts showing off my 8mm home movie captures. Well, I also digitise photos. If you've got boxes of old slides, reels of developed negatives or piles of fragile prints sitting in a cupboard somewhere, you really should preserve them!

I can help protect your memories, make them easy to see and share again, and even enhance them to look better than the originals! Here are a few examples of my work from my family's collection. I can take care of all your photos, and provide you with raw digital captures (the before images in the examples) for $2.20 per photo, or enhance them to look the best they possibly can for $5.50 per photo. I can also offer a discount for larger collections.

If you're interested, you can either message me here, or email me at [email protected] 🙂

Neil Creek ( 08/02/2024

Bluesky Social is a Twitter clone, built by the original Twitter creator. It doesn't use an algorithm to decide what you see. It's been in closed beta for about a year and is now open to all. I joined yesterday and so far it seems very promising. If you have an account, or decide to sign up, please follow me and I'll probably follow you back.

One big advantage there is that users are responsible for determining what they see, so I can freely post my art n**e photography and tag it as such. So you decide if you want to see it or not!

Neil Creek ( Australian self-employed photographer, stargazer, gamer, model kit builder, sometimes streamer. ADHD He/Him

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