Laurier Mentor Connect

Laurier Mentor Connect

Mentors assisting non-coop students to become successful.

Sign Up | LinkedIn 01/03/2021

Laurier Mentor Connect is excited to announce the creation of a group on Linkedin for students that have not received the coop placement (Laurier Mentor Connect (Non-Coop Assistance)). All posts and related updates will be posted in this new group. If you are a student that has not received the coop placement or an alumni that would like to help out from your experience of not receiving the coop placement - don't hesitate to request joining the group.

Sign Up | LinkedIn 500 million+ members | Manage your professional identity. Build and engage with your professional network. Access knowledge, insights and opportunities.


Definitely a must go. For a large portion of those who are in the group, linkedin was an incredible resource to generate leads and secure positions.

Accelerate YOUr professional and student life with this Speaker Series Linkedin workshop!

Experience a rare opportunity to be taught by LinkedIn professionals the best ways to get your profile noticed, and how to launch your career through networking and learning new skills on LinkedIn, topped off with a networking session after with the all the representatives.

See YOU Tuesday, October 29th at 7pm in LH3094!


Hello everyone, if you happened to be browsing through, make sure to also consider being added to the private group under the same name "Laurier Mentor Connect"
If you are a non-coop, laurier student don't hesitate to be added, as most of the posts are done in the private group.


Recently, founder of Laurier Mentor Connect received the KPMG Citizenship Award. Azam intends on using a portion of the proceeds to have activities within the group.

If you are students who might have not received the coop placement, don't hesitate to reach out by messaging the group. There is a closed group under the same name that has a lot of knowledge to be successful during your time at Laurier.

Career Centre | Career Profiles | Students - Wilfrid Laurier University 09/01/2019

It is worth the check the different alumni profiles that exist (this might help in planning effectively):

Career Centre | Career Profiles | Students - Wilfrid Laurier University Official Student site of Wilfrid Laurier University, located in Waterloo and Brantford, Ontario, specializing in business, music, science, arts, social work and education.

Ten Thousand Coffees 05/12/2018

Mentorship is truly beneficial to succeed at university. It allows for the expansion of one's existing network and a better understanding of being efficient at university (in terms of studying and activities)

Laurier provides a great website to connect with alumnus from various fields:

Ten Thousand Coffees Ten Thousand Coffees connects you with the right professionals for conversations over coffee - in person or online.

You Can’t Do Everything Yourself 14/11/2018

A story about a student mindset from 1st year to his final year. Despite not being in the coop program, Laurier is a great university. Utilize the career center as a resource to establish a network of mentors and better your chances to acquire a summer job placement. Always keep pushing and have a great time along the way.

You Can’t Do Everything Yourself I did not quite understand this phrase back in my 1st year at Laurier. I tried my best to independently solve problems and avoid asking for assistance.


To all checking out the page (laurier students, non-coop)- make sure to check out the closed group (under the same name) as most of the posts are done there.


This is a must go event if your interested in finance. Deadline for application is tonight!

This is a reminder that applications for our flagship Capital Markets Mixer are due TONIGHT at 11:59 PM. The Capital Markets Mixer provides students with the chance to network with alumni that are industry professionals in investment banking, sales and trade, equity research and more! Alumni will be attending from firms such as: TD Securities, BMO Capital Markets, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, OTPP, and many more! You don’t want to miss out on this exciting opportunity!

Event Link:

Application Link:


Name: Syed Azam Afzal

Degree: 4th Year, BBA

Specialization: Accounting

BMO - Customer Service Representative
BMO- Product Analyst

Experience of how summer placement received:
BMO - Customer Service Representative: physically going to banks and dropping off resume. Conducting appropriate and timely follow-up with manager.
BMO- Product Analyst: Utilized Internal recruitment portal to acquire job. Note all banks have similar features and this might be the way to go when applying for summer positions over the summer.

Key Advice to be successful:
-Networking and sometimes physically going to locations (depends on the industry) is beneficial and will make you stand out when getting summer placements. Recruiters read tons of resumes/cover letters, however if you already connected with them, it increases the chances for an interview.

-Utilize resources at the career center such as mock interviews and resume/cover letter critics

-Utilize Laurier Navigator to register to as many networking events as possible. The best way to gain experience is by constantly adapting and learning from experiences in networking events.

Objective of group:
I started the group and page with the intentions of helping students who have not received the coop placement and direct them to the right source early (the career center). To add, the group allows senior students who have been in similar circumstances to answer any general questions students might have.

Best Answers for the Top 10 Job Interview Questions 08/05/2018

I found these questions very relatable. Especially, 1-4, 7-10. For weaknesses and strengths always have at-least 2 prepared for each. Definitely a good read to have a strong idea of the general questions that might be asked.

Best Answers for the Top 10 Job Interview Questions Here are the top 10 interview questions that are asked at a job interview, examples of the best responses for each question, and tips for answering.

Accounting Clerk/Administration Assistant | 28/02/2018

For those interested in a job in Accounting, be sure to check this out and reach out to the Laurier Mentor Connect page via message if interested.

The hiring manager is a personal connection of mine and I would be happy to see one of you get hired. :) -pagination

Here is the home page for more information

Accounting Clerk/Administration Assistant | Accounting Clerk/Administration Assistant job on

Education Advisor | Chalk 14/02/2018

Hey All! For anyone looking for a great summer job, Chalk is an excellent company with a startup culture that is very open to applicants with all different levels of experience.

Check them out! This is a great way to start building a sales resume

Education Advisor | Chalk We’re looking for Education Advisor to spread our technology to new schools and districts.

Professionally Polished 21/01/2018

Looking for a way to boost your chances of finding a great job through networking? Come to Professionally Polished hosted by the Laurier Alumni Association!

Coming up this Wednesday January 24, the event will host Melissa McFarlane, Personal Brand Strategist and Robyn Hobbs, Entrepreneur and Stylist.

The event is free to Laurier students so come enjoy some refreshments, appetizers and get a professional headshot!

Event Details:

What: Professionally Polished

Where: The Turret

When: Jan. 24 5:30-7:30

Register Here:

Professionally Polished

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?
