Carolyn's Creative Class - Elementary Education

Carolyn's Creative Class - Elementary Education

Creative products for elementary teachers, homeschool families, and youth leaders. Skits, creative writing, themes & classroom management resources.

My name is Carolyn Hartman. Eight years ago, I took an early retirement after a 20-year teaching career. I have always wanted to write, and at 59 years old after a very fulfilling career, I felt it was time. I have a passion for supporting the work of parents and teachers. So I will continue to inspire by creating teacher/learner resources and writing fiction for children. All funds from the sale of my products are donated to charities.

Operating as usual

Scripts to teach parables, PARABLES (Two and More player Skits and a Rap) 09/11/2022

I'm pleased that I have sold 23 copies of this resource!

Scripts to teach parables, PARABLES (Two and More player Skits and a Rap) A contemporary study of some of the parables of the Bible's New Testament, presented in music, drama and puppetry. The project includes presentation and performance ideas, questions for a game show, skits, rap, choric drama, puppetry, and tableau. The ideas are suitable for elementary, middle schoo....

Photos from Carolyn's Creative Class - Elementary Education's post 17/05/2022

All royalties from the sale of my children's books are donated to the Zebra Child Protection Centre. You may find the books on; just type my name in the search box.

Fire Overhead! 16/05/2022

Fire Overhead! Based on Acts 2, the mime/tableau combo depicts the coming of the Holy Spirit after Jesus' ascension. The script is preceded by a summary of the story presented in the Book of Acts. The summary has been written in language that is simple to understand for all ages and provides background to the perf...


Teachers Pay Teachers sale!

Want your school to be the top-listed School/college?

Our Story

My name is Carolyn Hartman. Eight years ago, I took an early retirement after a 20-year teaching career. I have a passion for working with the upcoming generation of teachers, and for a few years I facilitated practicum students who were looking forward to successful teaching careers; I also had the opportunity to promote my classroom management program, “Gentle Order” at Teachers’ Conventions in Alberta. I hope to continue to inspire by creating resources for both teachers and students. Currently, the income that results from the sale of my projects goes directly to charities of my choice.

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From Carolyn's Creative Class

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 21:00