Dog Parkour UK

Dog Parkour UK

Dog Parkour UK (DPUK) offers courses which are fun, challenging and confidence building for all breeds of dogs.

Participants may complete DPUK Challenges for Certificates and Excellent Titles.


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Parkour Pentathlon Event 2 (Athletics - Walking) Title holders 🤩
Sarah-Jane Martin and Percy Event 2 DPUK-PPEv2


Massive congratulations to Cheri-lee Birch who has qualified as a Dog Parkour UK Advanced Instructor - huge well done 😀


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the very first Parkour Pentathlon Event 4 (Straddle) Title holders 🤩
Laura Bethan Williams and Puzzle DPUK-PPEv4


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Level 1 Title holders 😀
Rowan Armstrong and Willow DPUK-UEFL1


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Parkour Pentathlon Event 2 (Athletics - Walking) Title holders 🤩
Jeni Arnold and Mist DPUK-PPEv2

Photos from Dog Parkour UK's post 19/06/2024

Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Parkour Pentathlon Event 3 (Football) Title holders 🤩
Tracey Billington and Nina - Bamtybo Bonbon Avec Yrieix JW DPUK-PPEv3
Tracey Billington and Jess - Aquepins Jessica Fletcher JW DPUK-PPEv3
Tracey Billington and Fran - Aquepins Phryne Fisher DPUK-PPEv3
Tracey Billington and Aggie - Aquepins Agatha Raisin DPUK-PPEv3


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Parkour Pentathlon Event 2 (Athletics - Walking) Title holders 🤩
Diane Nolder and Hugo DPUK-PPEv2


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Parkour Pentathlon Event 2 (Athletics - Walking) Title holders 🤩
Charntelle Raffaele and Ch. Tropicrain Khaleesi (Pix) DPUK-PPEv2


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the very first Parkour Pentathlon Event 3 (Football) Title holders 🤩
Laura Bethan Williams and Puzzle DPUK-PPEv3


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Pentathlon Event 2 (Athletics - Walking) Title holders 🤩
Jennifer Jenkins and Mavis DPUK-PPEv2

Photos from Dog Parkour UK's post 13/06/2024

Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Pentathlon Event 2 (Athletics - Walking) Title holders 🤩
Tracey Billington and Nina - Bamtybo Bonbon Avec Yrieix JW DPUK-PPEv2
Tracey Billington and Jess - Aquepins Jessica Fletcher JW DPUK-PPEv2
Tracey Billington and Fran - Aquepins Phryne Fisher DPUK-PPEv2
Tracey Billington and Aggie - Aquepins Agatha Raisin DPUK-PPEv2


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Parkour Pentathlon Event 1 (Athletics Jump - Over) Title holders 🤩
Charntelle Raffaele and Ch. Tropicrain Khaleesi (Pix) DPUK-PPEv1

Photos from Dog Parkour UK's post 11/06/2024

Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Parkour Pentathlon Event 1 (Athletics Jump - Over) Title holders 🤩
Jane Ward and Arthur DPUK-PPEv1
Jane Ward and Luna DPUK-PPEv1


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Parkour Pentathlon Event 1 (Athletics Jump - Over) Title holders 🤩
Rebecca Edgecombe and Billie DPUK-PPEv1


Massive congratulations to Jane Ward who has qualified as a Dog Parkour UK Advanced Instructor - huge well done 😀


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Parkour Pentathlon Event 1 (Athletics Jump - Over) Title holders 🤩
Jeni Arnold and Mist DPUK-PPEv1


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the very first Parkour Pentathlon Event 2 (Athletics - Walking) Title holders 🤩
Laura Bethan Williams and Puzzle DPUK-PPEv2


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Parkour Pentathlon Event 1 (Athletics Jump - Over) Title holders 🤩
Laura Bethan Williams and Puzzle DPUK-PPEv1


Massive congratulations and fabulously well done to Doe Beere who has achieved the Bronze Instructor Award 😀


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Level 1 Title holders 😀
Laura Bethan Williams and Puzzle DPUK-NEFL1


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the very first Parkour Pentathlon Athletics Jump - Over - Event 1 Title holders 🤩
Tracey Billington and Nina - Bamtybo Bonbon Avec Yrieix JW DPUK-PPEv1
Tracey Billington and Jess - Aquepins Jessica Fletcher JW DPUK-PPEv1
Tracey Billington and Fran - Aquepins Phryne Fisher DPUK-PPEv1
Tracey Billington and Aggie - Aquepins Agatha Raisin DPUK-PPEv1


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Level 1 Title holders 😀
Faye Green and Scully DPUK-NEFL1

Photos from Dog Parkour UK's post 23/05/2024

Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Level 1 Challenge Title holders 😀
Tracey Billington and Nina - Bamtybo Bonbon Avec Yrieix JW DPUK-BECL1
Tracey Billington and Jess - Aquepins Jessica Fletcher JW DPUK-BECL1
Tracey Billington and Aggie - Aquepins Agatha Raisin DPUK-BECL1
Tracey Billington and Fran - Aquepins Phryne Fisher DPUK-BECL1


Massive congratulations to Laura Bethan who has qualified as the very first Dog Parkour UK Advanced Instructor - huge well done 😀

Photos from Dog Parkour UK's post 09/05/2024

Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Level 1 Title holders 😀
Tracey Billington and Fran - Aquepins Phryne Fisher DPUK-BEFL1
Tracey Billington and Jess - Aquepins Jessica Fletcher JW DPUK-BEFL1
Tracey Billington and Aggie - Aquepins Agatha Raisin DPUK-BEFL1


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Level 1 Title holders 😀
Tracey Billington and Nina - Bamtybo Bonbon Avec Yrieix DPUK-BEFL1


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Level 1 Title holders 😀
Sarah Smith and Rocket DPUK-UEFL1


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Level 1 Title holders 😀
Cheri-lee Birch and Fynn DPUK-BEFL1


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Easter Challenge Title holders 🐇
Jeni Arnold and Mist DPUK-EaCh


Huge congratulations and superbly well done to the following Easter Challenge Title holders 🐇
Faye Green and Scully DPUK-EaCh

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