504 On Target, LLC
504 On Target was started out of passion for the sport of shooting and to help others get into the sport of shooting or owning fi****ms for self defense.
504 On Target was started out of passion for the sport of shooting. Our goal is to help others safely get into the sport of shooting or owning fi****ms for self defense.
504 On Target Training provides the required training class in order to apply for a Louisiana Concealed Handgun Permit. We also offer the NRA Basic Pistol course for those who just want fi****ms training but are not interested in
Operating as usual
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Louisiana Concealed Carry
NRA Basic Pistol
NRA Inside Home Defense
NRA Outside Home Defense
NRA Basic Rifle
NRA Basic Shotgun
NRA Basic Pistol
NRA Inside Home Defense
NRA Outside Home Defense
NRA Basic Rifle
NRA Basic Shotgun