Check out demos at the booth 36304 (LVCC, South Hall 4)
IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference
IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, sponsored by IEEE Communications Society, is a major annual international conference organized with the objective of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in all areas of consumer communications and networking. IEEE CCNC was organized specifically to help the consumer electronics indus
starts in 1 week in Las Vegas. You still have time to register.
Save on and register by December 11!
was honored with the EAB Society/Council Professional Development Award for pioneering education and advancement opportunities for practitioners in the field of communications, engineering and technology at the 2017 EAB Awards.
Registration is now open for 2018!
Announcing 2018 Keynotes!
Deadline submission for workshop papers has been extended! Workshop papers are due within October 1, 2017 ”
Nominate your colleague for a career or service award.
CCNC'18 announces July 29 as the final paper submission deadline.
Sign up for a live webinar on mmWave!
Live Webinar - mmWave: Next-Generation Wireless Prototyping In this webinar, we will cover some of the leading technologies and research results from cutting edge mmWave prototypes.
Find out from our IEEE ComSoc 5G experts on what's driving the 5G technology.
What Is Driving The 5G Technology? | IEEE Communications Society 5G is on its way! What is driving the 5G Technology?
Share your experience as an IEEE Member - Enter the photo contest for a chance to win prizes!
Show Us What You Do As An IEEE Member - Enter The Contest For A Chance... You do a lot of interesting things on the job — and off. Send us photos you think best represent your experiences as an IEEE Member. What cool...
Join ComSoc, attend MILCOM 2015 and pick up Welcome Kit at Booth #821. Here’s Why -
Join IEEE Communications Society Now and Engage with Our Community at... MILCOM 2015 celebrates the 34th anniversary of the premier international conference for military communications. “Leveraging Technology – The Joint...
Registration for 27 January 2016 online course "Wireless for IoT" is now open!
Seats Sold Out For The Online Course Wireless for the IoT | IEEE... The seventy-five seats for the 14 October online course “Wireless for the Internet of Things” were sold out in nine days. If you were considering...
Announcing the next high impact events in the IEEE 5G Summit Series -
Announcing the Next High Impact Events in the IEEE 5G Summit Series |... To engage industry and academic communities with high value and innovative technologies, IEEE Communication Society will host a series of high...
Explore Automotive Ecosystem with 4 complimentary articles from Tech Focus.
Tech Focus Explores Automotive Ecosystem | IEEE Communications Society Tech Focus Featured Technology: Automotive Ecosystem
See What's New With Our Upcoming Courses!
See What's New With Our Upcoming Courses! | IEEE Communications Society A great way to stay ahead of the trends in the industry is to invest in ourselves through learning. IEEE ComSoc courses are designed for your...
Come to the IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 in San Diego!
IEEE GLOBECOM 2015 to Showcase Next Generation Technologies &... IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, the premier international event dedicated to driving innovations and technological breakthroughs in nearly every aspect of...
How was this year's first ComSoc Summer School Program in Italy? Read from the Global Communications Newsletter -
A Glimpse of The First IEEE Communications Society Summer School Program... (Above Photo: students and professors participating to the Summer School)
Join us for a new live online course on 14 October on Wireless For The Internet Of Things!
Wireless For The Internet Of Things - A New Live Online Course | IEEE... NEW! Wireless for the Internet of Things
IEEE ComSoc Technology News ( ): 5G And The Next Billion Mobile Users: A View From India.
5G And The Next Billion Mobile Users | IEEE Communications Society India has an emerging wireless network community with tremendous potential impact on 5G use cases. Connectivity and sharing among friends and...
IEEE members: Last chance to vote for the IEEE Annual Election. Balloting ends on 1 October 2015!
Members Vote! IEEE Annual Election Ends 1 October | IEEE Communications... IEEE members, it's your time to participate! Cast your vote to shape IEEE leadership, and learn about leadership opportunities. Balloting ends on 1...
Sign up for live online course on Wireless Positioning and Location Technologies on 30 September.
Register Now for the 30 September Course on Wireless Positioning and... Wireless Positioning and Location Technologies
Interested in 400G? Tech Focus features 400G Technology with 4 articles for free download.
Tech Focus Features 400G - Four Complimentary Articles Available For... Tech Focus Featured Technology: 400G
Register for the 30 September course on Wireless Positioning and Location Technologies -
ComSoc Offers A Course On Wireless Positioning And Location Technologies... Wireless Positioning and Location Technologies
Introducing Winner of the 2015 IEEE ComSoc Chapter Achievement Award - The Ecuador Chapter -
Introducing Winner of the 2015 Chapter Achievement Award - The IEEE... ComSoc Ecuador Chapter has recently been awarded the 2015 Chapter Achievement Award. Hernán A. Samaniego Armijos is the Chapter Chair. Following...
Registration open for SmartGridComm 2015! Discount available through 5 October.
The IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications 2–5... The IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), an international forum dedicated to the advancement of Smart Grid...