De-shocking Ivan

De-shocking Ivan

I was accepted to Tisch School of the Arts in NYC. I was awarded with the generous tuition scholarsh My name is Ivan. I come from Croatia in Europe. Thank you!

Hi! I’m a student, a published poet and an occasional performer. Recently, I’ve finished my Gender Studies degree where I have learned lots of interesting things about gender, sexuality, and performance. Additionally, I’ve also encountered that performance is not something that is necessarily situated in the theater or s


Want to know what you're investing in by donating to America in Transition?

Check out Been T/Here, Andre Perez's documentary series about people of color in love! This episode follows the story of Elisa Armea​ and Cas Andra​.

Make a tax-deductible donation to AIT today, help us raise $3000 in 3 days!

Click here to support GET WELL SOON! FUND ( NIC KAY ) by Nic Kay 31/03/2017

If you have an opportunity, support this amazing artist!

Click here to support GET WELL SOON! FUND ( NIC KAY ) by Nic Kay With your support, I will be able to sustainably develop and share drafts of my new project GET WELL SOON! in the next eight months. GWS is a project / meditation based on a loose and often used phrase indicating a hope of recovery. But if “Hope is a Discipline.” as Mariam Kaba writes, What are...


Kako me informirala kolegica iz Udruga Zora, provodi se prvo istraživanje radnih uvjeta seksualnih i rodnih manjina u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ako smatrate da bi se anketa mogla odnositi na vas ili nekog do vas i imate nekoliko slobodnih minuta izmedju Facebooka i neke druge društvene mreže, hop na link. x

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Ivan Bujan 13/07/2016

Upcoming performance at eXcéntrico: dissidence, sovereignties, performance in Santiago, Chile

Ivan Bujan Blue Is, Blue Does Blue Is, Blue Does embodies the interactions among HIV/AIDS, the medical innovations designed to treat it, and the shifting dynamics of gay male intimacies. The performance explo…


Recently I was granted The Sexualities Project at Northwestern (SPAN) Dissertation Fellowship for 2016/2017

SPAN | dissertation research The Sexualities Project at Northwestern (SPAN) awards dissertation fellowships of one, two, or three quarters in length to Northwestern doctoral students through an annual competitive process. Awards are made by the SPAN Steering Committee. For information on upcoming calls for applications, click h...

Timeline photos 03/06/2014

Dear All,

I made it! Thanks for everyone's kindness! If there weren't for you this journey would not have been possible. I'm sending the waves of gratitude and love to all of you! xo

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