Angelica Vasquez Yoga

Angelica Vasquez Yoga

Sharing the beautiful gift of yoga

Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 30/04/2024


I’ve recently reached 888 days of meditation—thanks to Insight Timer, which helps me track my progress. Initially, tracking didn’t seem important, but now it motivates me to continue. Meditation truly enriches my life, and keeping track is a helpful nudge.

What I’ve learned from this journey is the importance of establishing the right habits to stay consistent and enjoy meditation. These systems keep me on track, and I hope they can help you too:
* ⏱️Scheduled Time: Many teachers recommend morning and evening sessions, and that’s what works best for me, enhancing my sleep and boosting morning optimism. It might be different for everyone, but it’s worth giving a try!
* 📈Skill Level: Don’t worry about being good at meditation. Some days are calm, others are chaotic—and that’s perfectly fine.
* 💪Difficulty: If you’re accustomed to constant activity, learning to relax can feel challenging but is incredibly beneficial for your mind and body.
* 🧘🏻‍♀️Quieting the Mind: Don’t try to force stillness. Instead, explore the spaces between thoughts and enjoy guided meditations—they can be hugely beneficial.
* ☁️Dealing with Distraction: Meditation is also a practice in self-kindness. If you lose focus, simply smile, be gentle with yourself, and try again.
* .
Habits shape our lives, so investing time and energy in building the right ones is worthwhile!”


Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 05/04/2024

LIFE IS NOT A BATTLEFIELD! (If you don’t want to)

Life is a mirror - what you put out, you get back! You have the choice to decide the kind of relationship you want to develop with life - that’s the essence of free will.

One thing I can assure you is that when you decide to make friends with life and embrace more self-love, life somehow loves you back. This is one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in my 51 years on this planet! I used to view life as a battlefield, and from that perspective, it was tough, and most of the time, I felt very out of place.

So, how to love life? If you’re not used to it, a good place to start is to develop a more friendly relationship with yourself! And like any other relationship, it gets stronger when you practice:
* Kindness
* Appreciation
* Compassionate self-inquiry
* Embracing challenges as lessons
* Cherishing the small and simple joys of daily life
* Smiling as much as you can
* .
How do you approach life? As a battle or as a friend?


Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 19/03/2024


The thing about reading glasses is, they’re cool - well, I like them, and I think we all look smarter with them - but they don’t really address the root cause of poor vision. So, your vision keeps deteriorating.

Last year, I realised I needed glasses for reading small letters, so I decided to try eye exercises. I’ve learned a lot about our amazing eyes! And yes, my eyes feel much better!

These easy exercises have become part of my yoga practice, fit into moments while I’m brewing my tea, or I incorporate habits like palming as a short meditation during the day. It’s all about creativity and interest.

Save these tips—your eyes will thank you!.


Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 21/11/2023


Choose both for their wonderful and complementary benefits!

Both practices enhance mental well-being, enhanced perception, and presence, allowing us to observe non-judgmentally. They connect us with creative brain states (like Alpha and Theta waves). Both are tools to befriend our mind:

Meditation: Focuses on disconnecting from 'doing,' emphasizing being present and witnessing the mind. It fosters introspection and may lead to expanded states of consciousness or lucid dreaming.

Mindfulness: Cultivates deep presence, engaging actions from a state of being present, being attentive to our relationship with the external world and leading to flow states where the mind is effortlessly receptive yet focused.

Regarding dynamic meditations, while definitions vary, experiences like lucid dreaming may be challenging during active practices like yoga or qigong. Yet, these practices pave the way for deep meditation and expanded consciousness, reminding us we are energy, not just matter.

Join our Sunday sessions for both practices! We start with mindful breath-work and simple physical exercises for presence and mental focusing then moving into guided meditations with soothing bowl sounds. Details the link in bio


Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 11/02/2023

7 • T I P S• T O • G E T • H I G L Y • M E D I T A T E D • and stay consistent

“Your mind is like a puppy - you have to train it otherwise it will sh*t everywhere” :P One of the most effective ways to train your mind is meditation.

These tips helped me with my practice. Perhaps some of them are helpful for you, just remember, everyone is unique and not all formulas fit everyone.

By the way, sound is one of the easiest ways to get into meditation - like music without lyrics, or mantras or sound baths!

I host Soundbath meditations on Sundays . Join us!

Link in bio


Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 11/01/2023

1 0 • L I T T L E • D O S E S of yoga wisdom

Let’s unlock happiness, health, and prosperity with 10 yoga principles (Yamas & Niyamas)

I am holding a series of sound baths meditations on Insight Timer based on yoga principles:
Live sessions: 25 mint
A short talk on a specific principle, a sound bath meditation with singing bowls and chimes.
A couple of simple exercises to carry forward into your daily life.
Sessions will be held every Tuesday and Thursday at 18:00 EU time

See you later for our fist dose: Kindness


Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 31/12/2022


The best celebration is what makes you happy!. Sometimes it looks like slow down, enjoy a sunset, maybe staying home, a candlelight bath, listening a guided meditation, disconnected from the phone and doing you.

Have a lovely new year’s eve - enjoying it in your way!


Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 05/11/2022

S U N D A Y • L U N A R • S E S S I O N

A wonderful way to finish your weekend is to get into deep relaxation, explore different states of consciousness and have a bit of fun.

Join me tomorrow evening for a Yoga Nidra-style session, combined with the soothing sound of the singing bowl and Koshi chimes! A healthy and restorative way to celebrate the Lunar energy. Tarot reading to finish the session.

Sunday 6 nov - 7pm
35 minutes

Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 23/10/2022

N E W • M O O N • S O U N D B A T H • M E D I T A T I O N. See you later - link in bio 💛💛💛

Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 21/06/2022

H A P P Y • S U M M E R • S O L S T I C E & Y O G A • D A Y

Hope you are enjoying the longest day of the year. And the yoga day and Sun salutations :) and I hope you will have the chance to enjoy the Sunset!

Luckily, here in the South of Spain, adore the sun, the sunsets and sunrises are a almost daily gift. I hope you come to see me to adore together the Sun and stay healthy and happy!
Next retreat:
September 24th- La Herradura - 
Granada Link in bio


Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 02/03/2022

N E W • M O O N • I N • P I S C I S • R E A D I N G

After the yoga sessions, and the Soundbath Meditation the energy is quite high, so it is a great moment to ask for guidance.

I think the message is cute appropiated: WOLF MOON, HUNGER. Check the reading. It is a lovely story, about 2 wolfs. Which wold are you feeding? Which wolf do you think we are feeding as humanity?

Have a lovely New Moon evening. Use the energy wisely! As humanity we really need to feed the wolf which gives light, hope and kindness within everybody in this planet!




N E W • B E G I N N I N G S• everyday
It is hard not to smile when you have a beautiful sunrise outside your window!! Check the dates for a yoga weekend in the south of Spain.
Have a beautiful week!

Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 16/02/2022

F U L L • M O O N • M E D I T A T I O N g u i d a n c e
The card we got after our sound-bath meditation: Growth.
Beautiful message for this full snow moon in Leo 💛💛💛💛



Photos from Angelica Vasquez Yoga's post 01/02/2022

M O O N • O R A C L E • M E S S A G E,after out sound-bath meditation!

As the energy after the Soundbath Meditation is quite high, it is a great moment to ask for guidance.

I left you the message we got : FEAR as an invitation to tap into courage.

Last full moon we had the same card. Interesting, maybe we are too attached to fear? What do you think?

Have a beautiful New Moon evening. Use the energy wisely!



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Enjoy the New Moon energy. Perfect timing to manifest dreams.See you tomorrow!
V I E N T O 🧡🧡[..]Viento que viene de la montaña - Viento, tráenos la claridadViento que viene del mar -Viento  tráenos ...
K I N D N E S S T O M O T H E R E A R T HI think if I could give one piece of advice about loving Mother Earth to my fri...
Fire to burn what doesn’t serve us anymore! Letting  go of negativity in a beautiful way.
H I G H E R    V I B R A T I O N    W I T H    Y O G A
Try and fall and laugh and try again, and keep practicing until having a playful mind is just part of everyday life :)