Did you know that the GT Symposium features mini-topics on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon? Check it out! This year's mini-topic presenters include Wendy Behrens, Claire Hughes, Debbie Troxclair, Melissa Malen, Rob Nosbush, Sheyanne Smith, and the Northside Elementary and Sleepy Eye Universal Plus Teams.
The registration deadline for the Symposium is coming up quick! Be sure to check out https://gtsymposium.org for more information and to register and join us June 11-13 for this amazing conference!
The Hormel Foundation Gifted and Talented Symposium
Join us for the 2023 Hormel Gifted and Talented Symposium June 13-15 in Austin, MN. That's right - we're live and in-person again!
Wow! What a great line-up. Registration is a bargain at $225. All are welcome to register.
Registration for the annual Hormel Foundation Gifted and Talented Education Symposium is now open!
More information and registration: https://gtsymposium.org
Join us in Austin, MN on June 11-13 for one of the best in-person professional learning opportunities available. The annual Symposium provides an opportunity for educators, counselors, administrators and parents to gain greater understanding of the unique needs of gifted and high potential learners. Attendees choose from a wide variety of sessions on evidence-based practices for equitably addressing the instructional and social emotional needs of gifted learners, including students who are twice-exceptional, culturally and linguistically diverse.
All are welcome to register and attend the symposium.
💬 Meet the Keynote Speakers!
Dr. Richard M. Cash is an award-winning educator and author who has worked in the field of education for more than 30 years. His range of experience includes teaching, curriculum coordination, and program administration. Currently, he is an internationally recognized education consultant (www.nrich.consulting). His consulting work has taken him throughout the United States, as well as into Canada, The Czech Republic, Cyprus, England, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Jordan, Kuwait, Mexico, Oman, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, South Korea, and Turkey.
Richard received his Doctorate in educational leadership, and a Master of Arts degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, MN. Along with his Bachelor of Science degree in education from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Richard holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in theater from the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire.For over 10 years, he co-directed a children’s theater company in Minnesota, and co-authored 4 award winning children’s plays. He was recipient of the National Association for Gifted Children’s (NAGC) Early Leader Award (2011), recognizing his leadership in programing for gifted children. Richard was also named the “Friend of the Gifted, 2016” by the Minnesota Educators of the Gifted and Talented (MEGT). He is the former Director of Gifted Programs and Services for the Bloomington Public Schools.
Register for this amazing event today at https://austin.revtrak.net/Gifted-and-Talented-Symposium/!
📢 "Anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of high ability learners and how to serve them should attend the Hormel GT Symposium. You get the camaraderie of a conference with shared meals, the inspiration of nationally renown keynotes, and in-depth learning through the multi-day classes. On top of that, you get to learn in a beautiful historic school building and an amazing small town. Teachers of all grade level, administrators, and parents all have great options to extend their knowledge at the Hormel GT Symposium."
Lynette Breedlove, Ph.D., directs The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science at Western Kentucky University, a state-wide residential high school program for gifted students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. She has served the needs of gifted and talented students in public schools as a teacher, gifted and talented facilitator, and central office administrator. She is active in several state and national advocacy organizations including the Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE), the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented (TAGT), The Association for the Gifted (CEC-TAG), the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), and the National Consortium for Early College Entrance Programs (NCECEP). Most importantly, she is a hockey-mom who travels hither and yon to cheer on her 16-year-old son and a supportive wife to her husband who teaches elementary students at a high-needs campus.
Be sure to register today! https://austin.revtrak.net/Gifted-and-Talented-Symposium/
Dr. PJ “Paul James” Sedillo an Associate Professor for the Special/Gifted Education Department at New Mexico Highlands University where he teaches the Gifted Endorsement coursework. He is published in Gifted Child Today, Journal of Education & Social Policy, Prufrock Press, Parents of High Potential, and ABQ Press where his book Solidarity through Pride won best book in Arizona/New Mexico for 2018. He also has a new chapter is in Prufrock Press titled Identifying and Serving Diverse Gifted Learners: Meeting the Needs of Special Populations in Gifted Education which introduces Stages of Identity for GLBT-Gifted persons. His most recent book from Pieces of Learning Publications is entitled Embraced or Excluded? Fact & Fiction of Famous LGBTQ+ Persons. He served as President for the NM Association for the Gifted, Communication Member & Chair-Elect for the NAGC-GLBTQ Network, NAGC State Affiliate Leadership and Advocacy member, Co-Chair for the 2019 NAGC Conference in Albuquerque, and served as an At-Large Board Member for NAGC.
Register for this amazing event today at https://austin.revtrak.net/Gifted-and-Talented-Symposium/!
"Each time I come to Hormel, I leave with new knowledge and new friendships."
Teresa Argo Boatman, Ph.D., LP, is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Plymouth, MN who focuses on helping children, adults, and families find solutions in their real-world situations. Dr. Boatman has spent over 25 years working with families in Minnesota on educational choices and emotional health for children and adults. She co-authored the chapter Anxiety and Gifted Children in the book Understanding Twice-Exceptional Learners (2020) and regularly presents to educators and parents on gifted and social emotional topics.
Be sure to register today! https://austin.revtrak.net/Gifted-and-Talented-Symposium/
💬 Meet the Keynote Speakers!
Eric Calvert, Ed.D. is Associate Director at the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University where he oversees accelerated online programs for P-12 students, leads two school-based initiatives focused on equitable talent development initiated through federal Javits grant funding, and leads the Center’s policy and evaluation consultancy. He was previously state director for gifted education and global learning at the Ohio Department of Education and director of youth programs at Purdue’s Gifted Education Resource and Research Institute. Eric has always been interested in technology and “actively lazy” about leveraging technology to support learning, performance, and creativity growing up in the PC revolution and through the emergence of the Internet, the World Wide Web, the arrival of mobile and “smart” devices, and now the generative AI revolution. In addition to his work in gifted education he has developed and taught undergraduate and graduate courses in online learning design and psychology and cognitive science for UX. His Center at Northwestern is currently piloting its first series of courses exploring AI for children and adolescents which collectively explore AI4K12.org’s “5 Big Ideas” (perception, representation, learning, natural interaction, and societal impact) through the lens of “cognitive partnership” encouraging students to think metacognitively about the relative strengths and inherent weaknesses of individual biological brains relative to artificial intelligence -- and how to make the most of each by leveraging the other.
Register for this amazing event today at https://austin.revtrak.net/Gifted-and-Talented-Symposium/!
"Where else can you spend three days learning in-depth information about self-selected content from experts across the nation? The Hormel Foundation Gifted and Talented Symposium is an opportunity to hear nationally known keynote speakers, choose from among 16 different sessions to gain greater understanding about gifted children, and network with others in the field. This is an opportunity not to miss!"
During her 36 years in public education, Marcy coordinated GT and Bilingual/ESL Programs, served on the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented (TAGT) Board, and was Chair of the Texas Education Agency GT Advisory Council. After retirement, Marcy served as an English Learner coach and research assistant. Marcy currently serves as an educational consultant, Facilitator for the TAGT Emerging Leaders Program, Chair of the National Association for Bilingual Education GT/Bilingual SIG, and Advisory Board member for NCRGE Project EAGLE. Marcy created the Academic Language Cards, Q3 Cards, and TALK Cards. She is co-author of Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Gifted Education.
Be sure to register for this amazing event today! https://austin.revtrak.net/Gifted-and-Talented-Symposium/
💬 Meet the Keynote Speakers!
Dr. Mary Hemphill, a distinguished leadership expert, educator, and motivational speaker, brings over two decades of experience in roles ranging from third-grade teacher to Chief Academic Officer in her home state of North Carolina. With a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies, she has influenced and coached nearly 50,000 educational and corporate leaders globally, focusing on transformative strategies and leader empowerment. As CEO of The Limitless Leader, Mary spearheads initiatives to unlock leadership potential through coaching, consulting, keynotes, and workshops. Her impactful career includes being named Regional Principal of the Year in 2017 and receiving the Model Schools Award in 2018. Recognized as a 2021 School Ambassador Fellowship panelist by the US Department of Education, she was also honored as one of EdTech Digest’s Top 100 Influencers for 2023-2024. Recently appointed as a Senior Fellow at The Center for Model Schools, Mary contributes her expertise nationally to leadership development and strategic planning for educational leaders. As the author of 'The One-Minute Meeting: Creating Student Stakeholders in Schools,' she advocates fiercely for creating student stakeholders in school, leveraging technology for educational innovation, and breaking through limiting beliefs for leaders at every level.
Register for this amazing event today at https://austin.revtrak.net/Gifted-and-Talented-Symposium/!
A limited number of scholarships are available to MN teachers, school counselors and administrators.
The first Hormel Symposium registration scholarship has been awarded to a St Peter second grade teacher! Who will be the next?
A one-time only donation will fund 10 registration scholarships for the 2024 Hormel Gifted Education Symposium. A maximum of two individuals per school may be awarded free registration to the symposium. Applicants must be a licensed Minnesota public school teacher, gifted education coordinator/specialist, school
counselor/psychologist/social worker or specialist currently working in a Minnesota public school.
Awardees must:
• Agree to attend the entire symposium, June 11-13 (Tuesday 8:30 am – Thursday 3:30 pm).
• Agree to report on their experience at a fall building level staff meeting.
Scholarships will be allocated on a first come first serve basis until all funds have been dedicated. Applicants must send a statement of their interest, and include the name of their school and district. Applications will only be accepted by email with the subject line Hormel Scholarship sent to: [email protected]. This offer
is available until May 1st or when all funds have been allocated.
"All school practitioners (general education teachers, special education teachers, teacher of the gifted, school counselors, district administrators and assessment personnel) can increase their knowledge, concepts, and skills as relates to taking care of the gifted learners in their schools and districts. I highly recommend the Hormel GT Symposium!"
Debra Troxclair, Ph.D. is a life-long advocate for gifted children's education. She has served on the board of directors for the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented and the Council for Exceptional Children-The Association for the Gifted and was recently elected president of Association for Gifted and Talented Students in Louisiana. She has 20 years’ experience as a K-12 general education teacher/teacher of the gifted. Dr. Troxclair played a pivotal role in developing Lamar University's online master's degree program in special education and a gifted education concentration within the Teacher Leadership online master's program. She currently teaches courses in both programs. Her contributions also include conference presentations and publications in gifted education journals. She has authored/co-authored chapters in books published in the US and the Netherlands. Beyond her academic pursuits, Dr. Troxclair has embarked on a creative journey, taking art classes to rekindle her passion for watercolor painting.
Be sure to register today! https://austin.revtrak.net/Gifted-and-Talented-Symposium
💬 Meet the Keynote Speakers!
Dr. Joy Lawson Davis has a distinguished record of scholarship in the field of Gifted and Advanced Learner programming for over 35 years. Her specific expertise is diversity, access and equity in programming for students from underrepresented populations and culturally diverse students with multiple exceptionalities. Dr. Davis is a highly sought out speaker, professional learning trainer, and consultant to school districts, federal grant programs, and organizations across the United States, the Middle East, South Africa and the Caribbean, sharing numerous presentations with her message of equity, access, and excellence. Dr. Davis is also a Core Faculty member at Bridges Graduate School for Cognitive Diversity in California and Affiliate Faculty at Johns Hopkins University, School of Education, Gifted Education Department in Maryland teaching graduate coursework in cultural diversity and gifted education, respectively. She also serves as the King & Queen County Equity Coordinator, advising the Superintendent on equity issues and providing professional development for the staff.
Register for this amazing event today at https://austin.revtrak.net/Gifted-and-Talented-Symposium/!
If you're coming to the Symposium (and you really, really should), you'll probably want to get a hotel room. Luckily, we just updated our lodging information at https://gtsymposium.org/ !
Remember, registration is now open!
It's ! To win an awesome Hormel GT Symposium swag bag, here's all you need to do:
1. Like and share this post.
2. Tag a friend who would have an amazing time at the Symposium.
3. Register for the Symposium at https://austin.revtrak.net/Gifted-and-Talented-Symposium/
Our winner will be selected next Monday from all eligible entries ON THIS POST and you can pick your prize up at the registration desk at the 2024 Hormel Gifted and Talented Symposium. Good luck!
"The Hormel GT Symposium is one of my favorite experiences! You get a chance to really engage with participants over three days which allows a deeper experience with rich and impactful conversations. I learn from them and they truly learn from each other!"
Claire E. Hughes, Ph.D. is a Professor of Special Education, Gifted Education, and Twice-Exceptional Education at Cleveland State University. Previously, she was Faculty Director of Special Education at Canterbury Christ Church University in the UK, and a Fulbright Scholar to Greece. She has been on boards with the Special Populations Network of NAGC, TAG, and the Teacher Education Divisions of the Council for Exceptional Children. Her research areas include: twice-exceptional children, AI pedagogy, and international education.
Register for this amazing event today at https://austin.revtrak.net/Gifted-and-Talented-Symposium/!
"The Hormel GT Symposium is special because of the community of amazing and dedicated educators who attend seeking to support their gifted students via their own lifelong learning."
MARY L. SLADE, Ph.D. is a professor in the department of Early Childhood Education at Towson University, where she specializes in Gifted, Talented, and Creative Education. While at Towson University Mary has served as a FACET Teaching Fellow and a university Diversity Fellow. Her research interests include educator preparation, professional learning, literacy education, consultation/collaboration, and community engagement. Mary is the author of 3 books, multiple chapters and more than 80 articles. She won the Early Leader Award from the National Association for Gifted Children.
Register for this amazing event today at https://austin.revtrak.net/Gifted-and-Talented-Symposium/!
📅 Mark your calendars - the Hormel Foundation Gifted and Talented Symposium will be back June 11-13, 2024, in beautiful Austin MN! Stay tuned for more information as we gear up for another great Symposium full of learning and fun.
Minnesota Educators of the Gifted and Talented Minnesota Council for the Gifted and Talented (MCGT) Minnesota Department of Education Discover Austin, Minnesota
Early childhood screenings can be completed between the age of 3 and within 30 days of a child starting kindergarten. All children who will be at least 5 years old on Sept. 1 can be enrolled in kindergarten this fall. Learn more about the kindergarten enrollment process at https://education.mn.gov/MDE/fam/k/
Check out our teen conference that is happening in October! Teens will have the opportunity to learn more about the problem solving process, test their ability to think on their feet, and engage in creative fun with WATG and Destination Imagination. https://watg.org/meetinginfo.php?id=4&ts=1682615742
Happy Friday! Are you missing us today? 😉
Thank you to all who attended and presented our 2023 Symposium. It was a very inspiring week!! Looking forward to seeing you all again in 2024.
This afternoon we have our closing keynote for 2023 featuring Tracy Ford Inman. After so many days of energizing sessions and keynotes, it's hard to believe we're nearing the end of the Symposium!
Our final day of the 2023 Symposium kicked off with our morning keynote by Matt Zakreski, PsyD!!
Day Two of our 2023 Symposium came to a close with a fabulous dinner at the Hormel Historic Home and our Evening Keynote by Claire E. Hughes!!