宜臨閣 Sunergy

宜臨閣 Sunergy


docomo wifi for visitor 申請表格 28/11/2015

日本最大嘅電訊公司DOCOMO 而家發放免費使用一星期嘅Wifi Account!
只需要share呢個post同完成一份小問卷嘅頭150位就有機會得到免費使用一星期嘅wifi account。
仲有仲有~最先send返用後feedback 嘅首10位同學仔仲可以得到特別獎勵!!
仲等?快d share 呢個post 獲取限量wifi account 啦!
若有查詢可致電郵至[email protected]
*本次免費服務計劃提供至2016年2月末為止。*NTT DOCOMO保留對此活動一切解釋、變更、終止之權利,如有任何修改,恕不另行通知。
It's almost holiday ~~~ still troubled by finding the safest and most hassle free Internet connection during your trip to Japan?
Why not try docomo's wifihot spot service!!
This free trial service enables you to connect with every docomo wifi hot spot in japan within a week!!
What you have to do is to (1) share this post and (2) finish a simple survey, and we will issue an email accordingly to the first 150 participants.
**SPECIAL PRIZE will be further given to the first 10 participants who send us a feedback after using this service!!!
What are you waiting for! Come and try it out!!
Survey: http://ws.formzu.net/fgen/S52720482/
For further details, please refer to our official website:http://visitor.docomowifi.com/en/
Inquires can be sent to us by [email protected]
*This free trial is available until end of February 2016.
*NTT DOCOMO ("Docomo" or the "Company") reserves the right to change, modify,
add or delete portions of the Terms and Conditions in this campaign at any time, without prior notice.

docomo wifi for visitor 申請表格

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