General Paper Guide for A Level Students

General Paper Guide for A Level Students


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"The AS General Paper is multi-disciplinary, its subject matter drawn from across the curriculum. The syllabus encourages in candidates the ability to make cross-curricular links; to develop a maturity of thought appropriate to students at this level; and to achieve an understanding and usage of the English language which enables them to express arguments, ideas and opinions in a reflective and ac

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How to read for better vocabulary and better learning?
Here are the guidelines to enhance your vocabulary and to learn whatever you read more effectively and efficiently. Use these methods to gain more knowledge and a robust vocabulary.

How to read for better vocabulary and better learning? Sample GP Essays, GP Passage Solutions, Essay Ideas, and many other useful articles to GCE A Level Students of General Paper

Can the use of nuclear energy be justified? 03/07/2020

Can the use of nuclear energy be justified?

Nuclear energy refers to the heat and electricity generated from the exothermic reaction known as the nuclear fission reaction. Its first successful use for energy generation dates back to 1950. However, since then there has been an ongoing debate about whether it is justifiable or not?

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Can the use of nuclear energy be justified? Sample GP Essays, GP Passage Solutions, Essay Ideas, and many other useful articles to GCE A Level Students of General Paper

Honesty is the best policy. Do you agree? 02/07/2020

Honesty is the best policy. Do you agree?

We have been taught the virtues like honesty, obedience, calm temperament and so on since our childhood. “Honesty is the best policy” was taught over and over again during our primary school years. However, what is "honesty" actually?


Honesty is the best policy. Do you agree? Sample GP Essays, GP Passage Solutions, Essay Ideas, and many other useful articles to GCE A Level Students of General Paper

Is s*x education the responsibility of school or parents? 29/06/2020

Is s*x education the responsibility of school or parents?

S*x education is undoubtedly important. However, who can better impart this education to children, either school or parents, is not clear-cut. While parents are best suited to guide the children at home, the teachers take on hold of them at school.

Read more:*x-education.html?m=1

Is s*x education the responsibility of school or parents? Sample GP Essays, GP Passage Solutions, Essay Ideas, and many other useful articles to GCE A Level Students of General Paper

Newspapers are more concerned with profits than with the truth. Discuss this statement. 26/06/2020

Newspapers are more concerned with profits than with the truth. Discuss this statement.

Newspaper is a print media concerned with publishing news events and important information. However, because newspapers are business organizations, majority of their decisions are directed by profit motive. Sometimes, this motive is so great that they prefer this motive to truth.

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Newspapers are more concerned with profits than with the truth. Discuss this statement. Sample GP Essays, GP Passage Solutions, Essay Ideas, and many other useful articles to GCE A Level Students of General Paper

Can abortion ever be justified? 25/06/2020

Can abortion ever be justified?

Entrenched as an ubiquitous phenomenon throughout the world, abortion- the premature expulsion of a fetus in the womb is now mounting in our present era. In fact, with modernization, abortion is becoming a culture the new generation is bringing as this therapy is therapeutic to myriad of women. Yet, this medical advancement has generated controversy surrounding the moral and legal status of abortion. Is there any valid reason to expunge a pregnancy willingly? Can this remedy be morally permissible?

Can abortion ever be justified? Sample GP Essays, GP Passage Solutions, Essay Ideas, and many other useful articles to GCE A Level Students of General Paper

How far is musical education vital to personal development? 24/06/2020

How far is musical education vital to personal development?

Musical education refers to the education regarding music, playing musical instruments, and related knowledge. It is mainly targeted to develop music sensitivity and appreciation in children.

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How far is musical education vital to personal development? Sample GP Essays, GP Passage Solutions, Essay Ideas, and many other useful articles to GCE A Level Students of General Paper

Can mathematics be fun, interesting and worthwhile? 23/06/2020

Can mathematics be fun, interesting and worthwhile?

Mathematics is the discipline which is concerned with numbers, calculations and so on. Because it involves working with numbers, calculators and computers, people think it is boring and not worth the time and effort we invest in it.
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Can mathematics be fun, interesting and worthwhile? Sample GP Essays, GP Passage Solutions, Essay Ideas, and many other useful articles to GCE A Level Students of General Paper

Books are better than movies. Discuss 22/06/2020

Books are better than movies. Discuss.

Books are written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers while movies are a recording of moving images that tells a story and that people watch on a screen or television. Books are better than movies not only because we can have in-depth understanding of the characters and the plot, but also because books provide different experience to different people.

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Books are better than movies. Discuss Sample GP Essays, GP Passage Solutions, Essay Ideas, and many other useful articles to GCE A Level Students of General Paper

Attentiveness in Online Sessions 20/06/2020

Here is a two minute survey that is being conducted to understand the attentiveness during the online sessions. Your responses to this survey will be highly useful for us to improve the online sessions and the outcomes will be shared with all.

Attentiveness in Online Sessions This is a short survey conducted by BIC Startups in order to assess what features help to maintain attention during the online sessions. This survey will take only two minutes to complete and your responses will be kept confidential and used for the betterment of online sessions. Thank you in advanc...

Oct/Nov 2010 - Solution of Quesiton #2 05/05/2020

General Paper Passage Solution

Oct/Nov 2010 - Solution of Quesiton #2 Sample GP Essays, GP Passage Solutions, Essay Ideas, and many other useful articles to GCE A Level Students of General Paper

To what extent participating in online social networks improve our work and personal lives? 30/03/2020

While taking precautions from COVID-19 and staying in self-isolation, it is excellent to leverage the free time into study. So, please allow me to reshare my old post on the topic:
To what extent participating in online social networks improve our work and personal lives?

To what extent participating in online social networks improve our work and personal lives? Sample GP Essays, GP Passage Solutions, Essay Ideas, and many other useful articles to GCE A Level Students of General Paper


Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to say that my best wishes are with you at this time when is severely affecting our lives. Please stay safe as prevention through self-isolation and self-quarantine are the best way to protect yourself as well as your family from this .

Also, wearing masks, maintaining distance of at least 1 meter with other people, washing hands frequently and using sanitizers are other preventive measures at your disposal. I hope you take care of yourself and .

Best regards,
Prem Gaire
Admin (GP Guide)


Checklist before you sit for exams:

General Paper Guide: Last minute tips for General Paper students thanku for such a rapid reply to the msg i left on fb. the paper i will give will be 1 hour and 15mins long. i hve decided to divide my time like this30 mins for braintorming and hence setting up the basic structure of the essay.40 mins for articulation.5 mins for checking.i found that cie people ha...


This time I have come up with a new type of content/study material for GP students. Yea, you're right! It's a PowerPoint Presentation. With its slide based content, studying is quick, easy and to the point.

You'll learn the basics of GP in less than 30 minutes!

I hope to get your valuable feedback in this new effort of mine.

Warm Regards


General Paper Guide: Overview of GP in Thirty Minutes - A PowerPoint Presentation


In case you are confused where to start for GP exam preparation, this overview article might be quite handy.

General Paper Guide: Site Overview Here are the list of November 2013 papers, mark schemes, inserts, etc for 8001 syllabus: are the list of past papers, mark schemes, etc for...

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