Quotidian: A Blog about Everyday Religion

Quotidian: A Blog about Everyday Religion

Quotidian provides a platform for experimental content and showcases proudly the work of emerging sc

Timeline photos 05/12/2021

The Catholic ecologist Bill Jacobs sees the pristine lawns around him as ecological deserts that feed neither wildlife nor the human soul. For him, to reconnect with nature is akin to feeling close to God. https://nyti.ms/3okR1vP


An educational video game on global Indian festival cultures is out now: Durga Puja Beyond Borders is a collab work of a Finnish academic (Xenia Zeiler, Editor in Chief gamevironments) and an Indian game development studio. It's OA - enjoy playing!

Capitalism: God Wants You To Be Rich : Throughline 09/07/2021

Capitalism: God Wants You To Be Rich : Throughline In the New Testament, Jesus says it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. In the United States today, many Christians believe in something radically different. In what's known as the prosperity gospel, wealth is a sign of virtue and...

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