It's now easier to send MTB Percussion Parent's Group a message.
Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from MTB Percussion Parent's Group, Education, .
Just finished uploading, for anyone who didn't see, or anyone wanting to just enjoy at their leisure.
2018 Judson Review Marching Competition Double contest day, with MTB participating in the Rough Riders Contest earlier that day (receiving 1st Place overall, and 1st place for Ensemble, and 1st pla...
Another successful week for the band and the entire percussion! 1st place overall at Rough Rider, with 1st place for Ensemble and also for Drumline. Congratulations Percussion!
Week 2 vs Harlan. Please, like, share and tag the students and parents to recognize these musicians!
Just a few shots from Friday's game. Enjoy and please tag parents/students so they can see!
Photos from last night are up in Flickr. Please enjoy!
2018.08.16 MTB Parents' Night View the album on Flickr.
Thank you to all the parents helping out and making tonight a success. I will post pictures of percussion from the last few times tomorrow.
2 tables with black table clothes are set up by the side door ready for yall
As many of you have reminded, goodie bag meeting tonight! 8PM!
Welcome to the page. Click on the "Community" link to the left to leave or read messages left by parents. Come back soon!
Hey gang,
Just wanted to let you guys know that there is a conversation going on Renee's post from yesterday coordinating percussion parents for Parent's Night. Scroll down and you should be able to see it.
I think the gist so far is this:
-14 on the line
-21 in pit
-Meeting on Monday (next week) at 8PM in Classroom/Copy room (where pictures were taken) to assemble bags.
-Renee will get David to update poster & photos for both groups.
Please feel free to correct anything I may have made a mistake on or was changed.
Thanks for following this page; I'll be getting some photos up here very soon of our kids!
Summer Band, Week 2.
Please tag and share with the kids and parents!
Some shots from summer percussion camp 2018. Please tag & share to get other parents here!
Section of the Week The drumline of the Floresville High School Mighty
101 Free Prints + 16x20 Print Use code: FUNPICS. Full details: http://bit.ly/2xL9KDz. Offer expires September 5, 2017 (11:59 P.M. PT).
If anyone wants to bring your stuff for the bags, feel free to bring it tonight and I'll meet you afterwards in the concession stand. Thanks!!
Update on our meeting this past Tuesday. We weren't able to work on the bags. The mom who was going to attend had vehicle problems and we were unable to get them.
We will have them by our next gathering next Tuesday, 6:00 P.M. at Oak Hills Community Church. (775 and hwy 181) we will decorate and fill the bags with whatever goodies that are donated.) Thank you so much!! (Nancy Foster, Mackenzie's mom]
I have an idea on what we can put on the bags, but would also welcome any other ideas. I have a list on other band moms, so if anyone wants to volunteer to contact them and see what they would like to donate. I guess tomorrow we can make a list of things people can donate. Did anyone want to bring a table to parent night? I saw an idea, instead of a table cloth ( it's always windy every year) we can use a fitted sheet. I'm guessing a twin size. Do we need to make a sign or signs? And we will need a clip board and a sign up sheet for other parents we may not have their info. Sorry for all of this info, I'm writing it down now so I won't forget. LOL. Oh and if you need to contact me, my number is 210-275'3559 or [email protected] can't wait to meet everyone!