Fake Wallet Trick #guns #pewpew #magic #funny #facts #usa #selfdefense
Urban Survival Skills We provide in-home disaster training to our clients. Additionally, we offer FREE basic survival knowledge here on our page!
**COVID-19: We understand the seriousness of this virus and promise vaccinated and fully masked instruction.**
Survivalist Mentality, LLC is a small service based company in Jacksonville, Florida. Our instructed scenarios are based on the following situations:
-Long-term power outage
-Bacterial/Viral outbreaks
-Civil unrest
-Economic crash
-Custom (to family)
Operating as usual
Fake Wallet Trick #guns #pewpew #magic #funny #facts #usa #selfdefense
This graph shows current electricity generation sources - surprised?
A simple green house to get your seeds started.
When you dig your hole to plant a tomato, drop an antacid tablet in, cover slightly and then plant the tomato. Since the tablet is just calcium, it eliminates blossom end rot. It is cheaper and more effective.
A pollen allergy may also be referred to as seasonal allergic rhinitis or hay fever.
According to the National Health Interview SurveyTrusted Source, conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 7.2 percent of children and 7.7 percent of adults in the United States had hay fever in 2018.
Storing turmeric powder might be worth your time if survival is the plan. It is considered a super food.
Making Fire Cider!! @JacquelynHarvey Hi im Jac !! Come along with me and make fire cider!! ( I might have said fire smite-r ..😂) You can make this for yourself with only a few ingredients you c...
Hey Guys It’s Jac Farm Kitchen
Where I will be making Fire Cider ! Let me know if you would like me to post a video of how im making it!!
There are tons of variations from very simple to very extravagant!! This is just the way that I’m going to make it today. It’s a fairly simple and basic fires cider recipe. 😊😊
Merry Christmas from the Survivalist Mentality, LLC family. Be blessed.
-Mike, Jac, and the Team!
Hey it’s Jac!!
I wanted to give a shout out to Mike for being an outstanding person!! He has such compassion for helping others, God has gifted Him with Excellence to Speak and Deliver a message to others on a different level! He is so Humble and Honest and extremely hilarious 😂!! He leads his family with integrity and love ❤️
So Blessed to know him and work alongside him to help others achieve their survival skills from different backgrounds! His from an urban standpoint mine from a rural standpoint.., Hope to Ramp up the page after the New year.. Yalll all give him a shout out of thanks!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!! Thank you for your support of our project!
Our very own Jacquelyn Grimes Harvey is making some stunning items perfect for the holistic and wellness minded person! Stop on over to Cowbell Farm and check out items like deep tissue relaxant Epsom salts, mulberry syrups, native style jewelry, fall cider with immune boost, and so much more. She is the pride and joy of our team!
Cowbell Farm This is my little farm where I make hand made and homemade everything! All Natural products.
The kick that sends you back to factory settings 😂🥂
Muay Thai Street Defense #kungfu #jetli #shaolin #captain #ipman #tomcruise #steve #chinese
Let’s make some fresh Lemongrass tea together!
This stuff can help keep you literally, alive!
Checking in to see if any of you are now zombies after the 5g EAS test. If you are.. comment below?
A simple water distiller is easy to make from Home Depot items and can be critical in urban survival. It can even create fresh water from salt water.
We are wildly supportive of Lions Mane! It is easiest to take from a dropper. A small bit of research will show its extreme success.
Is it a psychotropic? No.
Will it pop on a test? No.
Is it dangerous? Not at all.
A fresh haircut for your rosemary plant benefits plant health and your garden aesthetic. Pruning can help:
Like lavender, rosemary only grows new leaves on pliable, green stems. Cutting off the tips encourages the stems to branch out and grow into multiple stems rather than one woody stem. The result is a bushier, more attractive plant.
Pruning rosemary encourages it to funnel energy into the roots. This is especially important in the early stages of growth and the weeks leading up to winter dormancy.
Disease prevention pruning, encourages airflow between rosemary branches, making pathogens less likely to take hold. This is particularly important in extra humid climates where powdery mildew and botrytis often attack rosemary.
Prevent woodiness, rosemary's fragrant needles and flowers cannot grow on old crowns or trunks. Pruning encourages the plant to remain pliable and green rather than woody and brown.
Prevent leggy growth without pruning, rosemary stems can get out of control. Leggy growth leads to floppy stems, weak plants, and a greater risk of damage in heavy winds.
Maintain shape whether you prefer a cone-shaped bush, gumdrop shrub, pathway border, or a large hedge, rosemary can be pruned into nearly any shape you desire.
Hi it’s Jac!!! Just a glimpse into my morning and last night canned 36/half pints of sweet and spicy relish than this morning made mozzarella cheese for homemade pizza tonight , pizza dough, biscuits and honey butter for good measure.. 😊
I know it’s been a while since we kicked down on some great content - life took a huge turn for some of us!
That being said, these are not your regular black bears, they are most definitely domesticated by the presence of people.
Natural Doxycycline—
There has been plenty of concern in recent years with the overuse of antibiotics, and the risks that overusing them can bring, even to a normally healthy person. While prescription antibiotics certainly have their place and benefit, overusing them, or using them inappropriately, can contribute in creating a resistance to the medication that was developed to heal. Another concern is all the uncomfortable and serious side effects that can come with taking antibiotics, such as nausea, rashes, sensitivity to the sun, and potentially fatal c. diff colitis.
It’s no surprise then, that more and more people are turning to natural remedies and antibiotics, such as usnea. You might be wondering if natural and homegrown antibiotics could cause side effects or be harmful to certain people? Sure, just like prescription antibiotics, there can be side effects. However, unlike more commonly known prescription antibiotics, usnea can be completely natural without unhealthy chemicals…and you might even be able to find it right in your own backyard. You may also want to check if these extremely powerful natural antibiotics that are little known to mankind grow around your house.
What is Usnea?
Usnea is a fairly common and intriguing lichen found in many forests and woods across the world. A lichen is defined by Merriam-Webster as: “any numerous complex plantlike organisms made up of an alga or a cyanobacterium and a fungus growing in symbiotic association on a solid surface (such as on a rock or the bark of trees).” The usnea lichen, which has a body with a netted hair-like texture, is developed through a mutual relationship between fungus and algae.usnea lichen
While there are several types of species of the usnea lichen, the one with the highest degree of medicinal value is often referred to as “Old Man’s Beard”, due to its appearance. Often found on trees, it can easily be identified by lightly pulling the main branch of the lichen apart. If it’s usnea, the green outside layer will break, exposing a stretchy white band substance found inside, which should remain intact. However, due to this species being ultra-sensitive to polluted air, it’s rarely found within city limits.
The rainbow eucalyptus is considered to be one of the most beautiful trees in the world! Each season as the bark peels off in strips it reveals a trunk covered with a vertical rainbow of red, orange, green, blue and gray streaks. The tree will sometimes emit a smog-like mist of vaporized volatile organic compounds called terpenoids. A forest of eucalyptus will sometimes create an other-worldly like haze during the warm summer months. The fragrance of the tree is pleasant with an clean, earthy aroma that is used in perfumes.
Eucalyptus is a diverse genus of flowering trees and shrubs indigenous to Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia. Along with tender bamboo shoots, eucalyptus is one of the favorite foods of the Koala Bear. It is said that the leaves of the tree makes them high which is why they sleep for 20 hours a day! The rainbow eucalyptus is the only species of this genus indigenous to the northern hemisphere. It grows in frost free parts of the United States such as Hawaii and the Southern portions of California, Texas, and Florida.
If given full sun and moist soil rainbow eucalyptus will grow fast - up to 3 feet and year. The tree can be huge and grows up to 250 feet tall in its native environment.
The leaves of the tree are steam distilled to extract the oil which has been traditionally used for oral hygiene, respiratory illnesses, coughs, colds, bronchitis, fungal infections, and skin wounds.
The wood of the eucalyptus tree is also commonly used to make didgeridoos, a traditional Australian Aboriginal wind instrument. Energetically, the leaves are used for cleansing.
Russia made a strategic move.. but what is the doomsday clock?
The Doomsday Clock is a symbolic timepiece showing how close the world is to ending. Midnight marks the theoretical point of annihilation.
Apocalyptic threats could arise from political tensions, weapons, technology, climate change or pandemic illness.
The hands of the clock are moved closer to or further away from midnight based on the scientists' reading of existential threats at a particular time.
A Chicago-based non-profit organization called the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists updates the time annually based on information regarding catastrophic risks to the planet and humanity.
The 2023 Doomsday Clock announcement
The clock with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists is placed ahead of the announcement of the location of the minute hand on its Doomsday Clock, indicating what world developments mean for the perceived likelihood of nuclear catastrophe, at the National Press Club in Washington, U.S., January 24, 2023. L
A board of scientists and other experts in nuclear technology and climate science, including 13 Nobel Laureates, discuss world events and determine where to place the hands of the clock each year.
The clock was created in 1947 by a group of atomic scientists, including Albert Einstein, who had worked on the Manhattan Project to develop the world's first nuclear weapons during World War Two.
At 90 seconds to midnight, the "Doomsday Clock" is now the closest it has ever been to midnight. It is the first time it has moved since it was set at 100 seconds to midnight in 2020.
Its setting reflects a world in which Russia's invasion of Ukraine has revived fears of nuclear war. The war was largely but not exclusively the reason for the hands moving forward, the scientists said.
Why buy a rubber pistol?
Training Fi****ms are commonly used by Military & Law Enforcement personnel, Personal Protection and Security Professionals and civilian Martial Artists.
Made from ultra-durable thermoplastic rubber, they are stiff enough to train drawing techniques from the holster and disarming techniques in close quarter training, but just soft enough to use in hand-to-hand striking situations with relative safety.
Strong enough to survive hours of training, but inexpensive enough to outfit even an entire gym of students without breaking the bank, these practical and tactical training aids are based on some of the most popular fi****ms in America today.
Teaching people proper handling before graduating to the real deal is always important too.
Survivalist Mentality, LLC has been around since 2011 and has been involved in preparing for every major disaster since. We are suppliers of disaster preparedness information and are available for personal consultation anytime.