It is with great sadness that we share the news of another FLTI partner's passing.
Ron Wright was a long-time youth facilitator for the Larimer County Family Leadership Training Institute site and a devoted high school teacher. His children, Maddie and Laine, and wife, Shelli, were also FLTI of Larimer County graduates and known by many alumni in the area. Our hearts are with their family during this time.
Ronald Wright Obituary - Greeley, CO
Celebrate the life of Ronald Wright, leave a kind word or memory and get funeral service information care of Stoddard Funeral & Cremation & Sunset Memorial Gardens.
Dearest Community, Querida Comunidad –
(Sigue en español) We are so happy to share that Jesús Castro has been selected as the recipient of the SOL Award of the Latino Community Foundation of Colorado.
Jesús is a proud DREAMer from Los Mochis Sinaloa, Mexico. He migrated to the United States alone at the age of 13 years old. From a very young age, he showed interest in theater and social justice advocacy. In 2012 Jesús started his journey as a community leader by helping organize DACA clinics for hundreds of youth alongside attorney Kim Medina and members of Fuerza Latina, encouraging fellow dreamers to apply for the program and to work together to advocate for a path to citizenship. Jesús has never left his parents behind, always asserting that they are the original dreamers.
Over the years Jesús has worked on a number of social justice issues including immigration, affordable housing, support for historically marginalized communities during COVID, environmental justice, and LGBTQ rights. He has also worked on policy at the local, state, and federal levels.
In 2019 when the opportunity came to advocate and raise funds for unaccompanied minors to support them with Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (and a path towards residency), in an act of true leadership, Jesús was the first to step forward go to work in solidarity with recently arrived UAMs, despite still not having a path for himself and his siblings.
He is also passionate about theater and is currently a theater major at CSU. His dream is to combine his passion for theater and advocacy, creating plays with social justice themes to create awareness and visibility about issues in our community.
Jesús is currently Director of the Adelante Program and Workforce Initiatives at ISAAC of Northern Colorado. In his free time, he loves to read, write and buy plants, and he spends a lot of time in coffee shops.
Jesús brings joy to our collective work and is always down to collaborate and share the love. He never seeks recognition for his work, but rather leads from behind to uplift others. This award could not have gone to a more humble warrior. Congratulations, Jesús. You set an example for those around you!
Jesús will receive his award in an event next Wednesday in Denver!
Estamos muy contentos de compartir que Jesús Castro ha sido seleccionado como recipiente del Premio SOL de la Latino Community Foundation of Colorado.
Jesús es un DREAMer orgulloso de Los Mochis Sinaloa, México. A los 13 años, emigró a Estados Unidos. Desde muy joven mostró interés por el teatro y la justicia social. En 2012, Jesús comenzó su trayectoria como líder en la comunidad, ayudando a organizar clínicas de DACA para cientos de jóvenes junto con la abogada Kim Medina y miembros de Fuerza Latina, animando a soñadores a aplicar para el programa y a trabajar juntos para abogar por un camino hacia la ciudadanía. Jesús nunca ha dejado atrás a sus padres, siempre afirmando que ellos son los soñadores originales.
A lo largo de los años, Jesús ha trabajado en muchos temas de justicia social, incluyendo inmigración, la vivienda asequible, el apoyo a comunidades históricamente marginadas durante el COVID, la justicia ambiental y los derechos LGBTQ. También ha trabajado en políticas a nivel local, estatal y federal.
En 2019, cuando llegó la oportunidad de abogar y recaudar fondos para ayudar a los menores desacompañados con el Estatus Especial de Inmigrante Juvenil (y un camino hacia la residencia). En un acto de liderazgo verdadero, Jesús fue el primero en dar un paso adelante para trabajar en solidaridad con los jóvenes, a pesar de que él mismo y sus hermanas no tengan todavía un camino hacia la residencia o ciudadanía.
También tiene una pasión por el teatro y actualmente se especializa en teatro en CSU. Su sueño es combinar su pasión por el teatro y la defensa de derechos, creando obras con temas de justicia social para crear conciencia y visibilidad sobre las injusticias en nuestra comunidad.
Jesús es el Director del Programa de Adelante e Iniciativas de Fuerza Laboral en ISAAC del Norte de Colorado. En su tiempo libre le encanta leer, escribir y comprar plantas, y pasa mucho tiempo en cafeterías.
Jesús aporta alegría a nuestro trabajo colectivo y siempre está dispuesto a colaborar y compartir este amor. Nunca busca reconocimiento por su trabajo, sino que lidera desde atrás para enaltecer a los demás. Este premio no podría haber recaído en un guerrero más humilde. Felicitaciones Jesús. ¡Eres un ejemplo para todos quienes te rodean!
¡Jesús recibirá su premio en un evento el próximo miércoles en Denver!
It is with a heavy heart we share the news FLTI 2017 youth alumni John Paul Hendrickson Jr. son of FLTI graduate and facilitator Jessie Mae Hendrickson passed away on 7/27/2023. Here is a link to the obituary where you can find information on how to donate to the family during this time of unexpected loss. John Paul's legacy will continue on in the many lives he touched.
"The song is ended, but the melody lingers on." Irving Berlin
John Paul Hendrickson Jr. Obituary 2023 - Puente & Sons Funeral Chapels
View John Paul Hendrickson Jr.'s obituary, send flowers andfind service dates, and sign the guestbook.
Congrats to all the 2023 Family Leadership Training Graduates! This year, 16 adults and 16 youth completed the Civic Learning Lab program.
This Civic Learning Lab was made possible through the partnerships between Larimer County CSU Extension & La Familia. Facilities for classes and events were provided by First Presbyterian Church. Interpretation for the classes was provided by The Community Language Cooperative. Childcare was provided by La Familia.
Sigue en espanol.
We are looking for youth 11 – 18 with an interest in leadership and making positive community impact. Whether you’re already involved in your community or looking to get started, check out what the Family Leadership Training Institute (FLTI) has to offer you!
FLTI is a 10-week journey that will change your life! Held every Thursday 2/16-5/4 (except the week of spring break & the week of 4/20) from 5:30pm – 8:00pm with a light dinner included.
WHERE IS FLTI? First Presbyterian Church 531 S College Ave, Fort Collins, CO. May be held virtually depending on COVID.
WHY FLTI? To provide youth and adults with the opportunity to exercise and develop their leadership skills, and learn how to effectively work for positive social change in their communities.
Apply here: https://fs6.formsite.com/psdforms/form21/index.html
Estamos buscando jóvenes entre 11 y 18 años con interés en el liderazgo y en lograr un impacto positivo en la comunidad. ¡Ya sea que esté involucrado en su comunidad o buscando empezar, compruebe lo que el Instituto de Capacitación de Liderazgo Familiar (FLTI) tiene para ofrecerle!
¿QUÉ ES FLTI? ¡FLTI es un viaje de 10 semanas que cambiará tu vida!
¿CUÁNDO ES FLTI? FLTI se lleva a cabo todos los jueves 2/16-5/4 (excepto la semana de vacaciones de primavera y la semana del 20 de abril) de 5:30 pm a 8:00 pm con una cena ligera incluida. Puede llevarse a cabo de forma virtual en función del COVID.
¿DÓNDE ESTÁ FLTI? First Presbyterian Church 531 S College Ave, Fort Collins, CO
¿POR QUÉ FLTI? Proporcionar a los jóvenes y adultos la oportunidad de hacer ejercicio y desarrollar sus habilidades de liderazgo, aprender a trabajar eficazmente por un cambio positivo
en sus comunidades
Aplica aquí: https://fs6.formsite.com/psdforms/form21/index.html
Larimer County Office of Emergency Management
Disasters in Larimer County have supported the need for well-connected communities.
The Larimer County Office of Emergency Management is conducting a Community Assessment Survey to gather input on programs designed to positively impact our community. http://ow.ly/BQ2s50KleCS
More about the survey http://ow.ly/oRoA50KleCT
¡La Evaluación de Resiliencia de la Comunidad de la Oficina de Manejo de Emergencias del Condado de Larimer ya está abierta para recibir sus comentarios!
Los desastres en el condado de Larimer han reforzado la necesidad de tener comunidades resistentes y bien conectadas que sean más capaces de superar los desafíos y prosperar cuando surjan.
Comparta sus comentarios en esta breve encuesta para reforzar y guiar los programas de Larimer OEM y tener un impacto positivo en nuestra comunidad.
Encuesta en español: bit.ly/EvaluaciondeResiliencia
Helping Kids Navigate Scary News Stories | Parenting Tips & Advice
We cannot fully “news proof” our home when unsettling events happen in the world, but we can help kids navigate what they hear through simple, responsive, reassuring conversations.
Congrats to the new graduates!
Commissioner Kristin Stephens [4th from right] attended the graduation ceremony for the 2022 Family Leadership Training Institute through Larimer County CSU Extension last night. The 10-week class was taught in both English and Spanish. https://larimer.extension.colostate.edu/programs/family-leadership-training-institute/
These amazing graduates learned the civic skills they need to make a difference in their community in a variety of ways including leadership, community problem-solving, learning how government works, and so much more. Way to go! ,
FLTI alumni Tony Lynch is helping put on this weekends Virtual Global Grief Conference. Free to attend.
Come join us this weekend we have over 60 grief educators presenting along with workshops for adults and children to learn more and get registered click the link below
We are looking for two new board members! Serving as a Library Trustee is a rewarding way to give back to your community and to ensure the ongoing success of your public libraries. The seven-member volunteer Library Board is responsible for governing the District, including guiding its mission, providing policy oversight, planning for future library service, and overseeing the budget. 😀
Trustees must be at least 18 years of age and residents within the legal service area of the district. Feel like you would make a good fit? Read more details about this important job and apply online or in person: https://loom.ly/yHmcryM. Applications due by noon on 2/25/22.
COVID Community Conversation
Join the Board of Larimer County Commissioners and members Department of Health & Environment from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Jan. 25, 2022, for a VIRTUAL COVID Conversation with a question-and-answer session.
You’ll need to register in advance to participate in this meeting: https://www.larimer.org/bocc/citizen-meetings
Join us for a virtual workshop: Hope & Healing - Friday, January 14, 9:00 – 10:30 am
The turning of the year offers new promises. What do we dare to hope for? What aspects of individual and collective healing can we seek, even during difficult times? While there is no “secret” formula for bringing about change, there are a number of ways to access hope and healing. We will be drawing on perspectives from positive psychology and the science of mindfulness to explore how we might approach cultivating the inner resources that can support our aspirations. Registration required at https://larimer.extension.colostate.edu/classes-and-workshops/health-and-wellness/
Take our short questionnaire at http://ow.ly/mmVr50H2i7T to share your views on climate change and help shape Larimer County's first Climate Smart Plan. Learn more here: https://www.larimer.org/climate-smart
Larimer County is seeking community members to serve on its new, nine-member Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Advisory Board. The advisory board evaluates Larimer County programs, policies, initiatives and provides feedback to the Board of Larimer County Commissioners while striving to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in those areas.
Community members from a variety of diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. The deadline to apply for this board is December 20, 2021. To learn more about the board and to apply, visit https://www.larimer.org/boards/equity-diversity-and-inclusion-advisory-board.
So, what do you think?
The challenges in the last year-and-a-half from COVID-19 have altered our lives in many ways.
Local governments including have access to federal funding to strengthen our community. To make the best decisions with the funding and reach the most residents, the Larimer Recovery Collaborative needs feedback from residents on the best uses of these resources. Access the survey here: http://ow.ly/hRuc50Gc2Kg
Los desafíos en el último año y medio de COVID-19 han alterado nuestras vidas de muchas maneras.
Los gobiernos locales, incluido , tienen acceso a fondos federales para fortalecer nuestra comunidad. Para tomar las mejores decisiones con los fondos, Larimer Recovery Collaborative, necesita comentarios de los residentes sobre los mejores usos de estos recursos. Accede a la encuesta aquí: https://tinyurl.com/SpanishCommunityRecovery
Family leaders in Larimer County check out this opportunity to meet with The Colorado Attorney General's Office this Wednesday!
Larimer County Family Leadership Training Institute
Link NoCo - NFRMPO
Home / Transit / LinkNoCo Quick Links:What is Link NoCo? | What is Premium Transit? | What are the desired outcomes? Building on Previous Efforts | LinkNoCo Timeline | Get Involved | Questions? What is LINKNoCo? The NFRMPO desires to expand premium transit service to connect communities by preservin...
Help make a difference in our community! Visit the following link to find out how you can become an ATV Board Member: https://alternativestoviolence.org/volunteer
The challenges in the last year-and-a-half from COVID-19 have altered our lives in many ways.
Local governments including have access to federal funding to strengthen our community. To make the best decisions with the funding and reach the most residents, the Larimer Recovery Collaborative needs feedback from residents on the best uses of these resources. Access the survey here: http://ow.ly/hRuc50Gc2Kg
All three Commissioners will host a Spanish Charlas con los Comisionados [talks/w the commissioners] at 6 p. m., Oct. 6 at Northside Aztlan Center, 112 E. Willow, Fort Collins.
Hola familia!
Nuestros compañer@s de League of Women Voters, Larimer County, Colorado van a tener una conversación con el autor Jon Paul Brammer sobre su nuevo libro y temas de la comunidad LGBTQ+ el 29 de septiembre!
¡Habrá interpretación disponible!
Registrese aqui: https://www.lwv-larimercounty.org/content.aspx?page_id=4002&club_id=320226&item_id=1514727